
Monarch's Journey: Infinite Wives In My Harem!

Harem is life! Harem is the future! But wait, how many should I have in my harem? One…? Two…? No, I’m a slave. My aim, to be a monarch - a big dream. Yes, let’s dream big. SKY is my limit! Not one, not two. Infinite! Infinite wives in my harem! That’s my dream! #No NTR #No Yuri Note: The harem part will come soon enough, but the plot pacing might be slow considering that each chapter will be of 1000-1200 words. I will try my best to write with best grammar. Discord: https://discord.gg/xQnwu65VeF - still in developmental stage.

1st_Manga_KING · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Chapter 18: Seduction And Interrogation [2]

Chapter 18: Seduction And Interrogation [2]

Vaughn was completely lost in her beauty.

The slave master's upper body was adorned with an intricate piece of armor, designed to mimic the shape of a bra, accentuating her ample curves while offering a hint of tantalizing exposure. Her lower body was adorned with a skirt, crafted from the same leather material as her armor. It hugged her hips snugly, showcasing her feminine curves, while the leather offered a layer of protection against any potential threats.

The contrast between the sensuality of her attire and the practicality of the armor spoke volumes about the complex nature of her role as a slave master.

Her waist, porcelain white and adorned with delicate curves, exuded an air of elegance and grace. The red ponytail cascading down her back added a vibrant touch to her appearance, contrasting beautifully with her fair complexion. But it was her eyes, a captivating shade of red that sparkled like molten rubies in the torchlight, that truly drew Demitas's attention, as they shimmered with a mix of mischief and desire.

As Demitas took in her stunning beauty, he couldn't help but feel a sense of both awe and anticipation. The playful giggle that escaped her lips only served to heighten the intrigue, leaving him wondering what lay ahead and how his answer would shape their entwined destinies.

Demitas held his gaze with unwavering determination, his eyes meeting hers directly as he began to explain. "I discovered some weird herbs," he started, his voice steady yet filled with a sense of intrigue, "and upon testing them, I found that they were magical."

"They had the powers to heal, and were way better than the herbs we use normally."

As the words left his lips, a hint of surprise flickered across the girl's face. Her eyes widened, and her eyebrows raised in curiosity.

A shrewd smile played across her lips as she absorbed Demitas' words. "Oh really?" she replied, her voice laced with a mix of intrigue and ambition. "Well, I need those herbs. As you can see, we could use them to heal the slaves after a brutal fight. But it also means money if we sell them in the market."

Her demeanor had shifted, no longer the playful temptress but a cunning and calculating individual. The slave master's mind whirled with anticipation as she considered the possibilities that awaited if Demitas would only reveal the location of the precious herbs. The knowledge that the potion had successfully healed Misli in its entirety had ignited a spark of excitement within her.

Closing the distance between them, she leaned in, her face mere inches away from Demitas'. Her breath was warm against his skin as she reiterated her question, her voice filled with a mixture of anticipation and desire.

"Where are those herbs? We are underground, right? So they must be hidden here, somewhere close," she murmured, her hands now gently cradling his face. "Answer me, Demitas. Tell me where I can find them."

Demitas couldn't help but feel a rush of shyness as he found himself under the attention of the slave master, especially, her breasts being just a centimetre away from his face. Being treated with such assertiveness and directness by a woman was a new experience for him.

"Y-yes," he stammered, his voice betraying his nervousness. "If we keep moving deeper into the underground, you will find a secret area, too dark and not discovered by many."

A triumphant smile spread across the slave master's face as she snapped her fingers thrice, giving a command to her subordinates. "Untie him and bring him with us," she instructed.

However, her plans hit a snag when the torturer interjected, voicing concerns about Demitas' injured legs. "But he can't walk," the torturer remarked with a click of his tongue. "His legs have been badly injured due to them being whipped badly."

The slave master's eyes burned with fury as she stared daggers at the torturer who had caused Demitas such grievous injuries. Her voice dripped with a dangerous edge as she spoke, "Oh boy, if his rank increases due to this miracle potion, then you are so dead."

The torturer visibly flinched at her words, realizing the gravity of the situation. He had only been doing his job, unaware of the potential value that Demitas possessed. The weight of the slave master's anger bore down on him, and he struggled to find words to defend himself.

As the torturer carried out his duties, he couldn't help but harbor a sense of frustration within. 'Then tell me ahead before torturing him,' he complained silently in his mind. 'How will he deceive her? He has no idea how much of a monster that woman is.'

The torturer kept thinking that Demitas was trying his best to deceive the slave master.

Demitas, aware of the urgency in the slave master's demand, hesitated for a moment. He longed for respite, a chance to recover from his injuries and gather his thoughts. "Can I rest for 2-3 days or more?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of desperation.

"I won't be going anywhere, and the herbs won't be going anywhere either."

The slave master, however, was not one to entertain such requests. She clicked her tongue in disapproval, a clear sign that time was of the essence. "No, I want it now."


Closing the distance between them, she brought her finger to Demitas's lips, silencing any further protests. Her presence was magnetic, her breath warm against his skin. "So, lead the way," she declared firmly.

Demitas's frustration and defiance boiled within him, pushing him to assert his own dominance in the face of the slave master's advances.

'Bitch, you think you are greater than me?,' he growled through gritted teeth. Being subjugated by them was not in his nature, and he longed to establish his own sense of control.

"Well, let me tell you something. If I refuse to go with you, you can never find it," Demitas declared boldly. He knew that the knowledge of the herbs' location was his trump card, a bargaining chip that could turn the tables in his favor.
