
Fighting Against Hua Taixu

Fighting Against Hua Taixu . . .

Feather King and Zi Qingxuan, both adorned with wings, engaged in relentless clashes that sent violet-gold sparks dancing through the air. Their attacks were swift and powerful, drawing gasps from the spectators.

"What incredible speed and power they possess."

The onlookers' hearts trembled as the sheer force of their strikes reverberated through the atmosphere, creating a violent hurricane. The swirling, cone-shaped vortex of violet-golden wind wreaked havoc on the entire platform. Fueled by the wind's energy, the two combatants soared into the air, continuing their battle amidst the cheers of the crowd.

"If Feather King loses again, his chances of ranking in the top three are slim. Ahead of him are Hua Taixu and Gusu Tianqi, and now Jun Mengchen has emerged as well. Even Qin Wentian has shown disdain for fighting him. The pressure on Feather King must be immense." An immortal king whispered, his voice filled with awe. The ten participants were exceptionally formidable.

Leaving aside the illustrious Gusu Tianqi and the enigmatic Hua Taixu, there were still Jun Mengchen and Qin Wentian, who had risen to prominence in this final round. None of them could be considered weak. Even Qin Ta, with his heavenly god lineage, and Ye Qianchen, master of supreme sword techniques, found themselves at the bottom among the top ten.

The young king, Feather King of the Winged Devil Race, had been defeated by Jun Mengchen, and both Gusu Tianqi and Qin Wentian had shown no interest in fighting him. The situation was nothing short of astonishing, prompting the immortal kings to reflect on their own youthful ambitions. They saw a reflection of their younger selves in these earnest juniors, fiercely competing for glory.

Soon, Gusu Tianqi defeated Qin Ta, and Mo Wen overcame Ye Qianchen. Qin Ta and Ye Qianchen were relegated to the bottom ranks, without a single victory to their names. It wasn't due to their lack of strength, but rather the sheer prowess of their opponents.

The battles raged on. Except for Hua Taixu, who had yet to enter the fray, everyone fought with unwavering determination.

"Many Incarnations, your disciple doesn't seem overly concerned about the rankings," remarked the Undying Immortal King to the elegant woman beside him. Hua Taixu had yet to participate in a single battle.

"Even if he secures a top-three position, I may hesitate to let him join the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor. After emerging from the samsara world, his will and temperament have evolved differently from the others. His desires are unique," replied the Myriad Incarnation Immortal King with a laugh. The Undying Immortal King nodded in agreement, acknowledging the diversity of motives among the competitors. Gusu Tianqi aimed to become the top-ranked participant to uphold his family's legacy of glory, while others sought to be recognized by the powerful immortal kings in attendance. Each harbored their own ambitions, and Hua Taixu remained an enigma.

The storm of combat continued to rage. Feather King and Zi Qingxuan clashed countless times in the air, their attacks characterized by astonishing speed and power.

Qin Wentian and Jun Mengchen observed the battle, as did Gusu Tianqi and Hua Taixu. None of them seemed inclined to idleness in this crucial moment.

Hua Taixu's gaze shifted, landing on Qin Wentian with an untroubled expression that seemed impervious to the unfolding drama.

"It seems fate has a way of bringing us together," Hua Taixu remarked, his smile exuding elegance and devoid of any hint of malice or enmity.

Returning the smile, Qin Wentian nodded. "Back when I was sixteen, we crossed paths in the Royal Sacred Region. You were already the top ranker on the Heavenly Fate Rankings at that time. Eventually, I achieved a ranking close to yours, just one batch apart. Now, we meet again in the Immortal Martial Realms. It's as you said; fate seems to have a hand in it. Yet, it seems we've been missing something—a battle."

"That's precisely my intention," Hua Taixu replied with a chuckle. "My goal is simple: a duel with you. Are you ready?"

"Mhm." Qin Wentian affirmed. The two of them stood poised to face off, seemingly the sole inhabitants of the vast battle platform. In this moment, the platform belonged solely to them. Their long-anticipated battle, which had been deferred time and again, was now about to unfold.

Immortal kings observed the two with quizzical expressions. Hua Taixu's words hinted at a long-standing acquaintance between him and Qin Wentian, dating back to the latter's teenage years. It was an intriguing revelation.

However, some immortal kings, including the Myriad Incarnations Immortal King and the Undying Immortal King, were less surprised. They understood that Qin Wentian and Hua Taixu hailed from the same particle world and, given their extraordinary talents, had likely been prominent figures there. Such a connection was unsurprising.

"Hua Taixu is challenging Qin Wentian. This battle is of paramount importance."

Before the final round, Hua Taixu had consistently ranked either first or second in the previous rounds. His chances of securing a top-three position were on par with Gusu Tianqi's. If he triumphed over Qin Wentian, he would undoubtedly secure a top-three spot. Qin Wentian had already vanquished numerous opponents.

But what if Qin Wentian emerged victorious?

As the participant who had ranked last in the first round, would Dongsheng Ting permit Qin Wentian to enter the top three?

Thus, everyone eagerly anticipated this showdown between the two exceptional talents.

