

Have you ever heard of the term money can’t buy happiness? Well the person who made that up WAS POOR! Yea I said it they were fricking poor cause you know what MONEY CAN BUY ANYTHING! Things money can buy: 1. Fancy things 2. Affection 3. A private beach house 4. Everything after that BECAUSE MONEY IS ABOSOLUTE Shin was a poor man with burning ambitions, he didn’t sit around and cry about how life wasn’t fair NO he worked his ass off to succeed, architecture, e-commerce, land development, Shin gave everything for money because it was his one true love and in the end died. But was this the end of Shin’s life? NEVER, his soul burned through the natural chain and was reborn into a baby filled with magic, knight, and dragons. Now here's the question did he care about magic and other worldly things? NO, Because you can buy strength with MONEY follow Ramon's adventure on his never ending quest to become the richest man and buy all of his desires and the world. For those who enjoy massive amounts of action then this might not be for you, this story will be heavily focused on the logistics side of things, mc will rarely fight and focus more towards as the controller of everything. I want to make a novel about a guy taking over the world with money not just physical strength. Warning: MC ain't a good person, he's sleezy and greedy so don't justify him like he's some saint. There is no such thing as a genuine nice rich person also I want to make my story crazy because I'm doing this for fun and I'm the author and I can do what I want. I don't know what I'm doing nor do I own the cover art.

Dextrious · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


"What are you doing elder." Ramon squinted his eyes at the elder who understood his worries.

"Our whole tribe, not just me must participate and since that is impossible given the sheer numbers, I have gathered all the members that correlate with all the bloodlines in our tribe." The elder explained that basically all blood flowing through their tribe was gathered in this room which was now cramped with dark elves.

They all had serious faces knowing how big this was and listened to their elder and possible master.

Ramon had grossly underestimated the cursed dark elf capabilities, Devos was talented but these dark elves had been training for decades while simultaneously honing their abilities, they were on a completely different level.

"Let's start this now so we can go over plans in the future." Ramon properly said as the elder raised her hand swallowing the room in complete darkness.

A bright white circle covered the whole floor and everyone in the room, intricate patterns illuminated the floor causing even Ramon to get lost in their beauty.

"I, along with my fellow tribesmen, swear on our blood that we will be loyal to the gold family for as long as our blood flows." The elder cut her hand along with all the other cursed dark elves, the pattern absorbed the blood dying the previous clear light a bloody red.

"I, Ramon Gold, promise to protect and treat your tribe as I would treat my own citizens as long as my bloodline flows." Ramon cut his hand with a letter opener spilling his blood onto the circle.

The circle flashed a red light illuminating everyone in the room as a red tree tattoo presided over the heart of Ramon and everyone in the cursed dark elf tribe.

The light died down as each and every cursed elf got on their knees in loyalty towards Ramon, the elder being the last.

"Master, we are no longer the cursed dark elf tribe. Please bestow us with a new name that symbolizes a new beginning." The elder spoke in a respectful tone and Ramon nodded.

"From now on your race will be known as the twilight elves." Ramon spoke as the first thing that came to his head.

'Is this too cringy?'

The tattoo on all of them shined turning from a light red into that of a dark one, the elder and the rest of the twilight tribe bowed deeper in loyalty.

"Now Master, please bestow us with names." Ramon face palmed at this at spent the next 2 hours naming every single f*cking twilight member which was exactly 1239 members.

Ramon sat in exhaustion as every twilight elf except the elder who was now named Mazan remained.

"What type of living arrangements do you prefer elder?" Roman pinched the bridge of his nose, already exhausted from this exchange.

"Master, like other elves we prefer to live in the forest, even though we have no connection with it we like to pay homage to the world tree to show we are still grateful." Mazan spoke with a smile and Ramon nodded his head.

"Occupy the golden forest, I will spread rumors about it being haunted to keep people from entering it." Mazan nodded happily at his words, thankful he was granted her wish.

"You cannot be discovered, even with your help I am not ready for a territorial war not to mention a war between kingdoms." Ramon ordered and Mazan nodded once more.

The golden forest was to the north of the count territories and its only border was Blackwood, Ramon would inform Edenberg of this and he would almost quickly agree to his orders without an explanation.

"How long until we should be revealed." Mazan inquired.

"Until I find someone from the royal family to back." Ramon answered not giving a clear date, Mazan was already content and would even wait a hundred more years if she had too.

"The Twilight elves will be at your beck and call, if you ever need us whisper to the shadows and we shall emerge to serve you." Elder Mazan bowed before backing into the shadows and disappearing all together.

