
Monster Life in a S+ Ranked World

Towers, Dungeons, and Rifts have appeared in the world! Except there’s a twist... everyone’s S rank in power!

Godly_UwU · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

A... Violent Blind Date!?

I took a deep breath. I began tightening my tie once more for good measure. The world is full of monsters like that man before. That man... I tightened my grip and accidentally choked myself. I'm extremely weak compared to myself just a few days ago, so I have to be prepared. I possessed a massive colony of the rat population below, I could link my conscience to any one of them and recollect my power. The part of me walking out to the human world with mimicry is nothing more than a third of my total mass. If I die here, I would return back to my rats. If I don't, I'll try to find these human's secrets to their power. One wrong step and I could be dead. I stepped up the ladder and lifted the circular metal disk with a scraping noise. I winced and poked my head out.

The change in light nearly blinded this new body. But the coast was clear, there was no one in sight. But it seems that I was trapped in a maze. Hundreds of tightly packed identical structures covered the streets. I climbed out of the sewers and walked out. I looked around, and dusted my coat.


My legs shook. No, not this man again.

"I'm talking to you, bastard!"

How does he know it's me!?

"You son of a -, this bastard really just hung up on me!"

I threw up my hands in surrender. I have no idea what he's talking about, but I could sense his murderous intent from a mile away.

I slowly turned around and looked at his red face.

"What the hell are you looking at!?"

At this point, I breathed a sigh of relief. I wasn't the target of his rage.

"No sir, I was just stretching, I didn't mean to bother you" I said in the most polite voice I could, out of fear for my life.

My pride was close to shattering.

The man looked at me with a face that seemed like it got splashed by cold water.

Now that I could get a closer look at him, he was actually quite handsome. Green eyes and a perfectly chiseled face and shiny blond hair... I took note of his face and hair, making a mental note of my next character model..

I continued, "I am sincerely sorry."

The final nail in the coffin.

"I am new to this beautiful country you see, and I'm not aware of the customs. Please forgive me if I have troubled you in any way."

And with that, I gave a deep bow. This humiliation hurts me in a place I never knew could hurt.

Humility and politeness seemed to be commonplace here. He calmed himself down within a minute and, "I'm..." he stuttered for a second.

"I'm sorry about that. I was talking to my rude son who hung up on me and I got a bit carried away"

I gave a knowing smile even though I had no idea what he was talking about.

"It's fine," I replied with my nicest smile. "Taking out your anger on a random person isn't justified, it's a public nuisance where I was from" the perfect line! Adding a subtle insult to seemingly kind advice! Genius! I shall shower my etiquette trainer with riches once I return home! As my brain showered itself with compliments and praises, the man simply nodded. I guess I'll just keep this victory to myself.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that," he replied in a polite tone. "Would you like to come over for some tea?"

"No that would be -"

"I insist! It would be rude of me to not!"

Damn it! My etiquette trainer didn't teach me that one! I'll just stick to what I know...

I gave a smile and said "well, let's go then".

I couldn't see his plans for inviting me to his house but I do know this, he has something planned. I'll just have to be careful with this. The walk couldn't have lasted more than a few minutes, but we walked for seemingly an hour because of the tension I had in my head. I watched every movement he made with a keen eye. Every time his hand twitched or moved, I feared for my life. He opened the door and yelled, "honey, I have a guest!"

A pretty Japanese lady answered.

"Are they from work?"

"No, it's a delightful young man I met just down the block!" The salaryman looked right at his wife with a signal. The woman understood what he meant immediately and turned around.

"I'll go set the tea!" It seems the lady already knew we were coming in for tea…

Wait a minute. Could-could this be a trap? I looked around. They were acting too suspicious. He didn't mention tea, yet she already knew his intentions. Do they do this often? I froze. What if they were murderers? What if this was simply just a bait to get me where I couldn't escape!? I tried to calm myself down. It's all right, it's all right. I have backups. I'll be fine.

We walked inside for a few steps before stopping. I looked at him confusingly. Was this close enough for him to kill me? I balled my hands into fists in my pocket. The man then took his shoes off and placed them next to another three pairs. I was about to open my mouth and ask when he spoke up.

"Ah! I forgot that you're a foreigner. We usually take off our shoes off here and wear a slipper around the rest of the house"

"Oh, okay"

I took off my shoes while he handed me a pair of pink slippers.

"So this is a slipper..." I thought to myself. Doesn't look stylish at all.

I put them on the same way I would put on a shoe. The man gave me a weird look, seemingly convinced about something.

We continued walking until we reached a place I'll assume is the dining room. How small it is, for a man who could destroy my entire kingdom alone.

Sitting there was the woman from before and a girl. Are they trying to ambush me with more numbers!? I can't even beat one of them! I took a seat at the table. The man sitting down beside me decided to begin a conversation.

