
Molten Bonds

Lost in his endeavour for success and achievement, time passed all too fast before realization struck Bryan on the things he'd lost and missed out on along the way. It spiralled from there as thoughts only became a painful reality as further events transpired throughout his life. Battered and beaten the only thing that remained intact was his integrity as tested by an unfortunate or fortunate encounter that would cease his life of suffering only to be granted the chance of beginning the prospects of another.

Leshar_Writings · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
10 Chs


Two weeks passed since Leonard's first lesson with Emilia had transpired. It was just past noon and currently he was outside in their family back garden running laps whilst under her supervision as she had previously promised, away from prying eyes ensuring Leonard's awakening remained secret.

Within these two weeks Leonard had learnt just how much of a tyrant she could be when it came to following through on her planned regimen. Clearly stating her intentions in pushing him beyond the limits of what would be expected for someone his age. The fact that he was training at home – having access to the staff and facilities here, meant she didn't need to worry about Leonard's lack of care or support. Therefore, just like every other day during these two weeks was he covered in sweat, his clothing drenched whilst desperately taking in deep breaths, struggling to maintain his current pace as he carried on circling the gardens outer pathways.

To help distract from his current suffering, he couldn't help but look back on that first lesson they had, as he remembered how they later went outside. Followed by Emilia injecting her own mana into him, creating an incredibly cooling liquid sensation. Where she placed her hands, mana coursed through his body and seeped deeper and deeper within him until finally she stopped, allowing it to slowly dissipate like smoke. It was a necessary procedure because it jump started his senses on locating his own mana flow, leading to him learning the basics on how to manipulate mana and its use in developing his pathways and strengthening his body. Not soon after though she sent him on his way to start running laps.

Bringing himself back to the present, he was still running just like in previous lessons only now he was having to apply his mana through his pathways using a technique Emilia called 'threading'. The way it worked was he had to channel his mana from his core and pinch his pathways with his mana similar to how you would pinch a thread of string with your finger and thumb. From there he would carry on pinching that thread as he channelled his mana down the pathway dragging it further down to the very end. Slowly he would encourage the length and depth of his pathways to grow within him but also his already established pathways would thicken as more and more mana travelled through them.

The reason he was doing it while physically training was to help him develop his concentration on his mana application without losing focus during physical exertion, helping him to understand the precise control that his pathways offered. It was a tiring and tedious method but given that he was essentially breaking through uncharted territory in mixed pathway development he couldn't complain.

In reluctance, he hated to admit that he was grudgingly thankful for Emilia being here. Despite his complaints, he knew she was taking the matter of his growth very seriously, he was just unsure if it was because she felt responsible for him as a teacher or the research he was a part of. Time could only tell on that front.

"Final lap! Then you can rest and recover!"

Never had her voice sounded so enchanting to him than it did with that announcement. Spellbound in knowing that the end was in sight he decided to give it his all to end today's work out.

"Haaah… haaah… haaah!"

Upon reaching Emilia's side in the centre of the garden, he did his best to refrain from collapsing on the floor despite how wobbly his legs were. Having to start from zero with his fitness levels, he knew from his past life that building himself up again would be a tiring and painful endeavour. He couldn't care less however, after he had gotten more familiar with the concepts of developing his core and mana; the idea of him utilising such a wondrous and mystical like element was a worthwhile investment – let alone the chance for him to experience something which in his eyes was the equivalent to magic.

"Not bad, you're getting the hang of this now aren't you my little pupil?" A somewhat haughty undercurrent of teasing embedded itself in her praise.

This was one of the things which made Emilia a little difficult at times; her being very effective at twisting the proverbial knife when it came to getting a rise out of someone. Though he knew she didn't do it maliciously, at least not yet. He believed she did this in order to get him more motivated in his training, she'd even tried using herself as an incentive once. Nothing extreme, just a little of the eye fluttering and overly teasing smiles. She knew she was beautiful, why wouldn't she use it to effect? Honestly speaking, he sometimes found it a struggle to distract himself from her appearance at times. Such as today. Despite dressing slightly more conservatively compared to their original encounter, she still exuded the beauty of temptation. Though he often ignored her appearance by throwing himself into whatever tasks she'd assigned him at the time.

