

What happens when a two-century-old witch is infuriated? It leads to an unbreakable curse, a multitude of problems, chaos, and eternal life. While some may perceive this as a blessing or a non-issue, the Grade 9 West students at Berkeley Hills High School have a different opinion. This unfortunate class fell victim to the witch's curse due to their constant noise and disruptive behaviour. The curse transformed them into supernaturals, commonly known as "monsters" among humans. However, there's a significant predicament. They must conceal their true identities from their loved ones and evade the attention of authorities. Failure to do so could result in becoming subjects of deranged scientists or meeting a gruesome fate at the hands of the townspeople. Meet Jean Hathaway, the protagonist (MC), and her classmates as they embark on a journey into a world where humans are deemed feeble, power reigns supreme, and darkness pervades every corner. Will Jean and her classmates find their way through this treacherous new reality? Or will they succumb to the allure of the darkness?

Quiet_Crocheter · Fantaisie
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8 Chs


 The enigma of death, a profound uncertainty that lurks in the shadows, always unpredictable and untimely. Death, with its ethereal presence, silently awaits at every doorstep, choosing its moment when least anticipated. It shows no bias towards wealth or benevolence, indifferent to stature or kindness. It mercilessly claims its victims, be it a peaceful slumber or a daring escapade. Embrace the mystique of death as it asserts its dominion over all, reminding us of the fleeting nature of life.

Here I am, facing the inevitability of death itself. All my previous actions have showcased my reckless and foolish nature. How can I find a way to enter my crush's room without his consent and attempt to wake him up? Little did I know that my curiosity would lead me down this dangerous path. Who could have anticipated that he had turned into a vampire? It seems that karma has finally caught up with me, and it takes great pleasure in the misfortune that has befallen me.

As I gazed up at Philip, who was feeding off my blood and draining me of life, I couldn't help but notice how strangely attractive he looked. Despite my impending demise, there was an undeniable allure about him. Determined to meet my fate with style, I cautiously reached towards his torso, hoping to feel a set of well-defined abs beneath his clothing.

At that moment, something extraordinary happened. It was no ordinary spark; it carried a sense of magic and wonder. Unsure if this was how characters in fantasy novels sensed magic, I knew one thing for certain: it was like nothing I had ever experienced before. This single spark multiplied, giving birth to two, then three, and soon there were countless enigmatic sparks dancing on my palms. As they connected, a warm and comforting sensation enveloped me. And then, unexpectedly, I witnessed a mesmerizing sight - a radiant purple light emanating from beneath Philip's chest. I stood there, astounded by the ethereal display unfolding before my eyes.

As I tried to process the bewildering sequence of events, the sensation in my hands suddenly vanished, only to connect with Philip's chest instantly. Phil was forcefully thrown backwards in a split second, crashing into the wall opposite the bed with great impact. The force left visible cracks on the wall, evidence of Phil's unexpected collision. The whole incident left me utterly perplexed, struggling to make sense of the surreal turn of events. With a mixture of fear and curiosity, I cautiously got up from the bed and examined my own hands, noticing the faint remnants of tiny, fading purple sparks. My attention then turned to Phil, who remained suspended on the wall as if time had stopped. After what felt like an eternity, he detached from the wall with a sudden jolt, descending rapidly to the ground below and leaving a significant dent in its wake.

While trying to process my actions and their consequences, I was taken aback by Phil waking up. "Shit... My head is pounding," he groaned as he slowly rose to his feet. Reacting instinctively, I assumed a defensive stance with my hands held out as a shield. "Stay away from me!" I trembled. "I won't allow you to drain my blood!" Phil looked utterly puzzled by my behaviour and words, so he attempted to calm me down. "Jean, relax," he said in a soothing voice. "I'm not sure what happened, but I promise I mean you no harm." As if to prove his innocence, he raised his hands to show me that he posed no threat. However, I hesitated to trust his words. "No harm? You've already caused far more damage than y-," I paused, suddenly noticing something different about the 'Philip' in front of me. 'Since when does 'Vampire' Philip speak? All he ever did was growl and almost turn me into a withered old prune.' I locked my gaze with his crimson eyes and couldn't help but sense a genuine sincerity emanating from them.

