
Monster Life in a S+ Ranked World

Towers, Dungeons, and Rifts have appeared in the world! Except there’s a twist... everyone’s S rank in power!

Godly_UwU · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

A Mutual Agreement with a few Strings

"Haaah!" A slash sent waves of ice targeted right at Akai, who woke up from his blood thirsty rage after noticing my power skyrocket. Killing Intent was literally oozing out of my sword. He attempted to block the attack, but was subsequently slammed right into the barrier.

Akai got up, shaking his head as if the previous attack was just plain annoying. Splitting into five doppelgängers, they charged at me while running in a confusing pattern, until I couldn't discern which was the real one. I grinned. That wasn't a problem at all. 「The Lonely Ice God」 has been fighting alone all his life. Why wouldn't he develop counter measures again people who fight in groups?

I pretended to panic and swung my sword in a wide arc. Seeing a chance, the doppelgänger rushed in while I stagger from the weight of the large sword. I plunge my sword into the ground, sending shockwaves laced with ice magic. The five doppelgänger got instantly tied up with ice. A secret sixth one jumped out to strike me, but I was prepared. There's no way Akai would've came without a sneak attack. When he's not crazy with rage, he's careful and cunning. I stabbed the sixth one in the stomach as it disappeared with a poof.

With my hand outstretched, I casted ice magic mixed with torture one. It's normal for a Demon King to torture for information, right? {Ice Daggers} and {Blood Drain level 3} is a easy and simple one. As their blood slowly drips out of their body, their minds slowly losing it's usual supply of blood, becoming blank and answers anything you want. Sadly, it won't work on Akai since he's a Mist creature. He doesn't even need blood in the first place.

And doppelgängers around him disappears, there was only one of him left. With his Spirit Weapon, he was slowly redirecting the ice to prepare for a sneak attack once I get close.

"I'm am literally you. I know exactly what you're trying to do, considering I did them before."

I easily reinforce the ice as he struggled.

"So, how about it? Ready to give up?"

Suddenly, searing pain ran through my abdomen. I looked back. He had one more doppelgänger left. I looked forward to see a smirking Akai.

And that face turned into despair within a second when I slice off his doppelgänger's head from behind it and my fake body.

The clone that he stabbed turned into ice and melted to water, then disappeared.

"Like I said, Akai. I know what you're trying to do. Give up". I held out my hand.

"Oh right. I forgot I tied them up. Oh well. I just need your oral agreement" I gave him a cheeky grin as he glared at me with anger.

"Screw you! I'll stay in here until the both of us starves!"

"Gentlemen! Refreshments are ready!" Our heads turn to the source of the noise as the captain walked in with a stroller full of food and tea.

"Help yourselves! Would you like honey milk tea?" He handed out one of the many variations of tea, as I took one and gave a loud slurp. I made sure to make it as loud as I could, informing Akai about how good it was with a "ahhhh" after I swallow the drink.

The captain looked at me with distaste, but I simply winked at him.

The captain immediately understood, and left me with the stroller full of food.

I grabbed a sandwich that was stuffed to the brim with delicious looking meat and took a large bite. Akai just sat there, drooling while not making eye contact. I kept making a show about how good tasting the sandwich was after every bite.

I finish up the sandwich with Akai looking like he was about to cry.

"What a shame. The food here is so good! It seems like all of it is going to waste." I held my belly and burped. "I can't anymore. Maybe just one more...."

I stuff my face with a strawberry cake as Akai could do nothing but watch.

"Well, since I won, I guess I'll just leave."

I winked to the captain as he allowed me to leave the barrier.

Akai sat alone in the barrier and the room, starving to death while watching perfectly fine food rotting in front of his very eyes.

"I'll do it" he whispered.

"I won't try to kill you guys anymore. So please!"

I walked in and undid the spell. He just crumbled to the floor with his head down. Seeing so much wasted food while millions are starving everyday is just heartbreaking to him, especially because he once was one of them.

"There, there. It's fine. You can eat now." I offered him the same sandwich I had before, while patting him head.

He grabbed the sandwich, taking large bites after bites while tears streamed down his eyes.

While he was the one that truly became the demon king , he never, not once had a chance to enjoy the luxurious life that came with the job. All because of that pill. Secor. The one that betrayed him. Before I knew it, I was giving him a bear hug.

"I'm sorry about the pill. I'm sorry about Secor. So please, you don't have to forgive me right now. But believe me when I tell you I regretted believing Secor."

He kept silent as he continued eating his sandwich. He stopped midpoint and just stared at the half eaten sandwich. "I miss him. I miss him, John. He never gave us his name."

I hugged him even tighter. "I know. Even though I just remembered him... I miss him too"

We stayed there, in that position for a long time. It just felt so warm. It felt like I just got back something I lost for thousands of years.

Ahh I felt so heart warmed while writing this. Thanks for reading!

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