

Have you ever heard of the term money can’t buy happiness? Well the person who made that up WAS POOR! Yea I said it they were fricking poor cause you know what MONEY CAN BUY ANYTHING! Things money can buy: 1. Fancy things 2. Affection 3. A private beach house 4. Everything after that BECAUSE MONEY IS ABOSOLUTE Shin was a poor man with burning ambitions, he didn’t sit around and cry about how life wasn’t fair NO he worked his ass off to succeed, architecture, e-commerce, land development, Shin gave everything for money because it was his one true love and in the end died. But was this the end of Shin’s life? NEVER, his soul burned through the natural chain and was reborn into a baby filled with magic, knight, and dragons. Now here's the question did he care about magic and other worldly things? NO, Because you can buy strength with MONEY follow Ramon's adventure on his never ending quest to become the richest man and buy all of his desires and the world. For those who enjoy massive amounts of action then this might not be for you, this story will be heavily focused on the logistics side of things, mc will rarely fight and focus more towards as the controller of everything. I want to make a novel about a guy taking over the world with money not just physical strength. Warning: MC ain't a good person, he's sleezy and greedy so don't justify him like he's some saint. There is no such thing as a genuine nice rich person also I want to make my story crazy because I'm doing this for fun and I'm the author and I can do what I want. I don't know what I'm doing nor do I own the cover art.

Dextrious · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Finding Slav-Subordiantes

Warning: I'm ramping sh*t up a notch in the next three chapters if you don't like fast paced stuff then just drop dis shizz, the title is what it is for a reason

'I need more loyal slav-subordiantes to help me with my work.'

Ramon sighed leaning back in his chair, ever since he stol-apprehended those three fiefs his paperwork increased by three times.

He allocated the necessary finances to grow his territory into a powerhouse before diverting the other finances to help maintain and slowly grow the others.

Ramon wasn't stupid and knew he would have to engage in a political marriage or marriages to further strengthen his family so having three baron titles at the ready would quell the future succession battle that would most likely take place upon his death.

That was for later and now he was focusing on balancing all the books so as to not have any future discrepancies.


"LORD!" Reginald burst through his door along with Edenberg, they had urgency painted over their faces rushing towards the head of his desk.

"Ramon my knights have discovered a underground slave/drug business in Ingot!" Eidenberg quickly said, causing Ramon to stand up in rage.

Eidenberg hadn't completely left and offered to stay until Ramon's knight captain Uther had returned from his subjugation mission to which Ramon accepted.

Ingot was the main city in the gold territory that housed the gold families manor and was also the most notorious city along with it being the closest city to the dungeons and yes a lot of things in the gold territory are named after currency and things related to it.


"Reginald inform the capital and have them send a royal messenger to receive the illegal goods!" Ramon ordered Reginald who immediately disappeared.

This was essentially a bribe to the Royal family saying 'Take this and let us be on your good side' and a royal messenger and knights squadron of the king will surely be here in the matter of days.

"Edenberg seize everything! We must rid these scum of Ingot!" Ramon ordered getting up from his seat following Edenberg.

Ramon wanted bonus points from Edenberg and he totally received it as a proud look appeared on the Viscounts face as he led him towards his knights.

Unlike his family's knight squadron who had clean appearance and iron armor on them, Edenbergs knights had a rugged look to them and scraped up armor.

"I'm guessing these knights were taking bribes." Ramon clenched his teeth looking at the seven knights bounded by rope.

'F*cking idiots.' Ramon had been so occupied with the fiances that he neglected his knight order which he would rectify after this.

"Strip them of their title, armor, and belongings and throw them in the dungeon." Ramon swiftly ordered and immediately his knights went to work with disgusted faces.

They knew that Ramon would rectify the order after this as some have been to academies and are competent enough to put two and two together so they were aggressive when dealing with the seven.

"Has the hideout been secured?" Ramon asked to walk towards a horse and get on it since he learned how to ride a horse as most rich people were equestrians.

"No Lord, they have surrounded the hideout blocking all pathways; however if we don't converge soon they may do something drastic." Edenberg gave solid advice calling Ramon lord so as to not undermine him in front of his knights and to show the proper respect.

