

Nobody talked, nobody said anything, and everybody looked at the Sky Sovereigns above. 


Me and my clones are tracking their every movement through our soul senses. I don't want to miss anything, especially now.


"The battle isn't over till the last one of you filthy native is dead!" roared the Salamanderman and vast lightning attacked all the native Sky Sovereigns, which they defend.


However, the purpose of it had been accomplished.


It showed their intention to fight, and with that; we have begun fighting again. 


Within a minute, Sky Sovereign died, and it is ours, and one which I had helped, but a few minutes after that another and then another half an hour later, both were the Grimms.


They were Initial and Mid-Sky Sovereigns and their death didn't even stop the battle ever for the seconds.


Only the Peak Sky-Sovereigns matters.