Yet at this moment, his weariness got the better of him as he started speaking before he could stop himself. Acting more familiar with her than he usually would.

"Was it… this intense with… Ashton and Illi?"

The response wasn't instant and he was too busy leaning forward, holding himself up with his hands on his knees to see her reaction.

"Not really, Ashton… as dedicated as he was to my teachings was a little bit of a bore to be quite honest. Never questioning what I asked of him with that same old stoicism. Very straight laced and by the book – dull if you will."

He twitched slightly, he didn't know why she started talking that way about his brother like that but the tone in which she did irritated him more than her previous attempts these past few days had.

A slight pause but then she carried on, "Now Illiana… Little Illi is… Well you see Illiana was a lot more fun. She's just a ball of energy and excitement all rolled into one, like an adorable puppy waiting for scratches. Sadly, reality is harsh and I can see her innocence working against her unless she starts maturing soon. Otherwise, rather than a ring on her finger it'll be a collar on her ne–".

Her voice cut off the moment she saw Leonard's reaction, his head rose from leaning forward to meet her eyes as a piercingly chilling gaze silently voiced for her to dare finish that sentence. Unknown to Leonard, did a slight shiver run down Emilia's spine for a brief moment but what he did notice was the small smile – one that felt more genuine than any he'd witnessed emerge from her face so far.

Closing the distance a little and crouching down to Leonards eye level did she break the tension and press on his nose with her finger.

"You'll scare all the girls away if you stare at them with eyes like that you know." Her voice placatingly softer than she'd ever spoken to him.

He didn't respond however, just maintaining eye contact as his body improved on it's breathing.

She let out an audible sigh as she stood up, shrugging her shoulders whilst rolling her eyes away.

"Yes. Okay, I'm saying these things on purpose, happy now?" Her confession unable to hide the sound of annoyance that she had to openly admit herself like this.


"Why else Leonard? It's my duty as your teacher to understand you; your motivations, your fears, your anger. We're going to be working together for the next couple of years and the sooner I start getting a better understanding of who you are the sooner I can start on ensuring that we have a plan going forward." Her arms moved around animatedly in her explanation, as the irritation in her voice was made clear.

"Even Ashton was easier to read than you, you're only five years old yet you manage yourself better than some teenagers do. The fact you've been restraining your emotions these past two weeks only made it harder for me to get a read on you. And yes Leonard, I did notice. So I had to get under your skin a little to see the cracks."

He hadn't expected her to actually give him a straight forward answer but if she was going to be up front about it he felt it only fair to do the same. And yet, even though it made sense and he too was at fault a little because of his own mentality, that didn't mean he had to like it. "Then don't speak ill about my family. Any of them… That includes the staff working here as well."

She raised an eyebrow in response to his own straight forwardness. Though couldn't hold back teasing him a little more.

"All of the staff or just Marie?"

"Don't push it." His glare returning.

"Fine, staff too. Happy now?"

A small nod. "It's a start."

Their agreement lead to the forming of an awkward yet understanding relationship between the two. Having cleared out the air as they began their routine after training discussion; a platform to report on Leonard's progress and his improvements regarding how he felt with his training and if he had any problems with the planned schedule.

She didn't share it, but this aspect of Leonard is what impressed Emilia the most. He never made any attempts at grandstanding or exaggeration – even offering his own insight on how he felt with his progress. She'd met plenty of intelligent children before, Leonard's own siblings included. Yet his upfront eagerness to her training was something that she could appreciate not only as a teacher but also as an adult. Knowing full well it was an attitude that would only serve him better as he grew older.

They were just finishing up when the sound of running and eager giggling came from the houses garden entrance.


Running to see her brother talking to her former home teacher was Illiana, full smile brimming in excitement as she returned from her classes. She closed the distance faster than he expected and without hesitation did she pick him up in her arms to hug him tightly against her.

"Len! Did you have a good day of training?! I had a great day at school! Wanna hear about it?!"

She was a hurricane of affection, though forced to wrap his own arms around her for his own support. Yet, lost himself in the moment as he smiled and joined in with her laughter from the contagious excitement. Only to be pushed away seconds later, accompanied by her childish complaining.

"Len! You're all sweaty and smelly! You need to get washed before it sets in."

"Of course I'm still sweaty I've just finished my training for the day."