"Let's go immediately!" Ramon understood and they took off immediately.

They reached the slums where the gang members were trying to break the Edenbergs knights blockade though they were holding strong.

"All forces converge and free the slums from this gangs tyranny!" Ramon shouted as the knights screamed brandishing their aura at their lord's words.

Edenberg stayed close to Ramon while maintaining his vigilance so as to protect him under the coming blood shed.

"For the Lord!"

"For the People!"

The knights shouted cringy lines while slicing the gang members in two, their iron armor was being painted in blood as they viciously cut them down.

Screams came from the members who upon seeing the massacre tried to flee seeing the overwhelming might of the two knight orders, their leader had already been slaughtered earlier causing their chain of command to become in complete disarray.

They became more rapid in their attacks even to the point they sacrificed their own 'comrades' to try and escape, though Edenberg's knight held the blockade firmly, not allowing a single soul to pass.

The conflict ended as the ground was dyed red, lifeless disfigured bodies lay with no gang member left breathing.

"Lord please don't look." Edenberg tried to shield his eyes, however Ramon brushed it off.

"Viscount, I have seen my own father plunge to his death. I am fine." Ramon swiftly countered, making Edenberg form a sad frown.

"It's clear Lord." A knight wearing the gold's family sigil started causing Ramon to get down from his horse.

Ramon was hoping that this gang had a good haul in terms of slaves so he could make a lasting impression making them loyal slav*cough* loyal subordinates.

Entering the hideout he saw an immense amount of stolen goods and would sort the goods he would give to the royal family later.


A painting fell from one of the boxes causing it to crash onto the wooden floor, vials rolled out of the paintings frame causing everyone in Edenbergs knight troupe to freeze

"By god they have Energize." Edenberg said in an astonished tone, making Ramon tilt his head.


"Yes lord, it's a new drug that has surfaced from the Vostolis kingdom recently that allows non magic users to temporarily use magic." His face became grave mixed with a hint of disgust.

"It's highly addictive and can cripple you if you take too much." Putting the lid back on the box he turned to Ramon.

"My knights had suffered from a bandit group that was hoped up on energize, causing severe casualties." All of the Edenberg knights present clenched their hands in rage recalling their fallen brothers and the Gold knights had a serious gaze looking at the vials.

"I want each painting and stolen item to be thoroughly inspected for energize vials and it too be recorded properly, if I find one vial missing I will conduct a massive manhunt."

"Lord!" x15

The fifteen knights present quickly went to work as Ramon and Edenberg along with a handful of knights went into the basement of the hideout where numerous chained men, women, and children were.

Slavery wasn't entirely illegal in the kingdoms because you could sell yourself into slavery or if you couldn't pay back your debt you would be made a slave.

Illegel slaves were innocent people would be abducted and placed under slave chains, it was hard to counter this as any slave would say they were innocent people before becoming a slave and it was a important topic in the capital right now per the thieves guild.

"Free them." Ramon ordered and they got to work looking for the slaves .

'This makeshift dungeon is pretty big.'

The dungeon stretched for a long distance which actually surprised Ramon as these gang members probably expanded there basement as to harbor more slaves.

While the rest were freeing the slaves closet to them Ramon moved deeper into the makeshift prison noticing the further he went the more chains occupied the slaves.

After a while he saw other species which mostly comprised Demi humans, some had fearful looks while others had fierce looks.

Reaching the end there were five chained up slaves that caught his intrest, a chain pubesent dark elf, a red haired girl, a green orge, and two twins that sported light blue wolf ears along with a bushy light blue tails.

The red haired girl was shivering, the dark elf had a dead look in his eyes, the orge was picking his belly button, and the twins were growling at Ramon.

"Would you guys like a job?" Ramon asked with a smile, making them all have confusing looks on their faces.


Ramon had Edenberg handle the other slaves while he took the five of them away with him, he called for a carriage and when he said he wanted to ride with them Edenberg vehemently refused though Ramon didn't budge, eventually Edenberg relented if they were binded.

Now in the carriage Ramon's smile didn't falter as he looked at these five, except for the twins the others didn't have fierce looks on their faces.

