

This fanfic is being rewritten, so check that out..! Peace Out and Sayonara

Heavenly_Demon13 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

CH-2 A Naked Monke with System


There it was, Black hair with a style that was only possible in a 2-D world. Black eyes with star-shaped pupils in the center. A lean build with every muscle refined and pushed to the human limits. And a White ring around his head. As soon as I saw the image, only one name came to my mind,

Jin Mori, The Monkey King

He was probably one of my favorite characters, mainly due to how strong he was and because he had no real limits. He even had quite a few overpowered skills. And even if you have removed his other skills, that man's body was enough. I mean he couldn't even fight on earth with his limiter removed because it would blow up the whole planet and that was when he was not even at his peak.

A few hours of fangirling later-

'I am going to be so OP!!'

[System would recommend training seriously for that as you are light years away from the Monkey King at his peak]

'Stop reading my mind you dumb system!'


[System doesn't know what Host is talking a-]

'Okay, I'll stop you there. Just don't read my mind again'

[Understandable. Have a good day]

'Hey, don't you dare use meme lines! And mind telling me why your voice sounds both like a male and a female?


'Whatever. Can you please set your name to EVA? I don't wanna call you system again an-"

[Name changed from System to Eva]

'That was fast! Someone's eager to get named.'

[Eva doesn't get what the host is trying to say]

'Sure sure you tsundere system. Please change my name from ??? to Jin Mori please'

[Does the host want to honor the original Monkey King?]

'Naah I just can't think of a name for now and the blank space on my status ticks me off for some reason'


[Name has been set to Jin Mori]

'That's much better.'

"Thank you Eva. Ohh I can speak now"

"Listening to myself from a different voice feels pretty weird. Hello. Hello. My name is Mori, Jin Mori. This is quite exhilarating. And this body feels so light, I could probably do a handstand right now. Yup let's try and do a handstand fir-"

[Eva recommends opening the Beginner's Pack and wearing some clothes. You are still very much naked]


"Please open the beginner's pack Eva"

[Beginner's Pack:- 1x Set of Jin Mori's clothes, 1x Ruyi Jingu Bang, 1x Jin Mori's Nightmask, 20 stat points, 1x Renewal Taekwando Skill book, 1x Full-contact Karate skill book]

"Let's go!! I got my dream staff and cool Martial Arts!"

"And some clothes to wear too."

10 Minutes Later-

"Hey Eva, I didn't get Jin Mori's Yongpo Suit, the cloud, the fan, and the Gourd"

[Please work for something Host.]


[And the Monkey King's other artifacts are too strong even in their base form for you to handle their power right now]

"Okay, that makes sense. Then my traveling partner Eva whom I can't even use as emergency food, Let's go find where exactly we are."

[Was Host addicted to Genshin Impact in his previous life?]

"Just call me Jin, and you don't need to spoil my jokes every time."


'While Eva did ruin my joke, I finally realized that everything I had in my previous life was gone. I was dead'

As soon as this thought came to my mind, I just spaced out. My parents would be really sad as soon as they get the news of my death, and my little sis too. I couldn't even give them a gift from my first salary. Other than my parents, no one's going to be sad, people would just shed tears or talk about life and say 'he died too soon' or 'this shouldn't have happened to him and just forget me a few days later. I guess that's true for anyone.

"I hope my parents and sister have a good life ahead of them"

"Now that I think about it, How did I even transmigrate or get a system?"

I don't remember meeting a god or a ROB So how did I get here, wherever this place is??

"Hey system, how did I get here and who gave you to me?"

[[Level too low to authorize this information]]

'Well, I expected this much. Meh. No worries. I'll figure it out when I have to.'

"Hey Eva looks like you don't have that much control over the system"

['While I am the system, the system is not me' would be the most perfect way to describe me]

"I get it. You are an AI to a smartphone."


"Okay then let's find some biological lifeform other than me for now. I have a feeling I need to walk long and the sun would set in about 4 hrs so we should start moving."

I said as I put my staff on my shoulder with a cool pose and started moving toward the direction I felt which was South.

[The sun just rose an hour before you woke up and will set in about 8-9 hours from now. As the clouds cover the sky at this altitude, telling the time and direction by taking the sun as a guide is not feasible and Jin, you are moving towards North So I would recommend taking the opposite direction]


"I was just taking a headstart to move towards the south"

[Sure Jin. I record everything you see and hear So you shouldn't worry too much]

"Delete that please."


(A/N) :- I will the put Jin Mori's powers and weapons in a separate chapter for those who want to know who he is exactly. That would be the reference for Jin's future abilities too. If you haven't watched or read God of Highschool then think of him as Sun Wukong...

So the Protagonist and his system have started moving, What's gonna happen next? Peace out and Sayonara