"Then hurry up and get washed already! I have a lot to talk about!" Her tantrum could only be seen as nothing but innocence in his eyes.

And just like a hurricane, her focus switched immediately from him to Emilia, acting as though nothing happened did she rush to her teacher – hugging her too. Face directly into Emilia's cleavage and squishing herself into heavens embrace.

"I've missed you Miss Sylphwood! I don't get to see you as often as I did when you were teaching me. Did you and Len have fun?"

Reciprocating Illiana's hug Emilia couldn't hold herself back from spoiling his sister.

"Illiana, I'm happy to see you too but when did you stop calling me by my name? You know I've told you to start calling me Emilia even back when I was teaching you." An almost playful sisterly affection could be seen in how she responded.

"But at school they tell us to show proper respect to our teachers, so it's either Mr or Mrs or Miss or Sir or–"

"No. Not with me Illi, always know that I'm as much a friend as I am your teacher."

Illiana just looked up from her hug releasing the most beatific smile imaginable to Emilia's words which shocking to Leonard was in turn matched by Emilia as well. Conflicted, his recalling of Emilia's earlier provocations about his sister contrasted to the scene now with the two of them interacting like that, making his understanding of her character all the more difficult. Hoping for now that it was just a ruse in order to get a reaction out him rather than a glimpse behind a mask she was wearing.

Breaking him from his thoughts he heard another set of footsteps approaching from behind and exiting the house into the garden was a middle aged looking butler making his presence known.

Standing tall and straight at a height of 6ft 3 inches with wide shoulders and strong arms with an equally impressively statuesque lower body. He had neck length dark golden hair which was as much natural as it was swept backwards, along with his well trimmed beard giving a combination of wild animal like elegance. His blue eyes looked forward respectfully to Leonard as he slightly bowed forward, placing his left palm across his chest to address everyone currently present.

"Young master Leonard, I've been informed by Marie that a bath has been drawn and is waiting for you in the bathing room." His voice was calmingly deep.

"Jenson, okay, thank you, I'll head there now."

Turning around Leonard quickly addressed Illiana and Emilia of his departure only to have Illiana rushing him back into the house so they could spend more time talking later. Whilst Jenson chose to stay behind and accompany Illiana watching over her interactions with Emilia.

Not wanting for the water to go cold and with a slight spring to his step, Leonard entered back into the house moving towards his awaiting bath at a hurried pace.

It wasn't until he was just turning the corner in one of the hallways that he bumped into Ashton without realizing he was there.

"Leonard." Ashton stated in calm acknowledgement.

"Ah, brother. I'm sorry I didn't see you there."

In what memories he'd inherited, Ashton had always been a very introvertive person which to his parents was a struggle to adjust to. That never discouraged them from cherishing their first born though. Personally, Leonard didn't find his brothers reticence to be an issue, he would always reach out and start conversations with him but he would never force topics of no interest. Keeping their interactions true and on point which he hoped would eventually allow Ashton to open up a little more in the future.

Recently, there were two major topics that Leonard would often initiate with Ashton whenever he felt he had the chance. The first revolved around their training methods and what Ashton had gone through during his awakening, often inquiring him for guidance and what his struggles were early on in adjusting.

The second, was Emilia. Specifically about how she felt a severe need to tease or annoy him at whatever chance she could get. With regards to this, Leonard didn't know if Ashton cared at all about his student/teacher problems, but he never showed disinterest as he had with some of the other topics he'd brought up previously. So Leonard would often carry on voicing his grievances until he felt satisfied he'd vented everything out.

"You seem to be in a rush."

"Marie had a bath prepared for me after my training was finished for the day, so I'm just rushing there before it gets cold."

"I see." Nothing more was added as Ashton chose to step aside giving Leonard a slightly wider than expected berth and a near unnoticeable frown on his face.

Looking questioningly at his brother, Leonard couldn't help but speak up. "Is something wrong Ashton?"

"No, I'm fine." He shook his head in confirmation.


"Leonard. Bath first." His voice wasn't forceful but held a growing tranquil strength.

A moment of uncertainty followed by a brief spark of realisation lead to Leonard's understanding for Ashton's aversion and couldn't help but let out a small laugh from his brothers response. "You're reacting just like Illi did. Only no hugging."