"Let's start with introductions shall we. I'm Count Ramon and I oversee the Gold's territory. I apologize for your misgivings and would like you to please hear my offer." Hearing this the two twins scoffed while the others just looked at him curiously all but the dark elf who just looked out the window with lifeless eyes.

"Yeah right you obviously just want to use us." The female twin huffed and Ramon nodded.

"Well yes that's how employment works." Her ear twitched as she tried to lunge at Ramon however her brother restrained her.

"Sis, don't listen to him, he's just trying to get an excuse to execute us." The boy hissed looking at Ramon and the girl eventually calmed down.

"I think your confused I'-"

"Just shut it! If you really cared then this wouldn't have happened in the first place." The boy roared and Ramon had a serious look on his face.

Ramon could see that using this approach would go nowhere as trying to be nice was not enough for these twins as they didn't clearly and truly understand the position they were facing.

Crossing his legs a dangerous look appeared in his eyes causing the twins' fur to stand on edge before becoming quiet.

"Please let me finish." Ramon spoke, calming his breath as the others even saw the dark elf looking toward Ramon, he also interrupted people so he couldn't completely judge these twins so he still tried to be polite.

"Let me make this clear, I saw that you guys have potential so I wanted to give you a chance at work, not being a slave but a employe to which you are free to refuse."

"Judging by your apprehensiveness you're probably being hunted right?" The boy's ears twitched at his words.

"What is it a kingdom?"

"A rival tribe."

"Your tribe?" This time the girl's ears twitched.

"Let me guess a family member killed your parents and then tried to kill you to seize power am I right?" They both flinched causing the other three to be curious in the interaction.

'What a cliche.'

"So what I'm hearing is after being hunted by your kin you were captured by random people and were about to be sold into slavery and after I saved you, released you, and rid you of your slave collars while being completely respectfull and understanding towards you this whole time, you decided to disregard your manners and act like brats?" The two tried to say something but no words came out causing them to close it.

"Stop the carriage!" Ramon ordered, causing the carriage to halt.

"Leave and face the dangers of the wilderness along with possible capture or listen to my proposal." Ramon opened the door gesturing the two out, they hesitated before looking at each other and bowing.

"We're sorry." x2

Ramon closed the door and the carriage started up again as the serious face turned into a genuine smile.

"Good now let's hear your introductions and how you ended up in a place like that." Ramon gestured to them.

"I am Renar." The boy introduced himself first

"I am Rana." The girl followed.

"We are from the Moonlight Wolf Tribe, a sub tribe under the wolf clan from the Demi Human kingdom LionsGuard." Rana explained gripping the edge of her tattered clothes.

"Our Uncle slaughtered our mother and father causing a coo to appear making us have to flee." Renar Gripped his fist.

"The Wolf clan and Lionsguard didn't even do anything as they saw our parents as possible threats so they allowed for our uncle to kill our parents." Renar growled in fury.

"So we ran but were captured by bandits and sold to the gang." Rana concluded their story and Ramon nodded.

He gestured to the gray ogre next to them who looked around and pointed at himself to which Ramon nodded.

"Orgel name is Orgel and Orgel is ten years old, Orgel is a Troll and Orc, Orgel didn't have friends and people came to Orgel saying if Orgel came with them and put on shiny necklace than Orgel would have a friend for life. Are you Orgel's friend for life?" Orgel tilted his head and Ramon smiled.


"Of course!"

"YAY ORGEL HAVE FRIEND ORGEL HAVE FRIEND!" Orgel chanted, rocking the whole carriage, the twins had disgruntled faces.

"Orgel can you calm down please." Ramon asked and Orgel immediately stopped nodding his head vigorously, he gestured towards the cowering Red headed girl who wouldn't stop shivering.

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I'm Sc-c-c-c-carelt." The girl stuttered out covering her face at the sudden attention.

She started to shiver uncontrollably as tears fell down her face, Ramon got up and patted her head.

She flinched under his touch but after a while she started to calm down, Ramon brought her delicate hand towards the other side where he was sitting and directed her towards her.

"Scarlet it's alright take your time." Ramon cooed, patting her head, the tears stopped but the shivering didn't.