Asking for confirmation, I hesitantly uttered, "Is it you, Philip?" Noticing the fear in my voice, he calmed me down, choosing to tread cautiously. With serenity, he responded, "Yes, I am indeed the one and only." Slowly, I withdrew my hand and regained my composure, standing upright. Unable to meet his gaze, I murmured, "How long have you been a vampire?" Even in my hushed tone, Philip could hear me. Astonishingly, he denied my assumption, "What do you mean? I have always been human since birth. There's no way I could transform into those mythical creatures." While he spoke, I caught a glimpse of his fangs, and it dawned on me that he was oblivious to his transformation into a vampire.

As I ignored Phil's response, a sense of urgency compelled me to rush towards the surgical table positioned next to the door. Phil, bewildered, shouted after me, "Hey, where are you going?" My actions met with silence as I remained focused on my mission. At the table, I discovered a hand mirror that seemed appropriate for my purpose. Gripping it firmly, I hurried back to Phil, determined to show him the inexplicable changes that had taken place. Despite his resistance to accepting the truth, he persisted in repeating himself, saying, "Jean, I'll always be human and will never turn into a vamp-" His words abruptly halted as I thrust the mirror right up to his face, unveiling undeniable evidence of his transformation.

It took him a moment to process the shocking sight reflected in the mirror. The pale skin, crimson eyes, and sharp elongated canines stared back at him, foreign and unfamiliar. "Is...," he stumbled, unable to find the words. "Is that me?" In disbelief, he turned towards me, desperately hoping this was all a terrible joke. "Yes. There is no sugarcoating this," I reluctantly admitted, my voice filled with regret. He glanced back at the mirror, his eyes carefully examining the foreign features on his face. He tentatively touched his pale skin and fangs, trying to make sense of the impossible. "How did this happen?" he asked, his voice filled with confusion and fear. Putting down the mirror, he looked at me, seeking answers. "The same thing I was going to ask you," I responded, my arms folding protectively across my chest. "By the way, you gave me two bite marks on my neck when you went on a bloodlust rampage," I pointed to the scars, a painful reminder of the situation at hand. "Jean, I'm deeply sorry for draining the life out of you. I-" I quickly raised my hand, interrupting his apology. "No, I should be sorry. I shouldn't have woken you up just because I couldn't sense your pulse, and I shouldn't have entered your room without permission," I admitted, guilt weighing heavily on my conscience. Phil nodded in understanding, but curiosity got the better of him. "Why did you come to my room anyway?" he inquired, a hint of suspicion in his eyes. I didn't want him to discover the real reason for my intrusion, so I crafted a believable excuse on the spot. "I wanted to check on my classmates, and you were the first person who came to mind. I didn't plan on waiting three more days to visit everyone, so I sneaked out of my room," I explained, hoping my lie would hold up under scrutiny.

While realizing that he was hesitant to believe my fib, I swiftly determined to divert his attention. "In case you have further inquiries, feel free to ask me after we exit this room. Our primary objective is to investigate whether the rest of the class encountered a similar situation," I added. Phil pondered over it before consenting to my suggestion. "Alright then, let's proceed," he responded, as he reluctantly retrieved the nearest pair of blue bear slippers from underneath the bed (although he inwardly cringed at the sight, he had to endure it). Together, we exited the room and began our journey through the corridors.