Thinking he could break the ice a little Leonard decided to open his arms wide insinuating for his older brother join in his embrace, "Hug?"

Ashton made no comment, yet a slight rise of his outer lips showed Leonard he got some form of a response, "Emilia is rubbing off on you more than you think." With that said he turned his sight down the hall, nodding his head slightly in that direction.

Turning to where Ashton directed, Leonard saw Marie watching them both and had a raised eyebrow but her stoic appearance betrayed the obvious aura of impatience she was emanating.

"We'll have to catch up later then brother, if Illi hasn't captured me first." Releasing an overly dramatic sigh Leonard went off towards Marie in pursuit of finally getting himself clean before she dragged him off into the depths herself.


A stone built hangar, one of many located in Frederice's local military complex gave rise to the sounds of heavy forging and construction. Within it's hold was a myriad of activity mostly by people wearing orange overalls faded to varying degrees with harness' and equipment belts tied around their waists. Their point of focus was the line of giant metal bodies geared with knightly armour – standing at a height of 12 meters each. The armoured giants were all separated with enough space to establish several layers of scaffolding to encase each of their bodies at various heights. And all of them had their own team of orange suited engineers working over their bodies, each dealing with individual issues that had been orchestrated for today's engineering exercise.

Below one of these knight armours was a group of engineers gathered around someone who also wore the same overall design but his entire right arm to the shoulder was white, stating his rank as chief engineer of this hangar. Rather stout in height, his arms gave no lie to the strength they held as his bald head only emphasized his braided long beard and bushy eyebrows strengthening the no nonsense attitude with his weathered and wrinkled appearance of authority.

His voice bellowing over the hangars cacophony of activity struggled to find purchase amongst some of the newly assigned staff fresh from graduation – awaiting transferral to the central Rift's engineering section.

"Now behind me you see your standard 'Mottak' knight frame. Both it and the 'Hersir' frames make up the bulk of the army's ATAK units. This particular frame is assigned to the captain of this squadron and resides in my hangar. We've setup a series of issues in these knight frames so that new blood like yourselves can identify and fix them. You'll have myself and several other experienced personnel from my own team overseeing your actions."

The sounds of the hangar were distracting and he could see some of the eyes of the recruits glancing off to the side curious about the ongoing activities as a whole.

Not new to the matter but annoyed that it was a constant occurrence with new blood, he needed to nip their ignorance in the bud before it took root; affecting their performance when real responsibility would eventually be thrust upon their shoulders. They were the determining factor of the lives of the knight frame pilots they'd be assigned to later on.

"Let me make it crystal clear! This is our knight frame – in my hangar and we take her well-being very seriously. If you so much as in anyway disrespect her and not take this seriously, I'll be sure to revoke your week-end passes consistently until you can prove otherwise!"

That did it. Every single eye had widened as they zeroed in on the chief engineer before them. Not willing to ignore any words further said.

"Now, you know your tasks – get to it!"

Like a blur the once silent group of engineers moved in a flurry, their own movements and actions adding to the hangars symphony of noise and busyness.

Arms folded, he watched on as they went about their tasks. The chief engineer could only hope that this group of new bloods would adapt quickly to the environment they'd be expected to work in.

The Rift held a strong degree of veterancy and the engineering division took their role very seriously, in his eyes, they were the blood that gave life to these giant suits of armour. He'd seen too many scenarios of knight pilots going out in shoddily maintained knight frames and losing their lives because of it. The Rift could only afford the best and he had to prepare them to be that before being shipped out over there.

A hand soon gripped his shoulder, pulling him out from his thoughts as he turned to look at who it was. Only a handful of people he knew would dare to touch him so familiarly.

"You're giving them a good scare this week, something got you worried Gamon?"

Stood before the dwarven engineer was Brenton wearing his pilot suit. It was purposefully tight in its fitting giving view to his strong well toned physique, leaving nothing left to the imagination for the rest. The material looked similar to that of a thinner variation of a wetsuit with thicker padding around the elbow, knees, waist and across the shoulders. The main colour was dark blue with the padding being black. Inlaid along the back of his limbs and spinal column was a line of silver which meshed perfectly into the suits material. Over his suit he was wearing a wool lined leather jacket which had his squadrons emblem patched onto it's left chest – a silver kestrel flying upwards, wings spread out over a silver rimmed dark blue kite shield and two silver stars below each wing.

