

The world stopped for a moment, everyone in the castle could feel a powerful aura and the soldiers that were coming increased their speed, even the to the guards of the main gate felt that elementary aura.

"Reveal," was just a phrase, but everyone could see that the sparkles around the young man were becoming less bright and were taking humanoid forms with wings on his back.

But there were four exceptions, and they were a red glow that, as it faded, showed no wings on its back, he only had two red circles under his feet, its hair was red together with its pupils, wore only a pair of shorts, and showed its naked white torso to all.

The other was a blue glow, his aura was strange it looked even with water, his wings did not exist he floated on a transparent cloud, his hair and eyes were blue and his robes consisted of a white coat and black pants, his feet they were barefoot.

The other was a green glow, her hair was green as well as her pupils, her clothes were simply a yellow dress, but what stood out in her was that she did not fly and it did not look like she could do so she was on top of a griffon, yes a little gold griffon.

Finally it was a purple glow that was just like the young, the only difference was that pair of butterfly wings with the colors of the rainbow, He wore leaves around his waist and even flying did not show anything.

Little Azra let out a chuckle and her low voice said "may come back lit lady," a strange scene followed, the great Azra was every second shrinking and a white glow surrounded her body.

In the end he was the size of the others and his hair and pupils were white, his wings were like those of the angels and he wore shiny white armor and emitted a sacred light around him.

The little Azra then began to grow and emit a blinding purple glow, when he reached a meter and seventy he stopped growing his wide smile was noticeable, a purple color gleaming in the left eye and a white glow in the right.

Her hair looked like a rainbow with a mixture of many colors and came up to her shoulders, her ears were pointed and her skin was soft, her body contained muscles harmonious with her slender figure.

He snapped his fingers and his hair became completely indigo, the leaves of his waist began to grow and became a very exquisite green robe, he stamped his foot on the ground and a small tree grew, his branches snapped every second and one crown of wood fell from the top of the tree.

The tree then began to die, and at last the red glow punched the tree that made it ashes.

From beginning to end it was a spectacle that made all the spectators gape open without understanding what exactly happened, the emperor next to the kings were sweating cold for fear of having annoyed such a legendary figure.

Suddenly a noise was heard as a figure entered breaking the wall and shouting, "who dares to put such pressure before my emperor."

The figure was an adult man with brown hair with a low cut, he exuded a palpable killer aura, anyone who looked at him could understand that this man had killed countless people.

"General Havock, who gave you the courage to destroy my palace?", The king was equally annoyed and happy, he was annoyed to see such an idiotic figure invading his meeting and happy to see the incredible loyalty shown by his general.

A trumpeting sound came and lightning fell from the heavens beside the king, a white-haired lord and a gray tunic, in his hand he had a metal staff inlaid with a yellow stone in it.

"My King are you well?", The king again felt his heart throb for the loyalty of his two strongest and most loyal men to be here at the same time.

The doors were opened abruptly and an army had invaded the meeting room, each exuding its own aura and along with his full armor, only his murderous eyes were seen, along with incredible determination.

And then in counter measure four sparkles appeared a bird sound was heard and four people were surrounding Azra with their maximum energies that could be the enlightened, the red devil, the beast-doer and the drizzle were ready for battle.

A soft voice echoed, "Illuminated miss, sir, hot head, Miss Friss and Mr. Grud, who said you should fight?"

An angry voice screamed and startled some, "how many times have I told you that my name is Tewg, hothead nor can be considered a name," was precisely the red glow who said.

A very calm and smooth voice was followed after "my king I also do not like to be called enlightened, I have said countless times that my name is Lizmel"

This is the angel, but the question that remains is, if she is a girl, then why was she wearing a male armor?

The elf was nervous because she could discern the strength of each of those beside the fairy king and the human side, and taking the general and the magician to the side of the emperor, all the others had only a force above the human average.

"Lord fairy king I see no benefit in fighting them at this time," she tried to appease things by talking about benefits.

The emperor had a scowl because he felt the strength of the enemy and knew that unless all kings and himself fought it was simply unlikely that they would gain from the enemies ahead.

Azra shook his head and gave a command, "Come back, elementals," and that's when everyone in the room realized something "if these four are elementals and not fairies, and the other glitters floating around Azra?" Everyone finally understood something.

Azra had not only four warriors but a small squadron at his disposal, and hence if they have a human army with flashy armor, because everyone knew that the stronghold of the elves were not melee, but their superb magical attack with elemental properties .

Everyone immediately sucked a mouthful of cold air into his lungs, and felt the sweat trickle down his back.

"Come on, elf, show me the location of your capital, there's still an alliance to be formed," the elf was a bit frightened and then she smiled and strode off, already thinking about the prizes she would receive for taking the fairy king to sign a contract.

But then a voice echoed, "would you be Azra the human who went into the forest?", Who spoke was the emperor himself, he was already thinking about his son at home who would have to take the throne and thought further on a future that he would create peace among countless races.

Azra paused for a second and looked back, his body felt rigid, and he nodded slowly as he considered some situations.

"Tell me, and if I go?", the ancient and timid Azra seemed to be just past, the current Azra had an arrogant and domineering aura and even the emperor felt annoyed by such an action.

"You were once human, so what about your family? And when they come from the other world you want them to fight and die?", For an emperor to bargain on this subject of to you can see the gravity of the situation.

Azra's eyes suddenly gleamed, he remembered something he had long forgotten and it was his own family, his heart felt guilty for having forgotten them, but no one could to blame his life changed so suddenly that it is normal to forget old things to learn new things.

"Alright, and what do you want? Do you want an alliance? First, free any fairy that is stuck in your domain and prove that you would have no intention of kidnapping us and stealing our elemental stones."

He said this and looked not only to the emperor but also looked at all kings, the elemental stone is something that every fairy had and the older a fairy the more powerful the stone because the stone with the passage of time converts all energy around and rejuvenates your host.

Strengthening not only the stone but also the user.

Fairies just like elves have a very long life expectancy because of these stones but for humans an elemental stone can strengthen affinity with the element that is in the stone and can provide an element to humans that has no magical affinity.

The emperor frowned as he knew that this act would significantly diminish his magical power and would have to start counting on the otherworldly transmigrated humans and their mysterious powers.

He nodded and said, "Right, I can from today promise that we will never again steal the magic fountain of a fairy," in the emperor's mind he was already ready to kidnap some and make the last magicians of his empire.

A breeze blew and a voice came out "my fairy king he plans to kidnap a few fairies before the end of twenty four hours," the little angel hurried and spoke loudly.

The eyebrows of many stood together and the emperor sweated nervously as this was something unexpected to happen "do you dare to slander our emperor?", The voice sounded directly from his right side and came from the general.

Azra shook his head disappointed as he knew the capabilities of each of his four elementals and the angel possessed the light of purity and this power allowed her to see the evil deeds of her enemies or the enemies of her king.

A massive vibration shook the whole castle and a resounding voice passed leaving a trail of sweat at all.

"KNEEL DOWN !!!!!!!"

Yes I changed the phrase that our MC screams because it was giving a lot of error in the translation of the previous sentence.

Jakscrzcreators' thoughts