Jun Mengchen and Gusu Tianqi watched with bated breath, unsure of the outcome but eager to witness the clash. They maintained unwavering faith in Qin Wentian, despite their previous ranking setbacks. They were prepared to astound everyone in this final battle and leave no doubt about their abilities.

As the spectators observed, Hua Taixu and Qin Wentian remained remarkably composed. No sudden movements or tense postures betrayed their thoughts. Yet, a peculiar sight caught their attention: a dazzling light emanated from the center of Qin Wentian's brow, resembling a third eye. This eye emitted powerful rays, while his Dreamworld Constellation materialized overhead.

What appeared to be mere stillness was, in reality, the commencement of an intricate battle beyond the perception of ordinary spectators.

Within the surreal domain, they had entered a dreamscape woven by Qin Wentian, a place that mirrored Hua Taixu's realm of illusions.

Hua Taixu possessed eyes with combat capabilities, a fact that had been unequivocally proven before. No one questioned the potency of his gaze. Under the tutelage of the Myriad Incarnations Immortal King, a master of illusionary arts capable of manifesting countless incarnations, Hua Taixu had undergone the rigorous trials of the samsara world and emerged with his sanity intact.

Both combatants hovered in the air, their surroundings transformed by this fantastical realm. Hua Taixu's numerous incarnations materialized, their forms flickering continuously.

"Illusion-scape? Hua Taixu employed this technique in his previous bout, leaving his opponent on the brink of collapse," Qin Wentian pondered.

Hua Taixu's myriad incarnations advanced toward Qin Wentian, each wielding a long spear. One of them lunged with a spear thrust charged with overwhelming might.

Qin Wentian's palm shimmered with a formidable runic light as he effortlessly shattered the spear. The attacking incarnation dissipated like a mirage.

A buzz followed by another attack, but it too proved illusory.

Outside the dreamscape, spectators watched in awe as Qin Wentian launched a flurry of blows beneath the celestial radiance of his constellation. Their amazement grew as they realized that Hua Taixu's illusions had ensnared Qin Wentian. He appeared entrapped.

Suddenly, a colossal surge of sword energy emanated from Qin Wentian, coalescing into a fearsome vortex of sword qi. His Slaughter Sword Constellation materialized in the heavens, the torrent of sword energy slashing through Hua Taixu's incarnations. However, for each incarnation vanquished, another took its place in an unending cycle.

Another spear thrust toward Qin Wentian, this one carrying immense power. As he stared at the incoming strike, countless illusions inundated his mind. He stood alone amidst a snow-filled sky in the Sky Harmony City of Chu Country. Snowflakes danced around him, and Mo Qingchen, clad in pristine white robes, gazed at him amid the falling snow, her beauty akin to that of a fairy.

In an instant, myriad scenes flashed through his mind, so vivid and lifelike that they felt like reality.

"Damn...!" Qin Wentian's vigilance surged. His aura erupted, and he unleashed his battle technique, forcibly rousing himself from the illusions. His blood's power pulsed through him, and he bellowed in fury. Moments later, resounding bell chimes reverberated through the air as ancient bells materialized around him. With a forceful push of his palms, he shattered the oncoming spear. In the aftermath, he met Hua Taixu's calm gaze.

"That's the real body!"

Qin Wentian's heart quivered. Hua Taixu's true form was concealed among the countless incarnations, a master of illusionary techniques hidden within the intricate spear arts. Hua Taixu could manipulate one's will, conjuring a plethora of scenes in their mind within an instant. As the opponent became entranced, the true lethal strike would materialize, obliterating them. The extent of this tactic's terror was unfathomable.

Within the boundless expanse of their current space, another million incarnations flickered. It became increasingly difficult to distinguish reality from illusion. Hua Taixu's strength was unlike any other, a menace of unparalleled danger. Had it not been for Qin Wentian's unyielding will earlier, he would have already fallen prey to Hua Taixu's mastery.

The spectators marveled at the unfolding battle, their awe mingled with perplexity. An immortal king's sigh hung heavy in the air, punctuating the intensity of the moment.

"Everything is but a grand illusion; breaking free from it relies not solely on one's will," the immortal king lamented, acknowledging the sheer potency of Hua Taixu's illusions. In the face of such mesmerizing sorcery, who among the ten participants could hope to shatter its enchantment?

Qin Wentian, immersed in the intricate web of illusions, recognized the futility of relying solely on mental fortitude to escape their entrapment. In response, he tapped into a wellspring of power. A white, candle-like flame enveloped his entire form, bathing him in ethereal radiance. Within moments, his entire body blazed with incandescent white flames. These resplendent flames danced in his eyes, their fiery brilliance coalescing within the third eye at the center of his forehead.

In that instant, the pupils of his eyes transformed into pools of searing white fire, flickering like torches in the night—an awe-inspiring and terrifying spectacle.

"Zi, zi, zi, zi~" The myriad incarnations, mirages crafted from the very fabric of the void, began to wither and dissipate under the searing intensity of Qin Wentian's gaze. They, who had materialized from the formless void, returned to their intangible origins, vanquished by the unstoppable power of his burning resolve.