Not sounding happy about his arrival at all, Gamon could only welcome his knight captains appearance with his usual gruffness. "Oh it's you Brenton, you've arrived earlier than you usually do. What's the occasion? Got out of bed on time and didn't know what to do?"

"Nah, nothing so world ending I'm afraid, I received a warning from someone… higher up about my mismanaged schedule is all. So I figured I should start showing my face around here more often and get back in their good books."

"Hrmph! Bout time somebody kicked you up your arse. Getting too lenient in your own duties will spread through the rest of the hangar, and I don't want to have to deal with that shit when brass comes down on us for lack of discipline."

This level of banter was common for them, Brenton did away with the whole worshipping the rank status that some military personnel applied to themselves. He'd seen enough of that back at the Rift. In his eyes, these men and women served alongside him – lived and died by him. If he couldn't meet them at least half way, how could he expect them to do the same?

"Yeah, I agree with you on that one. Anyway, meeting in the office – five minutes. Got it?"

Grumbling a little about timing and duties Gamon could only accede to Brentons demand.

"Understood captain."

Nodding his head in acknowledgement Brenton left his chief engineer and went on ahead.

Looking back up at his captains knight frame and the myriad of engineers working on it he could only pick out one of his most experienced to take over while he left.

"Sanderson, you're on deck! Keep tabs on all the new blood and don't you dare skimp out on sending me a full report if I'm not back in time! Understood?!"

On one of the gangways was a response as someone performed a military salute with their right fist over their chest towards Gamon, "Aye Engineer!" He roared to ensure his voice reached his chief.

Nodding in acknowledgement he went on to follow after Brenton into the squadrons office. At least that's how they liked to call it. In reality it was no more a self built wooden shack hidden away in the corner of the hangar surrounded by spare parts and large storage containers. It did a good enough job of drowning out the noise however – and so was decided upon by the hangars squadron pilots to be used as both an office and resting area for them before and after deployment.

As he approached the door he noticed a small sign saying, knock before entering. He didn't bother, he was asked to come here and it was a minor security measure they'd established that knockers weren't to be included in ongoing meetings.

Thus upon opening the door did Gamon have clear sight of two individuals sat around a circular wooden table on matching chairs. They didn't have the main lights on but rather thelamplightsthat were setup along the walls, usingamberlets as a light source – a breed of flower that when infused with mana they would release a light around their surroundings, a commonly used source of cheap lighting as they were both easy to grow and harvest but were also the symbolic flower of the royal family.

Due to this choice the room had a more subdued lighting giving off a humble atmosphere emphasising it's wooden interior. However, Gamon could only complain on the matter, "What is this nonsense? You think this is some sort of kids hideout or something?"

Brenton upon hearing Gamon's complaint merely shrugged his shoulders on the matter. "It's comforting. Adds a little atmosphere in soothing the soul if you will. I'm going to be here all day so figured may as well be comfy if so."

All his response received was an overly audible variation of disgruntlement, emphasising his common disagreement which opened up the chance for the second person at the table to speak up on the matter.

"I told you he'd be upset, if you keep pushing peoples buttons like this, especially your crew then don't be surprised if they up and ask for a transferral if they're not already filing a complaint." Arm's crossed and calmly observing his two associates, this man's tone was subdued and straightforward but a flicker of humour was hidden as he voiced his thoughts.

Gamon looked at the second person and felt his own anger ease a little in realizing someone with common sense besides himself was also present for this meeting of theirs.

Looking nearly the same age as Brenton the second man had dark brown hair that was perfectly styled backwards reaching his neck. Strong yet noble masculine features and well defined eyebrows sat above his brown eyes with a slight intelligent gaze to them. Giving emphasis to the scar that ran across his face from above his right eyebrow to below his left eye. Just like Brenton he too was also in his pilot suit, a similarly strong physique and sporting the squadrons jacket. He was the squadrons knight lieutenant – second in command after Brenton.

"Hmm! Nicholas. At least someone with common sense is present besides myself. Get on with it captain – just better be worth dragging me 'ere."

