
Monarch's Journey: Infinite Wives In My Harem!

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What is Monarch's Journey: Infinite Wives In My Harem!

Lisez le roman Monarch's Journey: Infinite Wives In My Harem! écrit par l'auteur 1st_Manga_KING publié sur WebNovel. Harem is life!Harem is the future!But wait, how many should I have in my harem?One…? Two…?No, I’m a slave. My aim, to be a monarch - a big dream.Yes, let’s dream big. SKY is my limit!Not one, not two....


Harem is life! Harem is the future! But wait, how many should I have in my harem? One…? Two…? No, I’m a slave. My aim, to be a monarch - a big dream. Yes, let’s dream big. SKY is my limit! Not one, not two. Infinite! Infinite wives in my harem! That’s my dream! #No NTR #No Yuri Note: The harem part will come soon enough, but the plot pacing might be slow considering that each chapter will be of 1000-1200 words. I will try my best to write with best grammar. Discord: https://discord.gg/xQnwu65VeF - still in developmental stage.

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Hello cultured gentlemen/ladies, author here. Nothing much to say, hmm, I will just open this as Q and A. You can ask questions here and I would do my best to answer it. If you do notice any mistakes anywhere in the novel, do let me know. Will try to fix asap. You can join my discord server, a newly created one, for character-art, spoiler, check my other novels, or monthly give away of anywhere from $10-$100, and play many more games. [It's a new server so it won't be just now, maybe a month or two from now on, but here's the link: check in the synopsis XD] And lastly, please be safe, happy and enjoy life. Some of you might have had a really bad day... my dms are always open for you all. You can share it away, with me. Who am I? A stranger perhaps? But an author as well... and a fellow human. So ya, just... stay safe! Appreciating all the love from the readers.


A good start, a very cultured title, and mindset, yeah. who doesn't want infinite wives?! I am rooting for MC on this one for sure. but... ahem. anyway, I will recommend this to anyone who loves a good harem.


Even I as a veteran author was astounded by the author's work! I must say I am its number 1 fan. Kek. Anyways, the narration flows like a river. Try and check it out yourselves! Quality on its finest! [img=nervous]


Phenomenal! Bravo!I can see a lot of potential in this work. And its grammar and narration was its strongest aspect. Even I failed to compare my vocabulary to the author's writings. Well, good luck and your novel is the best! 🤗


The intro of the story was PHENOMENAL! I can't wait for the next chapter that will be written by the author. The grammars definitely have improved, considering the author's not an english native. As for the story I can't properly rate it yet, however I believe that this book would reach a large amount of potential readers. Will keep on waiting!![img=update][img=recommend]


It seems good and promising liked the starting and hope the story will get more interesting as it goes well there's always room for improvement


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