
Monsternomicon: The Library of Monsters

An encyclopedia detailing multiple kinds of mythical creatures and the like.

HahaYes · Fantaisie
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29 Chs



[Presence]: 42

Seducers are creatures of the Succubus "Family", they're what becomes of Succubus if they fail to go through the metamorphosis of ascension to the Prince of Desire. Their bodies begin to mutate because of a gift the Prince of Desire bestowed upon them so they may act as her agents and assassins. Though they didn't receive the ascended power like Succubus who've ascended, they're much stronger than normal Succubus still attempting to ascend. They have been known to take down Paladins in duels that have occurred across Mundus. In the nighttime, they've been spotted moving great distances in a short amount of time and rumors said they moved faster than the human eye could see.

Though they still have the beauty and attributes of a Succubus, they often hide their faces behind veils that cover the bottom half of their faces due to shame and acts as a mark for other Succubus if they're in need of aid. They are usually spotted wearing darker clothing. Seducers typically like to shape their bodies into nimble figures instead of a more tantalizing one. They have red piercing eyes that if gazed into for too long would help sway the hearts of anyone allowing them to manipulate people with just their words.


<<Loved By The Shadows>>: Though the Prince of Desire is usually shown to be a Benevolent being who deeply protects the things that she desires, she can become a Malevolent one if angered shown by her cursing the Seducers to be more powerful by hiding themselves in the shadows as they've failed in their one true goal of reaching her.

<<The Darkness of Desire>>: Seducers are the primary assassins of the Prince of Desire. They were gifted the ability to control darkness, though not the true shadows to which empower them. They can turn their limbs into pure darkness being able to make them intangible or deform into specks of darkness, smaller than dust particles that will pass through the target's body or be breathed in which they can reform in their chest to crush their heart or in their lungs to suffocate them.

<<Emissaries Of Death>>: Seducers are extremely skilled killers, they've been seen predicting targets movements or being untouchable to human monks who spend their entire lives mastering martial arts. They're trained in many different weapons from spears, swords, daggers, bows, or their signature weapons chakram. They're extremely proficient martial artists being able to subdue bystanders who aren't deemed for death by utilizing pressure points. They honed their sense to even instinctively defend their blind spots.

<<Allure Of Darkness>>: Seducers are hard to be spotted when within crowds or at long distances because they have a sort of aura about them that makes them resemble those around them when entering a group or look like a mirage at distance.

<<Marked For Death>>: All Seducer weapons are imbued with a curse that when cut with the blade it will drive the victims mad and cause them to die with no noticeable causes after a day.

----Modus Operandi----

Seducers typically travel by themselves but have been spotted in groups of 2. They will hunt and kill anyone marked by the Prince of Desire for death. When not hunting, they are agents of the Prince, making shrines for her or spreading her worship around Mundus. They sometimes act as guards for normal Succubus or Succubus who are close to ascending in an attempt to earn favor from the Prince which will give them blessings. The only kill they will go for with a mark is on a Paladin, as they are blessed by the Divine of War which's the Prince of Desire's enemy since the Divine of War not only represents War but also Death, which is the end of all desire.