"Would you mind looking away from scarlet for a while everyone?" Ramon asked and Orgel immediately looked at the carriage ceiling.

The twins scrunched their eyebrows and just looked out the window and the dark elf never even glanced at scarlet to begin with.

"Okay scarlet there not looking at you, Can you please tell me about yourself." Ramon asked with a smile, Scarlet peaked at the others before nodding her head.

"I-I-I-I-I'm Scarlet and I was found to be a *whisper*." Scarlet whispered the last part in a barely audible tone causing Ramon to lean closer in.

"A what?"

"A B*whisper*itch."

'A Bitch?'

"A Blood Witch."


Inside Ramon was screaming in delight at hearing this, Scarlet shivering only increased violently at her own words as more tears fell down her face.

There are many types of magic affinities, rare ones for example can be ice or lighting however there are rarer ones that are very looked down on in the world and one of them are Blood users.

Blood users like their name can manipulate blood and can be very dangerous, Ramon was f*cking ecstatic.

This girl obviously has experienced the horrors of the world and was already vulnerable, Ramon can use this to worm his way into her heart and gain her loyalty which can't be weighed in gold coins.

"Don't worry Scarlet I won't let anything happen to you." Ramon said in a gentle tone while slowly stroking her long red hair.

"Y-y-y-y-you don't hat-t-t-te me?" Scarlet looked up, she looked to be barely five years old and Ramon saw the hope in her eyes that was clear as night and day.

"Of course not." A nasty smile formed inside Ramon's mind and Scarlet bit her lip and nodded before inching closer to Ramon who kept patting her head.

"Now last but not least." Ramon gestured to the dark elf who looked at him with dead eyes.

"I am a cursed dark elf, I do not have a name as we are not allowed names per the elven empire. I was captured after my parents were mercilessly slaughtered before me and after escaping and wandering around I was captured by bandits who sold me to the gang." The dark elf stated and Ramon tilted his head.

"Cursed dark elf? I thought dark elves got along just fine in the elven empire." Hearing this the dark elf shook his head.

"No Dark elves have brown skin with black hair while cursed dark elves are born with purple skin along with white hair." The dark elf stated and Ramon shook his head.

"Interesting so they unified the elven races by prosecuting one." Ramon nodded at this as racism was not uncommon in his old world.

Many countries through the ages persecuted a select race so as to unite their own and strengthen themselves however this was in Ramon's opinion a bad idea unless the whole world hated cursed elves.

"How far has this 'cursed' dark elves nonsense spread." The dark elf raised his eyebrow at this but still responded.

"All kingdoms know of this and all continents as well." The dark elf responded and Ramon nodded his head.

'The eleven empire is smart.' Ramon rubbed his chin at this, and the dark elf already knew he would be discarded soon.

The problem with the cursed elves is that the elven empire did too good a job in spreading how horrible they were to the point where almost every kingdom thought they were heinous.

"What is different about you then regular dark elves?"

"Cursed elves do not have a connection with nature like other elves and inside fully encompass the attribute of darkness and poison." The dark elf stated and Ramon tried his best to hide his grin.

'This race are literally the perfect assassins!'

Ramon continued to measure the pros in cons in his head thinking at very fast speeds, one one hand if he took in a cursed elf the elven empire would surely not want any dealings with him along with some other places but if he took him in cursed elves might swarm his territory allowing him to have a personal army of assassins.

'The fist hand that reaches out for them is the only hand they will ever take.'

This saying was what his wife's father always said to him when dealing business towards others, in some third world countries workers were being paid pennies and his father-in-law made millions by just paying them a few dollars more which caused a swarm of people to rush towards him.

Ramon would be lying when he said he never had anyone assassinated anyone in his previous life because he did, every powerful rich man had their hands dirty as their is no clean billionaire after all.

"Would you like to work for me Mr. Dark Elf." Ramon politely said, stretching out his hand.

"If you take me in your problems will only increase." The dark elf stated though inside for the first time he felt an actual emotion that wasn't pain.

Surprise, ever since he was little no one ever hid their disgust in front of him but for the first time in his thirteen years of life someone other than his parents smiled at him even if it was fake it was still the first.