"My name's Jack Timber, and my wife over there is Ami Sato. My daughter is named Anna Sato. My wife and I had an agreement that she gives the child the family name and I give the first name. I'm Canadian, and Ami's from Japan."

Jack and Ami looked at me expectingly, while Anna played with her nails. She didn't care at all. I realized they wanted me to introduce myself.

"My name's-" I paused. I couldn't just blare out the "Demon King of the 3064th Realms, Akai". I had to make up a new name, but I couldn't make a fool of myself either. Before I could finish thinking, Jack spoke up "he's a foreigner, he can't speak well enough in Japanese yet". I looked at my {Diverse Language Level 3} ironically.

"Then why the hell is he here?" Said Anna, seemingly bored of this conversation. Jack and Ami looked shocked.

"You can't speak like that to a guest!"

"Let me guess, you made him come here to match him with me? That's not happening. You can tell him to leave now."

I spoke up.

"You're quite rude to your parents" I said with a smile. "It's not good to talk back to your parents"

I was being polite and all, but inside my head I wanted to shut her up.

"And who the hell are you to tell me what to do? You came all this way for a chance to date me, right? Well excuse me, mister"

She paused for a second, reached over the table and grabbed my tie. She pulled it right into my face and said "I have no interest in perverts, ugly". Just then, something in me snapped. I gave a tight lipped smile and grabbed her arm with one hand.

{New skill earned, {Petty} Level One}

Her eyes widened like she didn't expect any retribution. But it was too late. With one hand I tugged with all my might and.... nothing happened. Ah... I forgot that I was extremely weakened right now. The next second I knew, her other fist was swinging at me at supersonic speed. I pulled my head back, dodging her blow by a hair's breadth.

I gave a look to Jack, who simply nodded his head. I don't know what signal he was giving me, but I didn't care. My power right now was comparable to a D Rank. The person I'm about to fight is around A+. It was like comparing the power of a wolf to a large pack of tigers. But, I can make full use of her strengths. I raised my leg to my chest and kicked out, but it had zero to no force. The bait worked, as she let go of her grip on my tie to dodge the kick. She looked at me and was ready to throw another fist. Damn it, it's all or nothing. One small graze might kill me.

Luckily I was trained in human body combat, because I wanted to fight in my human forms as well. She was a complete amateur judging by her form. As long as she doesn't use any skills-

{Cruel Flames Transformation Level 1} has been activated! {Wind Pressure Fist Level 3} has been activated! {Hyperspeed Level 1} has been activated!

...It seems that she was ready for a fight. She took a swing at my face that I promptly dodged by twisting my body to the right, while the Wind Pressure gave me a shallow cut on the cheek. As blood flooded out, the wall behind me was completely leveled.

"Is that all you can do?" She taunted. I'm not taking any chances. I start secreting my scarlet poison out of my body's sweat glands.

She gave another punch, which I dodge easily yet again. I gave a quick and light uppercut to her chin, doing zero damage but stunning her.

She drunkenly threw another punch that I easily dodged. It was my turn to attack, with a kick to her neck, as she clutched her throat coughing. Then, followed by a swift kick to the chest and then tripping her legs, she fell to the floor. While it looked impressive, there was close to no damage dealt. It was like 500 damage dealt to a boss that has 10000.

Then, I focused all my body weight on my hands and choked her neck, and injected a short stunning poison. While the flames around her body burned my hand, I continued to choke her out, as her body kicked around trying to free itself from the poison, but she was running out of air. She could throw me off within a second, but the poison made her sluggish. After a full minute of the choke hold, I released my hand while she layed on the floor gasping for breath.

I gave her parents another bow with my face towards the ground. "I apologize for roughing up your daughter. Even if it was self defense, it is unforgivable."

I was panicking. I was so dead.

"It's fine."


He took a heavy, angry breath. "Thank you for sparing my daughter."

I was surprised. I choked his daughter half to death yet he had no anger, but thanks? I thought to myself what terrible parents they are until I looked at the system message.

{Duel of Anger has ended}. The Duel of Anger was a life or death fight. When it started, no one could interrupt. When someone is ready to fight to the death, it starts. The duelists were to fight with the capability to kill, and one had to die, unless the death penalty was canceled by the winner. (Anna wasn't fighting to kill, but I was fighting ready to die, because one punch would easily end me).

One last condition, they both had to be {SYSTEM} users...

I knew it. The reason why they were so strong is because they are {SYSTEM} users.

Because I was as the one who forgave her, Jack thought his daughter was trying to murder someone he just met.

Haaah, I don't know how this worked out so well.

I had nothing better to do today so I got lost in novel writing. I hoped you enjoyed the long update this time! As always, please support this series however way you can! Just the fact that you read this is one more reason to continue! But collections, comments to help me improve is helpful as well. Especially the comments part. Thanks!

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