

Jason Riley Nelson thought he was just another ordinary kid living near one of the less popular Florida beaches. Jason was about to find out That not only did monsters exist, But the he was one. How's Jason supposed to survive in a world full of monsters? Camouflaged monsters but still monsters. But that wasn't biggest part that bothered him. You see Jason had a problem. He didn't know what kind of monster see was.

Angelina_Bennett · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The drink stand

Jason, and Curtis are sitting at one of the outdoor tables.

"Still, a no contact school?" Jason breaks the silence.

"Yeah a no contact school," Curtis looks a little annoyed by Jason's line of inquiry, "Can we talk about something else?"

"How are your parents paying for it?" Jason sips at his drink, "I mean your family has more money than mine, but this school is out of state."

"Scholarship," Curtis slides his drink back, and fourth on the table.

"Curtis," Jason pushes his hair back, "You wanna play games when we're done here?"

"Sure," Curtis's face brightens a little.

A commotion draws their attention to the other side of the drink stand. Two big brutes are pushing around a smaller nerdy kid. Jason recognizes them, and looks irritated. The leader of the two. Carter is doing most the pushing while his meathead friend Decker stands back watching with a little smirk.

"Come on dork," Carter grabs at the smaller kids drink, "Give me MY drink."

"Carter!" The kid protests, "I paid for it, it's mine."

Carter shoves him harder, and the lid pops off spilling a good amount of the drink. Jason's irritation turns to anger as the ice in his drink quickly melts.

"Now look at what you did idiot," Carter looms over the smaller kid, "Now you'll have to get me a new one."

Jason jumps to his feet just as his drink comes to a biol.

"Back off Carter," Jason snaps as he walks over towards the two bigger kids, "It's his drink, and you know it."

"Are you stupid or something?" Carter steps towards Jason, "You remember what happened last time you pissed me off."

"No," Jason smirks as he glances around quickly, "I'm not threatening smaller kids in front of a cop."

Carter tenses angrily as Jason points out the officer relaxing not far from them. His cocky smirk spreading across his face to a full smile. A dark look in his eye. Carter looks like he's going to punch Jason for a few seconds before deciding to back off. Jason glances around again as he turns to go back to his table.

The smaller dorky kid had bolted while Jason was distracting the two big jerks. Jason watches the two jerks walking away for a second while he was walking back to his table with Curtis. Curtis was standing at the table watching Jason carefully.

"You know he's going to get you back for that," Curtis frowns as he sits back down slowly.

"I'm used to it," Jason takes a sip of his drink, and makes a face as he looks at it funny.