
Vol. 6 - Chapter 39

And so, Kaori did her best to convey what Lumina had told her. The goddess's interpretation of Alkoth's plan, her feelings with regards to it, and her own alternative. Kaori explained that according to Lumina, Niven's control over the demons would be stripped, thus, bringing about the end of this war, at the cost of her own existence. 

By the time she got through it, her girlfriends' faces reflected emotions of intrigue and curiosity. Not quite the looks of, "wow, that was interesting but we'd obviously never do that" which she'd hoped for. 

"..." There was a silence in the air. Eventually, as Kaori gauged that both Ash and Keiko were actually considering this, she finally broke and stated: 

"I don't want to do it." Her voice was firm and unwavering, for once. This was something she was absolutely certain about. "Lumina's been there to support me since... since the start. There's no way I can do that to her." 

At that, Ash raised a brow.