'This is crazy.' Ramon slumped in his chair looking up at the ceiling. This was the biggest gamble Ramon ever made; it could either lead to immense success or death.

Ramon didn't like those odds but he already made the pledge so that was it, he closed his eyes wanting to calm himself before drifting into a deep sleep.

Ramon slowly opened his eyes, he was totally not in his office and was in a seemingly endless garden.

There a woman sitting on a table waved him over and Ramon facepalmed, all he wanted to do was make money and now he was ending up in a random person's garden after doing a bloodline ritual.

'Ugh the things I do for money.' Ramon stood up and walked towards the table and sat opposite of the women.

She had green hair and green eyes, white dress, slim figure, and looked exactly like a highborn elf from a fantasy novel.

"Let me guess your the world tree." Ramon crossed his arms causing the woman to chuckle.

"That is correct, I am in fact the world tree but you may call Gaia." Gaia smiled at Ramon who immediately frowned.

"I know why I'm here, just spit it out and don't beat around the bush." Ramon said in an obviously disgruntled tone causing Gaia to chuckle once more.

"Very well you are a very keen child." Gaia took another sip of her tea before setting it down.

"All elves are my children including the newly named twilight elves, when they were created nature was intentionally left out to further cover the elves' misgivings however my children used this as a chance to unite ignoring my words." A pained look spread across her face.

'So we're not skipping to the deal, got it.'

"Even though I can communicate with elves I cannot force them, the closest to them the highborn empress told me that sacrifices must be made and painted the twilight elves as heathens."

"At the time the twilight elves did not have anyone with enough affinity for me to communicate so the empress used this as a chance to unite all elves against a common enemy resulting in the near extinction of the twilight elves."

"Luckly the now Mazan was born and her affinity was enough for me to communicate and guide them away, blood had been spilled and eventually the whole world came to know them as the cursed dark elves." The pain on Gaia's face only grew more and more distorted.

"This 'Cursed' label set a precedent for other races to make a scapegoat to unite species further resulting in the solidification of 'cursed' races." Ramon listening to this knowing that he just walked into a sh*t show with no escape.

'F*cking hell'

"I waited and eventually a suitable person like yourself was born, I had been watching you ever since you took in young Devos and immediately contacted Mazan and informed her." Gaia pain subsided looking toward Ramon.

"I am asking you for another favor, Ramon Gold." Gaia said, totally ignoring the part earlier about skipping to the deal beforehand, Ramon was covering his face knowing this tree was going to ask for something totally unreasonable.

"Stop just stop." Gaia waited quietly while Ramon sat there and thought, a half an hour passed and Ramon was still thinking before he looked at Gaia.

"Gaia I'm a businessman if you want something it has to be of equal value so when I hear your favor I'm going to need the equivalent exchange." Ramon leaned back and looked towards Gaia.

"I would like you to house the remaining 'cursed' dark elves allowing them to become twilight elves."

"How much."

"Right now there are two other elders I can communicate with and both tribes add up to 2569." Ramon immediately kicked the table and stood up and Gaia remained patient.

"Gaia you have to be joking! If I house all those twilight elves then the elven kingdom will immediately declare war on me and the holy kingdom will be there to f*ck me as well." Ramon said in disbelief hearing Gaia's request.

One tribe was enough to so that it was a coincidence but the whole race of twilight elves basically screamed f*ck you at the elven empire.

The elven empire was a small continent compared to the other three but it was unified unlike the other three, they were a political and military force and Ramon was making them their enemy THE WHOLE ELVEN EMPIRE HIS ENEMY.

"I know what I'm asking is a lot."

"A lot? You're asking for me to fight against an empire A EMPIRE YOUR PEOPLE'S EMPIRE! For what? Because you couldn't control your kids, how is that my problem Gaia EXPLAIN!" Ramon couldn't sit any more and got up from his seat.

Literally accepting this was only losses, to be honest he didn't care if the other 'cursed' races died tomorrow as long as he didn't die with them it was okay but in doing this he would be setting a precedent that had never been seen before.

Ramon would have to become a king meaning that supporting a prince idea had to be thrown out the window, there were seven princes and five princesses and he would need a princess that could be easily manipulated so he would need a bastard or a princess with a low ranking mother.


"Gaia you're out of your mind if you think I'm agreeing to this." Ramon began to walk away and Gaia teleported in front of Ramon.

"Ramon, listen to my offer, you're a businessman right? Shouldn't businessmen listen to the other side's offer before making a decision." Gaia was obviously panicked at Ramon's actions; she had powers but she was limited by the laws of the world and couldn't directly influence Ramon.

