
Monster Hunter: Nargacuga Life

Matthew was a scout for the Pokke village branch Hunter's Guild. However during a scouting excersize with his students they encounter a threat that ends Matthew's life. Waking up as a monster he is forced to adapt and accept who he is and move forward finding new goals along his journey.

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Lucius woke up screaming ready to fight whoever interrupted his revenge only to be abruptly yanked back by his newly added collar. After pulling and scratching with everything he had it finally sunk in that Lucius was firmly locked in his new cell.

Slowly but surely the sound of sniffling got louder and louder. Finally all the emotion that Lucius had bottled up came out like a bursting dam.


He howled in despair over the loss tugging on his heart. An idol and a great mother. Before he completely lost conscious he saw two men conversing with each other and gesturing to the Zinogre. Putting together the pieces Lucius directed his anger and hatred towards these men in order to protect himself from the guilt and sadness that ran rampant in his mind.

"I'll KILL YOU! Even if I have to tear myself limb from limb, I'll kill you!"

Lucius' cries of anger reverberated throughout the cell and into the prison. Only after venting his anger and calming down to a more reasonable level did he truly notice where he was. He was chained to the wall by thick iron shackled within a cell in a seemingly massive complex.

When he observed further he could hear the faint roars and screeching of other monsters every once in a while. With nothing else to do Lucius lay on the cold stone floors brooding over the events that had just occurred and dreaming of how he would achieve revenge.

Waken from his stupor by a lash to the back Lucuis tried to lunge at the offender only for his chain to yank him back down to the floor.

??? "Hahaha you must be new here. Good luck fodder, and try not to die hahahah!"

Suddenly a giant of a man came in wearing heavy full plate armour. He had a massive bowgun and aimed it right at Lucius. Three rounds were fired and each embedded themselves deeply into Lucius. Lucius felt his conscious fade as he once again collapsed onto the floor.

Waking up yet another cell Lucius was surprised to be alive yet that was quickly one upped as through the bars of his cage Lucius saw a massive area. There were no stands for an audience but a Luxury box set up where enclosed rooms had large glass overlooks over the arena.

Directly across from him on the other side was another caged monster. The all to familiar purple bird wyvern. The door to his cage suddenly opened and Lucius cautiously stepped out into the arena. Likewise the Yian Garuga was also released as it seemed to be sizing up Lucius.

Releasing its signature ear piercing roar, the Yian Garuga charged towards Lucius. Lucius also dashed towards the Yian Garuga only to be surprised by his own speed. His memory of the black haze was a bit foggy but for sure Lucius knew that he received an overall powerup.

Dodging the fireball barrage Lucius closed the distance trying to outmaneuver the Yian Garuga. Once he was within striking distance Lucius lept at the Yian Garuga with his wing blades extended only for it to just graze its foot.

While Lucius did obtain a power boost the Yian Garuga in front of him was no pushover. A backflip swing was thrown at Lucius but after seeing the move so many times he was able to dodge. Blows kept exchanging while both Lucius and the Yian Garuga were gaining many small cuts and bruises across their bodies.

Lucius was feeling dizzy as the Yian Garuga's poison was setting in. Knowing that he had to end the fight quickly Lucius went for the neck. Catching the Yian Garuga off guard, they both tumbled to the ground.

Unfortunately for Lucius the Yian Garuga was able to recover and throw Lucius with its powerful talons. Running out of time Lucius remembered the burst of black haze and the damage it did to the Zinogre. Unsure of how to activate it Lucius charged the Yian Garuga in hopes of ending the fight without the use of his wild card.

The fight dragged further and further till Lucius could no longer stand straight. Seeing its opponent collapsing the Yian Garuga gave a screech of victory. With no choice but the black haze Lucius scrambled to figure out how he did it back then. Tracing the feeling he held then a sudden burning sensation was building in his lungs.

Confident in its victory the Yian Garuga stood over Lucius ready to deal the fatal blow only for Lucius to fire a beam of sparking black haze from his mouth hitting the Yian Garuga at point blank.


The force of the attack sent the Yian Garuga flying into the wall knocking it out cold. Feeling the poison spread Lucius too, could no longer stay conscious and passed out.

"There is a pattern forming isn't there."

Once again Lucius woke up in the cell he first woke up in. Chained up once again, there was a slab of meat laying on the floor. While not the freshest or finest cut of meat Lucius was too hungry to care.

Too much happened in such a short amount of time that Lucius was just lost in what to do. Like a whirlpool his thought just surrounded him cornering him just blurring as they past by. However, one thing Lucius knew was that he did not like being trapped in this cell. Compared to open forest this cell felt stuffy and cramped.

With no other way to satisfy the anxiety and anger stewing within him Lucius fell back onto the tail training that his Mom taught. Hit an extremely sturdy object over and over again till your able to destroy it. After what seemed like hours Lucius barely left a scratch on the cell wall. Feeling the exhaustion waft through his body, Lucius collapsed onto the cell floor for the fourth time today.