
Monster in a world of heroes and villains

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime et bandes dessinées
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61 Chs

uncontrollable fire

(POV: police officer john)

I stared at the nightclub ahead, urgency coursing through me as we raced to the scene. Part of me couldn't help but wonder if this was all some sick joke, but in a city like this, you can never be too sure. With a serial killer on the loose, and now talk of zombies... It was all too surreal to comprehend. But we had to respond, just in case. Lives might be at stake, and it was our duty to protect and serve, no matter how bizarre the situation seemed.

I let out a sigh as I reached for my gun, steeling myself for whatever awaited us beyond the shattered door of the nightclub. My companions and I approached cautiously, noting with surprise the extent of the damage. It appeared as though the door had been broken twice: once to seal it shut, and another time to force it open. The strangeness of the situation only added to our sense of unease as we braced ourselves to enter the unknown.

As we ventured further into the nightclub, a scene of unimaginable horror unfolded before us. It was unlike anything I had ever witnessed in my years as a police officer. The hallway was littered with corpses, human remains strewn across the floor in a grotesque tableau of death. Bodies hung from the ceiling, their lifeless forms twisted and contorted in unnatural poses. Among the carnage, I spotted mutilated torsos and a body so gruesomely destroyed that its bones and organs were exposed for all to see.

"Shit... what the hell happened here...?" My colleague's voice rang out beside me, echoing the shock and disbelief that I felt deep within. It was a sentiment shared by all of us as we surveyed the scene of utter carnage before us. Even the most depraved criminals wouldn't stoop to such depths of brutality.

"Shit..." Another police officer's voice trembled as he struggled to contain the urge to vomit, his horror mirroring our own.

"Calm down... We need to find survivors... Maybe there are some..." I attempted to inject a note of hope into my voice, though deep down, I harbored doubts.

With my gun at the ready, I proceeded cautiously through the grim scene, my senses on high alert for any sign of danger. I made a conscious effort to avoid touching the corpses, though the overpowering stench of blood permeated the air. While I had grown somewhat accustomed to such odors over the course of my career, this level of carnage was unlike anything I had encountered before.

As I cautiously approached the shadowy figure, a sense of unease gnawed at the pit of my stomach. "Sir...? Are you okay...?" I called out tentatively, though doubt lingered in the back of my mind. I refused to meet my end like a character in a zombie movie.

Slowly, the figure turned towards me, revealing pale, lifeless eyes and a grotesque visage. My heart hammered in my chest as I backed away, fear coursing through my veins. "Guys, I have a problem!!" I exclaimed, summoning my companions to my side.

Together, we trained our weapons on the figure, who bore an uncanny resemblance to a zombie. "Sir! Stop or I'll shoot!" I warned, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and determination.

I sighed and calmed down as much as I could; I wasn't allowed to be afraid. I didn't become a police officer for this.

"Sir!! Last warning, if you don't stop, I will shoot you!" I said out loud, but the guy kept walking. Suddenly, he ran towards me. I didn't hesitate and shot him in the chest; the guy fell to the ground.

"Damn... that was a...?" A colleague next to me said with doubts. I knew what he was going to say, but I also doubted. New York was always mysterious; a serial killer on the loose who seemed to disappear like a ghost, a person who swings from buildings like a spider. At least it seems like he's a hero or something like that. But now zombies... or something like that?

Suddenly, the guy who was shot stood up unsteadily. I was surprised; it was a direct shot to the chest. A normal person would die in seconds or minutes, but he stood up as if nothing had happened.

"Guys, I think this is serious!!" I exclaimed.

I pointed the gun at him and fired another shot, this time in the leg. The guy fell to the ground again, but he didn't grunt or scream in pain; he just started crawling on the ground.

"Wait, is that a real zombie...? Like in the movies...??" said a police officer next to me.

Suddenly, I heard a scream; a partner was being attacked by another person. I think these really are zombies or something similar. I quickly aimed and shot the zombie. Luckily, I have good aim. The zombie staggered and fell to the ground. Suddenly, I saw how people I thought were dead rose from the ground.

"Shit... RUN!!" I said quickly as we ran inside a door that said "employees only." We went in there because the main door was blocked by dozens of zombies.

We entered and blocked the entrance with furniture lying on the floor.

I quickly tried to contact the radio, but it didn't work. There was no signal.