"Well sometimes it's better to create a problem to quell future ones." The dark elf was very confused and reached out his hand after a while and shook Ramons.

"Can I give you a name though since Mr. Dark Elf doesn't really roll off the tongue well." Orgel chuckled at his joke even going so far to clap his hands.

"The was funny friend for life Mr. Dark Elf is a weird name HAHAHAHA!" Orgel kept clapping and the twins just looked at him with weird faces.

"The elven empire has stated that we as a race are not allowed na-"

"We are not in the elven kingdom though we are in the Reinstar kingdom and there are no laws saying we cannot name a cursed elf." Ramon interrupted him to clear up any further inquiries and after a while the dark elf nodded.

"How about Devas?" Devas nodded his head as he would have accepted even a number.

"Thank you master."


"Yes Master, a old tale was given to me by my parents saying that our god was the first to give us names that breathed life into us so I give my life to you in exchange." Devas bowed and Ramon stopped the grin from appearing on his face.

"Devas you don't have to bow." Devas immediately stood up after this and Orgel patted his shoulder.

"Orgel congrats Devas on getting name!" Orgel smiled, patting Devas on the shoulder but before he could he immersed into the shadows and appeared sitting to the left of Ramon.


The next hour was spent teaching Orgel that Devas was not a ghost and it was a racial attribute he possessed, Orgel did not even understand after a while to the point where the twins even started to get angry at his stupidity and chimed in to help him understand.

Arriving back at his estate he ordered a few people to escort the five to new living arrangements while Scarlet hesitated but after some convincing from Ramon Scarlet let go of his shirt and followed the people

"Lord Sir Uther and his team have finished their subjugation of the mindless ones and have been informed of Lord Rupert's demise." Reginald immediately informed Ramon while he was walking back to his office.

"Bring him to my office."

"He is already waiting, Lord." Ramon sighed and walked back into the house.

Sir Uther was in charge of the knights' order and the only other person as loyal as Reginald to the gold family, he has been around since his grandfather and is almost 70.

Walking into his office an old man with a huge scar running from his forehead through his left eye and reaching part of his neck bowed.

His hair was already graying as his face showed signs of immense aging though his gaze remained youthful as the look of loyalty shone bright.

Uther got his scar from a war after protecting his grandfather, he lost an eye but gained a lasting friendship however longevity is also a curse as you see the ones you cherish fall before the sands of time while all you can do is watch.

"Young mas-*Cough* Lord the subjugation of the dungeon break was a success with no casualties." Uther reported clearly anxious to hear what happened in his departure.

"Uther you may sit." Ramon said, sitting at his desk while Uther sat down upon his request.

"You have most likely heard of my fathers suicide and the rumors are not false." Hearing this Uther became pale before putting his head down.

"L-l-l-ord you must be joking." Uther said with some hope but Ramon shook his head.

Uther face became even more painful, ever since his friend's death he swore to look after Rupert however he failed again and was ashamed.

How could he look his friend in the eyes in the afterlife when they meet again, his heart ached as he considered Rupert his own blood and Ramon his grandchild.

"Uther it's not your fault you and I know that his grief for my mother would never wash away with time it was inevitable." Ramon consoled Uther but it was to no avail as Uther was still very distraught.

"Uther why don't you take some time off to gather yourself." Ramon understood Uther's pain as he cherished the gold family dearly.

"My lord is it true that the knights you put me in charge of took bribes?" Uther asked, wanting to change the subject as right now being alone with his thoughts was the last thing he wanted.

"Yes seven to be exact but there could be more." Ramon knew what Uther was doing and he didn't stop him as this was Uther's fault as well for not maintaining the knight order entrusted to him by his family but Ramon obviously wasn't going to punish him.

"Lord, I request my pay be stripped from me for four months." Uther stated and Ramon wasn't going to turn down free money.

"Alright, you are dismissed." Ramon nodded his head and Uther immediately stood up as he no longer could contain his bloodlust.

Ramon could only shake his head for the pain that Uther would unleash upon those traitors as Ramon was sure there was more.

Now Ramon had to deal with all the paperwork he didn't finish along with sorting out all the things he would hand over to the royal messenger when they arrived.