
Monster in a world of heroes and villains

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime et bandes dessinées
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62 Chs


(third person)

In a hotel room, a person was glued to the television, tuned into the evening news. Having opted to spend just one night at this hotel, he eagerly anticipated the arrival of an old friend.

"When the hell is he coming...?" The man muttered impatiently, his frustration evident. He appeared to be around 30 years old, with short blonde hair and dressed casually.

"Fuck..." he grumbled irritably, deciding to abandon his spot on the bed. He had been anticipating their reunion for a while, hoping for a memorable evening.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. The man approached cautiously and swung it open, revealing the empty hotel hallway. "Hello...?" he called out, puzzled by the mysterious knock.

"What the hell... they played a joke on me...?" the man exclaimed, clearly upset. All he wanted was to rest and spend a beautiful night with a woman, but it seemed she hadn't shown up.

As he moved to close the door, someone grabbed it, preventing him from shutting it completely.

"Who the hell is...?" the man began, annoyance evident in his voice, before trailing off as he saw a teenager holding the door open. The boy wore a hotel uniform, but his youthfulness was striking. With glasses perched on his nose and brown hair tousled, he seemed out of place.

"Sir... we have a small problem. Could you please step out of the room...?" the teen asked politely, his smile oddly unsettling.

"What the fuck...? You're just a kid. You shouldn't be working here..." the man retorted, surprised by the boy's presence.

"Sir... in the 21st century, anything is possible, don't you think...?" the teenager replied, still smiling.

"But... why should I leave my room...? I have the right to know what's going on..." the man insisted, his annoyance growing as his companion failed to appear.

"Ah, sir, do you happen to know a woman around 25 years old, dressed formally... named Cindy...?" the teenager inquired, his finger tapping his chin in thought as he scanned the man's face.

"Cindy? How do you know her...?" the man asked, taken aback by the unexpected question.

"Well... you see..." the teen began, gesturing behind him. The man followed his gaze and froze in horror. Cindy's head protruded from the ceiling, impaled on a large red tentacle-like appendage. Her jaw was partially missing, and blood oozed slowly from the wound. The man staggered back, collapsing to the floor in shock.

"Monsters..." he muttered, his voice trembling as he witnessed a horde of grotesque beings with exposed brains and muscular sinews, their hands adorned with long, razor-sharp claws.

"Hey... don't say that about my pets... they're rather hungry," the teen remarked with a chilling grin.

Suddenly, one of the grotesque beings leapt from the ceiling, lunging at the man and sinking its teeth into his neck with a single vicious bite. The man's attempt to scream was stifled, his voice silenced as his head detached from his body, falling to the ground like a discarded soccer ball. Blood sprayed across the floor in a gruesome display.

The teenager adjusted his glasses with a casual flick and grinned.

"Well, guys... time to put on a show," he declared, straightening his formal gloves and smoothing back his hair. With an air of nonchalance, he strolled through the hallways, the lickers trailing behind him, traversing the floor, walls, and ceiling with eerie ease.

The teenager was Noah, who had recently gained control over the Lickers using the enhanced Nemesis virus. This new mutation was unlocked at level 6 of Nemesis, granting him partial control over the monstrous creatures. While Noah couldn't command them as precisely as Nemesis could, he had devised a workaround using the Nemesis card.

Noah utilized the Nemesis card to create Lickers from people, imbuing them with a primal instinct to follow the orders of the individual they perceived in front of them. Once the card was deactivated, Noah regained control over them. Though his commands were relatively simple, it proved to be sufficient as the Lickers obeyed him without question, serving as both protectors and executioners for Noah's bidding.

"Well... I've already taken care of all the hotel workers, hacked the cameras, and now there are only the guests left... How easy... Time to have some fun," Noah mused with a twisted smile.

"Go in and eliminate them... Don't hesitate, but try not to cause too much destruction," he commanded. The Lickers emitted low growls as they bounded toward the doors, swiftly entering the rooms and dispatching the unsuspecting occupants. Shrill screams echoed through the hallway, eliciting a chilling grin from Noah as he began to sway to the rhythm of the chaos.