"What the hell...? There's no signal???" I muttered in bewilderment. The signal should even reach here. What the hell?

"Shit... now what do we do...?" another police officer murmured, sounding quite nervous.

"Don't worry, it's easy, I think... How many bullets do you have...?" I said as I looked into the magazine of my pistol.

"I have it almost full."

"Me too."

"The same."

"Well... we need to exit through another place. There is probably another exit. We need to investigate. There are 4 of us; let's divide into teams of 2. Yes, I know it sounds like a bad idea, but this way we will be able to examine the place even faster. Remember, shoot in the head. Well, that's what they do in the movies..." I said with a serious voice, although I had a little doubt in my mind.


Oliver and I, we have known each other for a few years. We were examining a fairly dark place, pointing our flashlights at several places. It seemed like a place where the staff would rest; there were chairs thrown everywhere. We saw a room.

"What the hell happened here...?" Oliver said.

I looked, and there was no door. The hinge was broken. It seemed as if something that was not human had blown up the door. We pointed our flashlights and looked at the door; it was smashed against some screens. I saw a corpse on the floor. I looked for a few seconds, but he looked like a real dead man.

"Damn... what the hell happened here..." Oliver murmured. I shared the same question gnawing at my mind. It seemed as if a monster had attacked the place. There were even zombies. It seemed that this was not going to be a calm day after all.

Suddenly, I heard someone running. I pointed behind me, but there was no one. I swear I heard something—it seemed like a person running.

"Hey Oliver, did you hear that too...?" I asked. This place was too scary. I didn't want to die in a place like that.

"Yes... it seems like there's someone here..." said Oliver, clutching his gun tightly. He looked nervous.

"Calm down, we'll get out of here..." I reassured Oliver, trying to calm him down. It seemed to work well.

"S.T.A.R.S..." we heard a voice. I quickly pointed at several places, and Oliver did the same. We didn't see anyone. That voice sent a chill down my spine. What the hell...?

"What the hell...?" Oliver said next to me. It seemed like something was stalking us.

We quickly left the room, pointing our weapons. The flashlight allowed us to see in the darkness, but we didn't see anyone. It seemed like someone was stalking us like a predator.

"John... we need to get out of here quickly..." I heard Oliver's voice behind me. "I know... follow me...", I said and moved down a dark hallway. Oliver followed me. We walked slowly through the dark hallway; our flashlights let us see the long path. We walked for a while and found a door.

"Would this be...?" I murmured while pointing the flashlight at the door. There I saw it: "exit." I quickly tried to open it, but I couldn't.

"Shit shit!" I muttered angrily. Our only way out, and it's closed. We're screwed.

Suddenly, we heard a growl in the distance. We looked behind us and saw something straight out of a horror movie: a large giant of more than 2 meters was watching us, like its prey. But suddenly, the giant walked away inside a door.

"Oh shit... run fast!"

Oliver and I ran as fast as possible to the room where we were trapped when the zombies locked us in.

We arrived, and Oliver almost fell. We were sweating. I had never seen anything like that. His face looked haggard. He was also huge. What the hell happened in this nightclub...?

"We need to call reinforcements... we need to get out of this place quickly," I said quickly as I grabbed my gun and looked in the direction where the other two went.

After a while, the other two arrived. "Hey, I think we found a way... What the hell happened to you?"

"We need to get out of here quickly... Seriously, there is a damn strange being that---" Suddenly, I saw a huge black shadow that ran and crashed into Oliver. I watched as the big shadow smashed into the door that the zombies were blocking, completely destroying it. I quickly dodged it, hearing the concrete and metal being destroyed. I got up from the ground with a pain in my head. I saw my hands, and they were full of blood. "What...?"

My head hurt, and I tried to get up, but the pain was intense. I saw how the dust filled the room a little. My companions were on the floor, also getting up from the unexpected event.

"S.T.A.R.S..." I heard that voice and shouted to my companions, "RUN!!!"

I quickly ran down the hallway, my companions following me as much as they could. As I ran, I heard the ground shake. I even heard things breaking behind me, but I didn't dare look back. I heard a big roar.

It seemed like a monstrous roar, and I didn't hesitate to run faster. I had a great idea. "Follow me!! The exit door is close. When I tell you to dodge, dodge. Do you understand!!?"

"YEAH!!" I heard their voices shouting. I quickly pointed my flashlight, which I never let go of, and ran through the place I remembered just in case. We ran until we saw her. Luckily, there is a room next to the exit door. We ran towards the door. "Stop!!"