Ramon was about to refuse however he couldn't refuse to hear the offer and Gaia had the table and chairs appear in front of them causing both to sit down once more.

"I will give you a blessing equivalent to that of the elven empress." Hearing this Ramon started to stand up as this wasn't enough.

"Wait!" Gaia grabbed Ramons arm before he could finish walking away and after a while sat back down.

"I will also grant you the highest blessing with spirits." Gaia replied though it still wasn't enough to have him start a war with an empire and kingdom.

"Since you are becoming a tamer each magical beast will also receive a blessing from me that will elevate them by several folds." Ramon shook his head.

"Gaia these might help me in the present but in the future it will almost do nothing at most when the elven empress finds out I could only delay the all out war by stating I have your blessing and upon proving it will cause mass discussion and disapproval from the elven empire." Gaia nodded but before she could speak Ramon shook his head.

"You know how politics works, eventually she will find some bullsh*t excuse to declare war no matter how long I delay it."

"The only thing is the holy kingdom is not bound by you and only answers to their goddesses wishes, so when they learn of this a war will immediately break out and the elven empire will undoubtedly support them.

Gaia remained quiet knowing that the elven empress will most definitely do this, no she would guarantee she will.

"I would have to grow my county into a powerhouse, support a princess, marry her, become king and be known as the king who accepts curses." Ramon slammed the table in anger.

"Gaia this will set a new mark in history as other cursed races will most definitely flock into the kingdom and even if I reject them other countries will use this to invade me on the basis of potentially harboring them so I will have to take them in as man power to fight back!" Ramon shouted standing up.

"I will be against the world! And you want to give me the ability to talk to trees, talk to spirits, and have my beast's increases only a little ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR F*CKING MIND!" Ramon didn't care anymore about manners anymore this world tree was f*cking crazy.

Ramon would have to go from a count to a king, then defend himself against the world. This was impossible and Ramon highly doubted he would even live long to see it come to fruition.

Gaia remained silent, she knew of all of these and underestimated Ramon's insight but this kind of person was rare.

Yes there were people who didn't care about race or background but there were even fewer who would listen and a handful with the capabilities to really bring change to the world.

Ramon was Gaia's only hope, she was selfish and couldn't bear to see her children be wiped out from this world so she tried to ensnare a five year old child into helping her, she knew she was not a good person but she wanted to try and was banking it all on Ramon.

"Ramon Gold I underestimated you and for that I am sorry please let me revise my offer." Gaia bowed and Ramon hesitated before sitting back down.

"I Gaia will give you the highest authority over the forest even amongst my children, full access with the spirit kings, complete heightened potential of any magical creature you'll ever possess, any lands you rule will be blessed by me providing increasingly amounts of crop yield compared to the average yield, a bloodline blessing that this will retain even with your heirs, my full support so that even if my children stand against you I will support your side, all the wealth I have acquired personally to which when you accept I will allow you access to my personal storage, and I will make your bloodline the new royal bloodline making you my direct child." Gaia stated and Ramon banging his head against the table.

The incentives were grandiose but the most alluring were the access to her personal storage and direct bloodline.

Gaia has been around since the creation of the world and has most definitely seen the rise and fall of countless kingdoms and empires so her personal vault could most definitely not be valued as even the worthless objects stored in there could be considered priceless.

Finally having a bloodline, having a bloodline didn't mean you were the strongest but it sure did set you apart in front of the average joe.

Ramon could claim that the empress was the false ruler causing a future rebellion or civil war which would cause massive casualties.

This is literally what he needed to have a fighting chance but Ramon didn't want to take it in fact he wasn't going too, going down this path meant countless assaination attempts and countless people trying to kill him.

In his past life he experienced assaination attempts after trying to get into the oil business and learning about how big the fish were he let his hands off and continued to strengthen his field.

This was crazy Ramon was in way over his head and he knew it, Ramon was a successful businessman and even though he said money could buy the world he even didn't really believe it.

That's just something he said to explain his love for money! But this this was f*cking crazy he had dabbled in politics but not to this extent.

This would mean him having to rally noble houses and basically unite the Reinstar kingdom under his banner; this gave him more headaches the more he thought about it.

"Gaia you're asking me to kill your children you know that right you are essentially abandoning your children for a five year old human with no talent in magic YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT!" Ramon put his arms in the air at how ridiculous she sounded.

"Gaia, listen you want all your children united without war right? That's impossible, the empress was right, sacrifices are needed in order for peace to be achieved and racism like this can truly unite the elven species yet you want to throw it away for some elves who can play hide and seek really well in the dark you know what you're saying right? I'm not an idiot for thinking this right? Gaia please explain why you're being such a hypocrite before I leave and stab a dagger into my heart so I can find peace in the afterlife." Ramon was probably acting like a little b*tch right now but he didn't care this was crazy way too crazy for Ramon.

