
update on stories

Well, its certainly been a while hasnt it? Gods, it feels like years since I last touched my writing program properly, feels like ive been dead and just havent noticed it.

But, no ones here to hear me moan and whine, we're here to learn what's been going on, and what I'm going to do from here on out, so let's not waste time.

Quite frankly, a fair bit has been going on, both personal and professional, it's all really boring even to me who was involved. In essence, I've decided to leave a job I started about a year and a half ago, which you might realise was shortly before I stopped writing.

I've given myself time to let it sink in and get over that chapter of my life, and that inevitably brought me here, to my writings, and to you.

Luckily, I get to not be the bearer of bad news. I do not promise to go back to my schedule from when I first started writing, but my mind is fresh, my will is reignited, and my fingers are itching, so I will return and start releasing chapters again.

I will be starting with Monarch, putting out the next chapter on Monday the 27th of May.

Thank you for your patience, and I hope you will keep bring patient with me forward as I get back into the swing of life