What if the monrach are in multiverse? what do you think what will happened. This is the story of ordinary young man given a chance to become his favorite character and building a group called Monarch that will put fear in Multiverse. All the characters in this story are not mine.
Suddenly a kunai and shuriken started flying towards them, when the two saw this they immediately dogde by jumping backwards.
After dodging the kunai and shureken, Ashborn saw a shadow from his back and when Ashborn saw this he quickly pulled Kai to dodge the incoming attack.
"Your fast" The ninja said when he saw Ashborn saw his ambush attack from behind.
After hearing this Ashborn looked at the ninja and when he saw the ninja, Ashborn is shocked because he saw the logo of Konoha.
"Fast enough to kill you" Ashborn scoffed at the ninja who tried to stabbed Kai.
"Are you sure you can outrun five of us?" The ninja said and suddenly four more ninja appeared around Kaid and Ashborn.
"Fuck me" Ashborn said when he saw they were being surrounded by Konoha's ninja.
"What were gonna do? Fight or run?" Ashborn whispered to Kai.
"Even though we want to run away, do you think we can?" Kai answered Ashborn and continued "those four are only genin and the one that almost kill me is a chunin one, I will fight the chunin and one genin while you ashborn distract the remaining 3"
'This guy is for real? I thought he sees me as a civilian' Ashborn thought when he heard Kai's plan.
After seing that Ashborn agreed to his plan even though Ashborn didn't fully agreee, Kai quickly made a hand sign to form a ninjutsu.
"Mizu palleto" After finishing the hand sign, suddenly fist size water ball came out at Kai's mouth and hitting the chunin in the body.
Because of the force and its high speed of Kai's ninjutsu the chunin was laying in the ground.
Mizu Peretto (Water Pellet)
Rank: D
Description: It is a bullet that impacts the enemy at high speed (though with blunt force,) and it is roughly about the size of a fist.
When Ashborn saw this he unconsciously thought to himself 'Fuck yeah'
Meanwhile the other 4 ninja was in shock because their so called leader was caught off guard by water ninjutsu.
"You caught me off guard" The chunin ninja said while slowly standing up from the ground.
After looking at the situation for a while, Ashborn immediately run away from the group, his intention was not literal to run away but to divide the group into two.
"You four, go chase me I can handle this guy by my self" The chunin said when he saw Ashborn running away
Just as Ashborn though when the chunin saw him running away, the chunin will order some of the genin to chase after him but he didn't expect to all of the genin will chase him.
"I'm fucked" Ashborn said as he tried to outrun the four genin and also trying to literally separate this two groups.
*Swoosh* *Ting* *SwOoh
The four genin started to throw kunai and shuriken at Ashborn while trying to catch up with Ashborn, a few seconds later the four genin succeed at catching up with Ashborn.
When one of the genin saw this, he immediately jump and attacked Ashborn with a flying kick.
Of course Ashborn didn't saw this coming because he is busy trying to outrun his four enemies. the fyling kick hit Ashborm directly at his body.
*Cough* *Cough*
"Really? a flying kick?" Ashborn said as he stood up from the ground while coughing.
"You quiet talkative from who's about to die" The Genin who attacked Ashborn with a fyling kick said.
"Yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah" Ashborn scoffed when he heard one of the genin mocking him.
'This is quite bad isn't? this four already surrounded me, but I'm not fucking alone' Ashborn though and he suddenly smirked.
After smirking his Shadow slowly move without the four genin noticing it.
"Now prepare to meet death itself
Sorry for the bad grammar