"Ramon I know you wont kill yourself as there is probably no currency in the afterlife."

'How did she know?'

"Your words were right in there will never be true piece without sacrifices, what you don't know is that the twilight elves sepcies will never die."

"Twilight elves are a sub branch of dark elves and can be born from a dark elf at anytime, even though the chances are low it can happen and when they are born in the elven empire they are immediately killed by their mothers and delivered to the empress." Ramon frowned at this as Gaia continued.

"Twilight elves are their first sub branch from an already branched line of elves, do you think that twilight elves will be the last sub branch?" Ramon sighed knowing where Gaia was getting at.

Essentially no matter what more sub branches will be born as evolution is continuous, Gaia knowing this doesn't want future species of elves to be labeled cursed and endure the same fate as twilight elves.

"Is this for every species?" Gaia nodded her head and Ramon listened on.

"Even for humans there are sub branches, vampires are one of those branches." Ramon stood up at this as vampires were most well known as part of the demon species.

"What about demi-humans." Gaia shook her head.

"No demi-humans are a sub branch of mythic animals." Ramon had never heard about mythic animals and knew that he was learning too much.

"Are blood users of humans pre vampires?"

"Sort of the first vampire born was a blood user but he was born dead, the death attribute swallowed him up and he came out the womb with no heart beat his mother bleed out and the baby feed on her to sustain himself before being truly alive." Ramon slumped in his chair. This was just....too much.

'So much info dump.'

"If I accept, will the empress know immediately?" Ramon asked and immediately received a nod of approval.

"Yes she will feel it as soon as you accept, our connection will be forceable severed though she will most likely retain her powers and political influence." Gaia answered and Ramon rubbed his chin.

The amount of money he could make was immeasurable if he became a king or even an emperor, Ramon was a greedy man in a sense that he wanted all power to be obtained through money and vice versa.

Profits were always seen in Ramon's eyes; the idea of buying the world didn't seem so foreign with a literal world tree backing him.

Happiness would be easily obtained through platinum coins, every treasure would be in his grasp though the cost was literally walking into the arms of death and sucking at her tits.

"Ramon, this might be the only chance we have to talk like this since my magic is still fresh within you and our connection is at its purest. Please make a decision. I apologize for pressuring you but time is running out." Gaia stated as Ramon started to furiously sweat before standing up.

Gaia seeing this had a sad smile and couldn't blame Ramon, she was asking too much for a weak human like him that even the world tree herself who had been around since the birth of the world could not even fulfill.

"Gaia, I accept your offer! I will probably be the best investment you'll ever make and you better give me all the riches you promised!" Ramon yelled, causing Gaia's face to change to pure happiness.

"I have no idea why you didn't just choose a Twilight elf but it's too late now!" Ramon stated as this also confused him.

"Discrimantion breeds discrimination if I supported a twilight elf then they would most likely suppress other elves once they take the throne." Gaia smiled, holding out her hand.

"I know you want to buy happiness and the world Ramon and I promise to support you with all my power." Ramon took her hand as light surrounded them.

"Pleasure doing business with you."

A green cocoon started to form around Ramon's body once they shook hands, Reginald seeing this immediately mistook this for a second awakening and barred anyone from coming into his office.

In a far away land in the elven empire the current empress felt her connection with the world tree dwindle before completely disappearing as a sad and furious expression appeared on her face.


"This was for the good of the elven race, why can't she understand!" She screamed in a viscous furyl.

Other elves felt the change though not as well as the empress mistaking it for an elf being blessed by the world tree.

Mazan immediately came out of the shadows with other twilight elves and completely surrounded the room in darkness.

She received a message from their mother about protecting the energy signature and only twilight elves would feel it in the shadows which basically acted like a beacon signaling the other elders of the 'cursed' dark elves of the situation.

Mazan and the others finished the barriers as the light started to pulsate around the cocoon, many twilight elves watched in wonder as the cocoon was the most potent natural energy they ever felt.

The light started to shine even brighter before a crack started to emerge before a hand suddenly broke through it, Ramon emerged from the cocoon with clear changes.

His hair was a deep black to the point where it looked like was wearing the essence of darkness on his head, second his eyes went from red to a sparkling ruby color, all the impurities were driven out of his body, the unnecessary baby fat was gone, and finally his ears were pointy.

Ramon was completely naked and stopped over to his desk as he always had an extra pair of clothes in case he fell asleep there.