"Something simple, swift, and effective—a little dance to commemorate the moment of efficiency and slaughter. A beautiful moment indeed," Noah murmured gleefully, reveling in the carnage unfolding before him.

Noah entered a room and witnessed a horrifying sight: a Licker feasting on a young woman. Letting out a resigned sigh, Noah's attention was drawn to a faint sound emanating from a nearby closet—a child's cries. He approached cautiously and opened the door, revealing a trembling 10-year-old boy. The child's tears ceased upon seeing Noah, who offered him a warm smile before uttering, "What bad luck..."

As Noah turned to leave the room, he issued a chilling directive: "Don't prolong his suffering. End it swiftly."

A loud thud reverberated through the room, followed by the sickening splatter of blood against the television screen—the Licker had obeyed Noah's command and dispatched the child with ruthless efficiency.

Noah's remorseful sentiment for children was a fleeting weakness, albeit one he acknowledged even as he continued his grim task. With a heavy sigh, he resumed his journey down the hallway, his thoughts interrupted by the sudden sound of a gunshot.

"Ah, right... that's the person I came for. Almost forgot about my mission," Noah remarked with a chuckle, his laughter tinged with dark amusement.

His target was a scientist allied with Kingpin—a brilliant mind that posed a threat to Noah's plans. Fortunately, Noah had instructed the Lickers to merely incapacitate him, a directive they were capable of understanding and executing without hesitation.

Noah strode into the room, where he found a 40-year-old man slumped against the wall, unconscious and disarmed, his broken gun lying nearby—a casualty of the Licker's aggression.

"Damn... I hope he's still breathing. It's a pain having to track down replacement scientists, especially when this one's the only game in Queens," Noah grumbled irritably.

Approaching the scientist, who was dressed casually, Noah activated the Nemesis card. The ethereal mist enveloped them briefly before dissipating, and Noah's tentacles extended, hoisting the scientist into the air. With a determined stride, Noah led the way down the hallway, the Lickers obediently trailing behind him.

Noah had meticulously planned this operation for three days, securing a truck to conceal the Lickers. Despite his initial struggles with driving, he had quickly adapted to the task—albeit with a few casualties among the truck's drivers, courtesy of the voracious Lickers. It was a macabre sight, yet Noah couldn't help but find it oddly fascinating.

Noah exited the building, leaving behind the carnage he had orchestrated. As he stepped out onto the street, he spotted a truck nearby—an essential part of his plan. Though it had required dispatching a few guards, Noah found a secluded area of the hotel to avoid unwanted attention. Blood stained the floor, but the Lickers quickly disposed of the evidence by devouring the corpses.

Approaching the truck, Noah opened the back door, prompting the Lickers to eagerly climb inside. Once they were settled, curled up like obedient dogs, Noah shut the door securely.

Turning his attention to the front of the truck, Noah placed the scientist in the passenger seat before deactivating the Nemesis card. With a flicker of Jeff's influence, Noah climbed into the driver's seat and started the engine, ready to embark on the next phase of his mission.

Noah navigated the truck to a secluded area, marked by an abandoned building surrounded by desolation. Few souls wandered the vicinity, mostly homeless individuals seeking refuge from the unforgiving streets. Noah paid them little mind; their fleeting glances held no weight against the gravity of his mission. Besides, they wouldn't recognize the true nature of his being even if they gazed upon him.

Noah carefully hoisted the unconscious scientist out of the truck, noting with a hint of amusement the lingering effects of the Licker's forceful encounter. He ensured the truck's rear remained slightly ajar, ready to summon the slumbering Lickers when needed.

With the scientist slung over his shoulder, Noah proceeded towards an isolated section of the abandoned building. Here, amidst the quiet emptiness, he planned to conduct his interrogation.

Noah settled into the weathered chair, tossing the scientist onto the ground before him. Patiently, he awaited the man's groggy awakening. As the scientist stirred to consciousness, his gaze darted around the dim surroundings before settling on Noah.

"Who are you?" he demanded, his voice tinged with apprehension, beads of sweat forming on his brow.

Noah's lips curled into a wry smile at the scientist's reaction. "My name is Dio Joestar," he declared, relishing the playfulness of his chosen alias.

The scientist's eyes widened in recognition. "Dio...?" he echoed, clearly puzzled.

