
Moonlight memories

Darius walked along the castle corridors, barefoot, it was very late into the night, the castle was silent, all the servants were very much asleep. He walked until he stopped at her door, he opened it gently , not wanting to wake her and crept inside her bedchamber. There he saw her, the reason for his restlessness and inability to fall asleep. She was sleeping soundly with the moon lighting up the room. He went closer to her and he couldn't help wanting to lie next to her which he did. He thought that lying next to her will help calm his wolf that has been very restless, he turned to his left side watching her as she slept. he still wasn't satisfied, he crept closer to her until he was now looming over her, before he knew it he's hand was brushing the strands of her hair off her face, she looked very beautiful to him. he sniffed her hair, and he couldn't help growling "mine". he placed a kiss on her forehead then her eyes, her cheeks and finally he hovered over her lips, his wolf singing in his head "mine, mine". finally he could kissed her on her lips, the first was a little peck and than he pried her lips open and kissed her with such verocity that only a hungry man could have, which waked the poor girl up, she gasped and he used that opportunity to insert his tongue inside, and my,he has never tasted such sweet delicay before, he continued his administrations with his hands trailing all over her legsto her bottom, he was driving her insane, she needs to snap out of it............ in the kingdom of silvervale, where humans and werewolves coexist, the moonlight holds a special kind of magic. The moon casts it's silvery light over the land, creating a magical atmosphere that seemed to whisper of secrets and untold stories. Rosaline, a young dormant half wolf, her true nature dormant beneath the surface, waiting to be awakened by the touch of her mate. she grew up in the shadow of her mother lady Eleanor's broken heart. her father had abandoned them both for his true mate , leaving them to fend for themselves. Darius, the narcissistic alpha king of silvervale, had sworn off finding his true mate after witnessing the tragic fate of his own parents. He believed that love only brought pain and loss and he was content ruling his kingdom with an iron fist. But fate had other plans for Rosaline and Darius, when they crossed paths under the light of the full moon, something stirred within that they couldn't ignore. despite their differences, they found solace in each other's company and slowly began to unravel the mysteries of their pasts.

Unique_A · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: The king's Resolve

Darius stormed out of the grand council chamber, his jaw clenched and his mind swirling with anger and frustration. The council's ultimatum echoed in his ears and grated on his nerves but he refused to be dictated to, especially when it came to matters of his heart.

As he walked, deep in thought, Marcus fall into step beside him, his expression concerned. "my king, how did the meeting go?" and silence answered him. "Am guessing with your brows furrowed like that , the meeting did not go well".

Darius waved a dismissive hand. "the council dares to demand that I find my mate, or I choose a mate, as if I am some common wolf in need of guidance. They underestimate me. I will not be rushed into such a decision, they cannot dictate who I spend my life with ".

Marcus nodded, though he could sense the conflict within Darius, a frown creased his brow " perhaps it is time to consider your true mate Darius, the bond between mates is said to be unbreakable, and it could bring you great joy".

"Unbreakable?" Darius halted his steps and faced Marcus. "why, have you never seen it broken before Marcus?". Marcus sighed." Darius, just because your parents..." " I do not want to hear anything about them, they are the perfect example that showed that being true mates doesn't guarantee that you'll love each other forever and your hearts will beat as one, rather what one will bring upon themselves is nothing but weakness and pain, and I am not weak neither do I enjoy pain".

"Darius, theirs ended that way doesn't mean yours will too" Marcus implored him to listen.

Darius's lips curled in disdain " I have no interest in such sentimental nonsense, Marcus. Joy? what use is joy to a king?. I have a kingdom to rule, I will not be distracted by such trivial matters" " I would rather choose a mate who can further our kingdoms interest and someone who I can mold to my will and know where her loyalties lie, than be shackled to someone by fate". Darius continued on his way.

Marcus hesitated, unsure of how to proceed, " but Darius, what if your true mate is the one who can best further our kingdoms interest? is it not worth considering?".

Darius stopped in his tracks, his eyes narrowing. " Enough Marcus! I will not entertain such fantasies. I will choose a mate in my own time, on my own terms. now let us focus on ruling our kingdom and leave matters of the heart out of it".

With that, Darius continued on his way leaving Marcus to ponder his words. He knows that Darius's stubbornness could be both a strength and a weakness, and he hoped that his friend would come to see reason before it was too late.


In willow , Rosaline moved with purpose, her steps light with hope as she went about her day. The burden of caring for her ailing mother had eased slightly, for Lady Eleanor was finally showing signs of recovery.

As Rosaline walked through the village square, she greeted the villagers who showed their support for them with a smile, her heart full of gratitude for their support during her mother's illness. She stopped by the market stalls, selecting the finest ingredients for a celebratory meal to mark her mother's progress.

When she arrived home, she found Lady Eleanor sitting up in bed, a faint blush returning to her cheeks. "Rosaline, my dear," her mother greeted her, her voice stronger than it had been in weeks. "I feel better today. Perhaps I will be able to join you for a walk in the garden soon."

Rosaline's eyes sparkled with joy. "That would be wonderful, Mama. The garden has missed your presence."

As they enjoyed a simple meal together, Rosaline and Lady Eleanor spoke of happier times, of picnics in the meadow and dances under the moonlight. For a brief moment, the shadow of illness was lifted, and mother and daughter shared a moment of pure joy.

After dinner, as Rosaline tucked her mother into bed, Lady Eleanor reached out and took her hand. "Thank you, my dear Rosie," she said, her voice filled with love. "For everything you've done for me. You are my light in the darkness."

Tears welled up in Rosaline's eyes, but she blinked them back, determined to stay strong for her mother. "I will always be here for you, Mama. Always."

As she blew out the candle and settled down to sleep, Rosaline's heart was full of gratitude and hope. Little did she know that their newfound hope would soon be tested in ways she could never have imagined.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold, Rosaline sat by the window of her small cottage, lost in thought. The burden of caring for her mother weighed heavily on her mind, and she knew that their meager savings would not last forever.

She remembered her mother's words, spoken with a voice full of warmth and wisdom. "Rosaline, my dear, you have a gift. You have inherited my skills as a seamstress, and with that knowledge, you can create beauty from nothing."

Inspired by her mother's words, Rosaline made a decision. She would take charge of her mother's work and take it to the next level, using her skills to secure their financial future.

The next day, she sought out her best friend, Ciara, and poured out her plans. Ciara listened intently, her eyes shining with excitement. "Rosaline, this is brilliant! You have the talent and the drive to make this work."

With Ciara's encouragement, Rosaline set to work, sketching out rough designs and pouring her heart and soul into each creation. She knew that she needed to find a way to showcase her work and attract potential clients.

That's when Ciara had an idea. "Why not approach Lysandra, the village alpha's daughter? She's always looking for the latest fashion trends, especially with the king's birthday ball approaching. If you can impress her, word will spread quickly."

Rosaline hesitated, unsure if she had the courage to approach someone as influential, bratty and hard to please as Lysandra. But Ciara's words of encouragement spurred her on, and she resolved to present her designs to Lysandra, hoping that this would be the first step towards securing their future.


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