Putting it on he looked at the twilight elves who were in a complete submissive pose making Ramon shake his head.

"Stop doing that and focus on the barrier." Ramon waved his hands and all the elves nodded before putting their full focus back on the barrier.

"Gaia, you better hold your end of the deal." Ramon muttered and acted like he was opening a door in thin air, and weirdly enough his actions caused a door to appear.

Walking into it he saw the endless treasures stacked before him; gold, silver, rubies, sapphires, weapons galore, shining armors hell there was even currencies from fallen kingdoms.

Ramon fell to his knees in awe, it was the most beautiful thing he has ever laid his eyes upon to the point where tears started to form in his eyes.

"I can do it, I can really buy the world." The words were caught in his throat before a laughter echoed through the room.

"You really love money don't you?" Gaia laughed as Ramon rubbed away his tears.

"You don't understand a man's love for money."

"I certainly do not."

"How can I even talk to you?" Ramon looked around in awe.

"Well I can always communicate with people of my bloodline. It's just that I have been neglecting the empress's calls." Gaia replied and Ramon shook his head.

"Is there an artifact that can conceal my elf-like ears so I don't immediately rat myself out." A ring instantly flew at Ramon and hit his forehead.

"What the hell!" Ramon rubbed his forehead holding the ring in his palm.

"This is Merlin's ring, it basically hid his incubus bloodline from everyone as people still regard him as human to this day." Ramon immediately put on the ring and his ear shrunk back into his old ones though he still maintained his other features.

"Merlin is half demon?" Ramon asked as an evil smile formed on his face.

"Of course he was, no regular human could just use Demon racial magic on a whim." Gaia said like it was obvious and Ramon rubbed his hands together.

"Isn't merlin a prominent pillar in the holy kingdom's hearts, what if they discovered one of their heroes was actually a half demon." A maniacal laughter resounded in the storage room before he headed out.

"You can drop the barrier now Mazan." Ramon closed the storage behind him as if he used all the wealth at once he would most surely be audited by the kingdom.

Mazan nodded and upon dropping the barrier the signal was sent to other members of the 'cursed' dark elf race.

Three people immediately stood up and looked in a certain direction, two elders and one young man.

Their eyes shook at the meaning behind this as hope built in their hearts for the first time, both elders immediately commanded their tribe to make preparations to leave while the young man stood still.

"Zento what is the matter." His mother asked never seeing Zento so panicked and excited.

"The world tree has chosen another." The simple sentence he spoke spoke volumes.

His mother dropped her cup as her body shook uncontrollably at this news, if her son was right a huge war would disturb the 1000 year peace the elves achieved.

"Mother I must leave." Zento immediately started to pack his things as his mother tried to stop him.

"Zento I forbid it! If you leave I cannot protect you!" She yelled but Zento didn't stop until he was fully packed.

"Mother, Zento is not even my true name as I do not have one. If I stay here anymore I will miss my chance. I must convince the chosen child that I...that we are not cursed." Zento's appearance changed, revealing his appearance as completely different from the mother who bore him.

This young man was currently pretending to be a dark elf and the only reason he could survive was because of his mother.

His dark elf name was Zento and his appearance was hidden with several artifacts his mother gave to him.

"Zento if you leave the empress will know." Zento immediately dropped a corpse from the shadows that looked exactly like him.

"I have been modifying this criminal's corpse to match my exact features for years, this will be enough to convince everyone along with the empress." his mother covered her mouth at this identical looking Zento with a Dark elf appearance.

"I have put traces of poison and since cursed elves have a poison affinity it will completely make it seem like I have perished as a dark elf." Zento walked towards the shadows but his mother stopped him bringing him into a hug.

"You must not fail."

"I won't mother."

Once his words ended Zento submerged into the darkness and his mother looked upon the corpse that resembled her son so much, tears fell down her face clutching the body in her arms.

"ZENTO! GUARDS! ANYONE!" Her sheriks alarmed the guards as they rushed in and flinched seeing Zenot's lifeless body.

"LOCKDOWN THE AREA FIND HIS MURDERER!" She yelled and the two dark elves immediately ran out of the room knowing the severity of this matter.

"Yes my queen!"

The news spread like wildfire that Queen Darkfallens heir was poisoned, the whole dark elf kingdom was shut down looking for any clues for Prince Zento's murder.

The empress hearing this news struck her heart dearly, Queen Darkfallen was her closest friend and the empresses considered Zento like a son even going so far as to engage their children together.

"Find me Zenot's murderer!" The empress shouted in all her might and with that ordered the whole elven empire's shutdown looking for someone that never even existed.