Noah nodded, confirming the name. "You work for Kingpin, right? The spider experiment and all that..." he prompted.

Caught off guard, the scientist's expression betrayed his surprise. "How do you know about that...?" he stammered.

"Information," Noah replied cryptically, his grin widening.

The scientist's nervousness was palpable as he attempted to assert authority. "You shouldn't meddle with us." he warned.

Noah's smile didn't falter. "Fuck you. I do as I please, whenever I please. If I want, I can kill whoever I want," he retorted casually, his face obscured by shadows while the moonlight cast an eerie glow on the scientist's features.

Noah's sigh cut through the tense air as he pressed on. "Why does Kingpin want to work on spiders?" he demanded.

The scientist's mouth opened to protest, but before he could utter a word, Noah swiftly silenced him by hurling a knife at his leg. A cry of agony erupted from the scientist as blood began to trickle from the wound, pooling on the ground beneath him.

"AAAAHHHH!!" he screamed, writhing in pain and collapsing to the floor.

"Shut the fuck up," Noah commanded coldly, his voice devoid of empathy.

Noah's sigh had a weight of contemplation as he absorbed the scientist's words. "Won't I hurt you more if you tell me why Kingpin wants to experiment on spiders...?" he reiterated, his tone now softer, almost persuasive.

The scientist, visibly relieved at the prospect of pain relief, began to explain. "Kingpin...he wants to experiment with it because he...he wants an army of very strong mutants..." he trailed off, his voice shaking with fear.

"Just that...? Why does he want that...?" Noah pressed, piquing his curiosity.

"Kingpin witnessed a unique spider bite one of his soldiers," the scientist continued, his words gaining strength as he recounted the events. "The soldier was mutated by being bitten by the spider. It was a few years ago, I think about 3 or 4 years. We did experiments, but almost all of them failed. Recently, an almost perfect specimen was created... Kingpin sent soldiers there, but they all They died. They also stole incredibly secret data from the spiders and the experiments... That's all I know... Please let me go..."

The scientist's plea hung in the air, mixing with Noah's thoughts as he processed the information.

Noah absorbed the scientist's response, his brow furrowing slightly in thought. "One last thing... You know who stole the data, right...?" he inquired, his voice carrying a mix of determination and urgency.

The scientist shook his head weakly. "No... I think no scientist was told who stole the data. We only know that it was stolen..." he replied, his tone tinged with uncertainty.

Noah pondered this revelation, a sense of unease settling over him. "It feels strange," he mused to himself. "They should know who stole the USB and look for whoever is responsible. That is the responsibility of scientists—they are classified things. But they don't know..." His thoughts swirled with questions, adding another layer of complexity to the already convoluted situation.

Suddenly, Noah's mind raced with suspicion. "How long have you been working for Kingpin...?" he questioned the scientist.

"A few months ago---" The scientist's response was cut short by the deafening sound of a gunshot. A bullet pierced his skull, ending his life in an instant. Reacting swiftly, Noah narrowly evaded another shot aimed at him.

"Shit, they've tracked us," Noah muttered under his breath, his mind racing with possibilities. "Well, this scenario was still a lingering concern. It was odd to encounter a scientist working for Kingpin on vacation, especially given his brief tenure with the organization..." Noah's thoughts raced as he darted through the desolate confines of the abandoned building, narrowly dodging bullets with each step.

Noah's heart raced as he closed his eyes, focusing his senses to their utmost limit. He could feel the vibrations of footsteps echoing through the deserted corridors of the building, drawing closer with each passing moment.

Soon enough, armed soldiers began to ascend the stairs, their heavy footfalls reverberating through the structure. Noah's muscles tensed, his mind racing with possibilities as he prepared himself for the inevitable confrontation.

"No... It's time to escalate things... I want to test the Lickers," Noah muttered under his breath. With a swift motion, he deactivated Jeff's card and activated the Nemesis card. A dense black fog enveloped him, and in moments, he vanished from sight. In his place stood a monstrous figure, towering over two meters tall. It raised one arm and pointed in a direction in the distance.