The three of us stopped right in front of the exit door. We looked behind and saw the giant running towards us. He was incredibly fast for his size, but when I saw him run, it seemed like he wasn't giving it his all. I quickly shook my head and erased that thought from my mind. He couldn't run any faster, right...?

The monster was close.

"1...2...dodge!!" I quickly dodged, and the other two also did the same. We jumped right into a door that was open to the right of the exit door. I heard something break with a loud noise, something fly and crash into something.

I got up quickly and said, "Let's go!! Quickly!"

We quickly left through the exit door. My two companions ran swiftly. I looked behind me, and the monster crashed into a wall. It quickly came out of the wall and started running towards us.

"Run!!" I shouted as I ran down the alley of the nightclub. I quickly turned around and saw the car in the distance. "Yes!!"

But suddenly, I heard a scream behind me. I saw how the giant monster ran and grabbed the head of a friend of mine. It threw him to the ground with a force that broke the concrete. Shit. I ran faster to the car.

"Run!! The car is close!" I screamed quickly. Suddenly, I felt a bad feeling, and just in case, I jumped to the side. When I jumped, I saw how the giant monster crashed into a car. The car flew a few meters. Shit, his strength was terrifying.

"Shit.." I muttered in horror. I quickly got up and ran to the other intact car. I quickly opened it and put the key in. Luckily, it didn't destroy my car. It quickly started up. "Yes!!"

I looked out the window of the car and saw the monster grab the other police officer. He grabbed him with his hand and slammed him to the ground. His body was completely destroyed. His guts were flying through the air, blood staining the entire floor.

The monster started walking towards me. Damn it. If there were at least people in this fucking area, they would probably call more police.

I quickly started the car and left the place. I sighed in relief. The fear began to decrease as I drove, but it quickly returned. I saw in the rearview mirror that the monster was quickly reaching my car.

"SHIT!!" I screamed in anger. I thought I was going to get out alive easily, but I knew it seems like I screwed up.

I had an idea, but it was risky. I quickly moved the steering wheel and took a turn while skidding. The giant almost grabbed the car. I quickly drove and went back. The giant stopped and saw me. I didn't hesitate and drove as hard as possible against him. I wanted to run him over without hesitation. I wanted to finish him off. If he stays alive, horrible things would happen in Queens... no, in all of New York.

"DIE UGLY SON OF A BITCH!!" I screamed as I ran over it. I quickly covered myself with my arms. I felt like I had run over something heavy. The car derailed and hit the wall of a building.

I felt my head hurt, my vision was blurry. I took off my seat belt and opened the car door. I fell to the ground with pain all over my body. I saw my shoulder, and there was a rather large piece of glass. I grabbed it and took it out. Shit, it hurt too much.

I got up staggeringly and saw the car. It was on fire. I quickly ran staggering away from the place. But suddenly, I heard an explosion. I looked behind me, and the car exploded. The fire was infernal, uncontrollable.

Suddenly, I saw with horror how the car was pushed. I saw the monster, but this time I saw his body. It was almost intact. Well, almost. The blood was coming out of his chest. But I saw with dismay how he slowly healed at a speed visible to the eye.

"No... no... please..."

The monster raised his arm, and a tentacle slowly emerged. The tentacle pointed in a direction, towards the nightclub. In the distance, I saw how a zombie came out, slowly through the alley, but suddenly it fell to the ground, like a puppet whose strings were cut.

"He... he can control them...? Oh shit..." I mumbled in amazement and terror.

"S.T.A.R.S.." I heard his voice in the distance, sounding like a roar. I saw how he started to walk towards me, then began running.


"S.T.A.R.S!!!" The monster roared and ran towards me. I saw how he approached quickly; his speed was absurd for his size. I saw how he raised his fist and pointed at me. The last thing I saw was darkness.


(third person)

The huge monster looked at the destroyed corpse in front of him, the fire enveloped him with fury. He was burning, but he didn't care. He clenched his fists and roared towards the heavens.

"AARRRRGHHHHH!!" The roar echoed through the street like a monster straight out of nightmares.



Hello, the author here, I will ask you a question that will or will not be in the entire fanfic, well, I will try to make it as much as possible.

Do you want there to be one more episode based on terror when Noah unlocks new cards, like in this episode?