
Whispered Something, Fire-sicle

I was stuck stunned with a stupid childish grin on my that, at first Jilly smile at. However, as I tried to let my brain cool down, her look turned to one that said she wanted to knock the smile off my face!

[Function, you idiot, you didn't just solve the Hodge Conjecture, pull yourself together, man!]

I shook my head and then blinked, looking directly at Jilly, and then kissed her passionately, making her eyes go wide in surprise. I pulled back, breaking the kiss, still smiling, fuck, I couldn't help it; I didn't even ask for a cookie and got the whole jar!

"Only on days ending with Y, no others," I said with a grin and kissed my confused-looking Oomukade, but then I leaned forward to her ear and whispered something.

"Wait, Monday… Tues-" Jilly said, and I pulled away from her, backing up to the fire, but Lizy came up and whispered in her, making her cut off.

I could hear the words in my head as Lizy spoke them in Jilly's ear, "All days end in Y!"