Meanwhile, in the truck, a soldier approached to investigate. As he opened the door, an incredibly strong tongue lashed out, impaling him. With a swift motion, the soldier's body was lifted and dragged into the darkness of the truck. Within, the sound of gnashing teeth and tearing flesh filled the air.

"S.T.A.R.S..." Noah rumbled in his Nemesis form, relishing the sound of the acronym. It had a certain ominous ring to it.

The dozens of Lickers swiftly emerged from the truck, obediently following Noah's command. Some scaled the walls of the building, while nearby homeless people fled in terror, ignored by the advancing creatures.

On one floor of the building, a soldier exploring the area was suddenly ambushed by a Licker. With lightning speed, the creature attacked, its razor-sharp claws tearing through the soldier's chest. Blood sprayed as the soldier fell lifelessly to the ground. As more soldiers entered the area, they opened fire on the Licker, but it swiftly evaded their shots, darting along the walls with unnatural agility.

In the chaos, one soldier began to voice his disbelief, only to be abruptly silenced as a Licker sliced him in half from behind. The remaining soldiers fought valiantly, managing to take down some of the Lickers. Meanwhile, Noah sensed the soldiers closing in on his position behind a nearby wall. Without hesitation, he thrust his hand through the barrier, seizing a soldier's head and crushing it with a sickening pop. As the soldiers opened fire, Noah felt the sensation akin to pain and itching, but he pressed on, emerging through the wall to engage them directly. With a powerful punch, he dispatched one soldier, sending him crashing into a nearby wall, while another fell victim to his brutal strength. Blood and entrails littered the ground in the wake of his onslaught.

As Noah surveyed the chaos around him, his attention was drawn to a peculiar sight: a soldier adorned in a distinctive black and red helmet, wielding a massive hammer with apparent ease. The soldier charged toward Noah, swinging the formidable weapon with superhuman strength. Reacting swiftly, Noah evaded the incoming blow and delivered a forceful knee to the soldier's chest, sending him hurtling into a nearby wall. However, to Noah's dismay, the wall proved to be a facade, and the soldier plummeted from the building's edge to the ground below.

Noah sighed, but his disappointment was short-lived as he noticed something intriguing nearby—a sizable box positioned beside where the superhuman soldier had stood moments earlier. Curiosity piqued, he approached and cautiously opened the container, revealing a sleek and powerful missile launcher nestled within. A wicked grin spread across Noah's face as he hefted the weapon, relishing the undeniable allure of his newfound arsenal.

Noah quickly assessed the situation from a nearby window, observing a reinforced truck disgorging additional soldiers. Without hesitation, he leveled the rocket launcher at the vehicle, his finger tensing on the trigger. With a decisive pull, the missile streaked forth, hurtling toward its target with lethal intent. Upon impact, the explosive force unleashed a deafening blast, engulfing the truck in a searing inferno of flames and billowing smoke. The cacophony of the explosion reverberated throughout the vicinity, marking the destruction wrought by Noah's precise strike.

Noah calmly descended the stairs, his path illuminated by the chaos unfolding around him as lickers dispatched soldiers with ruthless efficiency. Stepping out of the building, he beheld the aftermath of his explosive intervention, the smoldering wreckage of the decimated truck serving as a testament to his calculated strike. With a sense of accomplishment, Noah made his way to his awaiting truck, the lickers obediently trailing behind him.

Once inside, Noah deactivated his card and seamlessly transitioned to Jeff's identity. As he pulled away from the scene, Noah couldn't help but marvel at the effectiveness of his unconventional allies. With the lickers securely nestled in the back of the truck, he set course for a new destination, leaving the chaos of the firefight behind him.


More than twenty minutes had passed when a figure clad in a vibrant red and blue suit emerged on the scene. Spiderwoman surveyed the area from a distance, her keen eyesight honing in on the flurry of activity below. She observed several trucks and individuals dispersing, their movements indicating a swift clean-up operation.

"Kingpin... you bastard," Spiderwoman's voice reverberated through the confines of her mask, a palpable frustration underlying her words.

a pang of regret and frustration washed over her. "Peter... I'm sorry, it seems like I'm useless, right...?" she murmured softly, her emotions swirling with helplessness and anger. Despite her efforts to confront Kingpin, she couldn't shake the feeling that some unseen force was thwarting her at every turn.