As I walked alongside Phil, I took the opportunity to explain our situation and why we ended up at the hospital. Just like me, Phil seemed puzzled by it all. "So, everyone else is here at this hospital?" he inquired. "That's what I believe. They've all experienced a similar twist of fate," I responded. He looked at me with a mix of confusion and curiosity. "You look just like everyone else to me," he remarked. I stopped in my tracks, staring at him incredulously. "The same?! Mister, you have no idea the shit I went through to get you off me," I grumbled, pouting my lips. He turned towards me, genuinely intrigued. "What exactly did you do, anyway?" he asked. I shrugged, shaking my head. "Honestly, I have no clue. It started with a spark, then multiple sparks, followed by a warm sensation and a glimpse of purple light beneath your chest. And finally, you were abruptly launched away from me, crashing into the opposite wall," I explained. He paused momentarily, contemplating the events that unfolded while he was in that state. I approached him, clasping my hands behind my back. "Well, a lot certainly happened in your bloodlust. So, which room do you think we should check out?" I asked. Phil pondered for a brief moment before sharing his thoughts. "I think we should head to Jael's room. He might have some insight into the supernatural beings," he suggested. I nodded in agreement. "Let's go, then," I replied, taking the lead as we continued our journey.

As we cautiously made our way towards Jael's room, a palpable sense of unease filled the air, adding to the tension between us. Our eyes met briefly, uncertainty reflecting in both our gazes. Finally, Phil broke the silence, motioning towards the door and with a hint of jest, said, "Ladies first." I couldn't help but let out a chuckle, sarcastically mimicking his gesture with air quotes as I replied, "As if. Unlike you, I have no desire to meet my demise out of curiosity." The recent terrifying ordeal we encountered in Phil's room still haunted me, the memories vividly imprinted in my mind.

Observing my apprehension, Phil let out a sigh of understanding. "Alright, I'll go in first," he conceded. Tentatively, he tapped his knuckles against the door, hoping for a response, but only silence met his ears. He waited for a moment, but the absence of any sound compelled him to take action. Embracing his determination, he exerted gentle pressure on the door, cautiously stepping into the room. Meanwhile, I stood outside, my patience intact as I quietly awaited his return.

The room concealed itself in darkness, intensifying my curiosity despite the recent chaos that had unfolded just moments ago. Leaning forward, I strained my eyes, desperately attempting to catch a glimpse of the interior. Yet, my view remained obstructed by the lack of light. Just as I was about to give up, a sudden appearance of Phil's head at the doorway startled me to the point of losing my balance. I landed ungracefully on the floor, a prickling sensation of pain making its presence known. For an instant, fear gripped me, the dread of Phil succumbing to another bout of bloodlust. But as relief washed over me, I realized that my fear was unfounded. Phil was unharmed, dispelling my momentary panic.

As I asked, "So, is anybody there?" I was surprised to hear his response, "Surprisingly, no. Not even Jael," he replied, leading me to the room's entrance. Confusion washed over me as I stepped inside. "What do you mean by that? Jael must be -" I paused, my eyes widening at the sight before me. The room was in complete disarray. The bed was an absolute mess, with torn pillows and bedsheets scattered on the floor. Broken and malfunctioning life support machines lay in pieces, missing vital components. The window curtains were shredded, allowing the eerie moonlight to seep through the swarthy dark clouds. The windows themselves were on the verge of shattering into countless pieces, and shards of glass littered the floor. The moonlight revealed something even more unsettling - claw marks. They covered the walls, ceiling, and every surface in sight. "Holy shit," I whispered in disbelief. I did not have this in mind when I planned to go to Jael's room. It looked like a savage creature had torn through the space, desperately searching for an escape route.

Suddenly, we sensed the presence of a creature. It was detected by Phil, who has a keen sense of smell. "Stay still," he whispered, silencing both me and the room. The atmosphere grew tense, and Phil cautiously took two steps forward. That's when we heard it—a primal, animalistic growl filled with hunger and pain. We slowly turned our heads in the direction of the sound, only to be met by the intense gaze of a massive black wolf standing 4 feet tall. Its eyes, a cruel and piercing gold, locked onto us, ready to strike. At that moment, I believed things couldn't possibly get worse. But fate had a different plan. With a snarl, the wolf lunged toward me, poised to deliver a fatal blow. Instinctively, I raised my arms in defence and shut my eyes tightly, bracing myself for the imminent impact...

 To be Continued🤭😎

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