Pulling up a chair himself, Gamon sat at the round table allowing all focus of the two men to be directed on Brenton. Though Gamon and Nicholas both knew that whenever the casual attitude of their captain vanished the topic would normally go in a direction neither of them liked.

"Reports are coming in from the Rift. The Corrupted are apparently showing signs of strange movement. Their mindless charging attempts to overwhelm our defences and break through whatever area they attack haven't been occurring as much of late. Instead, they've been reported to have been using probing attacks recently or at least signs of some semblance of basic organisation."

Silence filled the room between the three men, Nicholas turned to think a little whilst Gamon spoke up first.

"So? What does any of that have to do with us? What can we even do about it? Have you been missing from your post for so long that you forgot this isn't the Rift?"

Brenton gave it a few seconds before responding. A more serious tone than he had previous.

"What I'm saying is. I want us to start preparing for the possibility that the Rift could be breached…"

His words caused both men to look at him a lot more seriously. The idea that the Rift, their kingdoms bastion of defence – the marvel of dwarven architecture that kept the entire kingdoms people safe for centuries could be breached was something unfathomable to them.

"You bloody well better repeat that again Captain, lest my hearing's still ringing from all that racket outside." Gamon was angered by Brenton's words – seeing it as an insult. To him, the Rift was a testament to the perseverance, engineering and hardiness of his people.

Nicholas cut in at that point, responding before Brenton could.

"Gamon. Focus. And listen to what he's saying. Brenton wouldn't be bringing up this topic if there wasn't a legitimate cause for concern. And it would be prudent of us to take this matter just as seriously given our own location."

Brenton carried on after Nicholas' reasoning and calmingly spoke his thoughts to address his chief engineer. "Gamon. Frederice is a relay hub. We're the closest city to the centre of the Rift besides Lemritte which established itself directly below the central wall. The central regions are some of the more troubling locations to maintain. Roads need maintenance, caravans need protection and there are no major waterways for us to take advantage of. The eastern and western walls have access to the ports allowing for an easier transfer of supplies whereas we're stuck with land travel. Sure, we could get supplies from the ports too but then we'd suffer heavier financial costs due to transportation, a lack of contacts and other forms of delay. Only further adding to the increased prices as trade inland would be lost affecting multiple other cities and possibly affecting the duchy itself."

Gamon simply crossed his arms and grumbled about the annoyance of it all, though not relenting on his earlier statement. "You never answered my question. What does this have to do with us?"

Brenton looked between Gamon and Nicholas and got straight to the matter. "I need you two to help gather information. Anything. Gamon, you've served in the Rift on the eastern walls. That's where the majority of the dwarven forces get stationed alongside the dragonians. I'm wanting you to get in touch with whatever contacts you have over there. If they hear anything, see anything that correlates to whatever I just mentioned then have them pass it onto us."

He then looked at Nicholas. "Same thing Nicholas, I know you served on the western wall. Surely there's some people there you know that'll keep an eye out."

Nicholas couldn't hold back a small sigh from escaping. "Yeah, I know a few people over there still. Though Liarra would kill me if she found out I was digging up old contacts… We decided we'd left that place behind for good…"

"I know, I'm only asking for simple updates on sketchy stuff. Nothing that'd get you deeply involved in anything to cause trouble."

Intervening with his standard gruffness Gamon couldn't hold himself back.

"So what're yer planning to do with all this information? Not exactly high on the totem pole so to speak to make much of a difference. I mean sure, we could get you an' the rest fully kitted and geared for a fight. But that ain't going to do much when yer facing off against one of those bloody hordes."

Nodding in agreement Brenton said. "Believe me I know, but this didn't originally come from me…" He let his words linger a moment hoping for the other two to catch on.

"Ha! That someone being… higher up yeah? Tch! What's with the pointless subterfuge here? We all know it's your missus pulling the strings on this rumour chase."

Brenton leaned forward on the table emphasising his warning. "Then you better follow through with those contacts. As we both know, compared to me she's not someone to piss off. And last I checked she's the one overseeing shipping manifestos for the entire army stationed here… Us included."

Gamon shifted a little in his seat – not willing to back down on the matter though unable to prevent the uncertainty show in his voice. "I don't believe for a second she'd hang us out to dry like that. She's invested too much into the entire knight frame divisions stationed here to just throw us out like that."

"You're right Gamon, she wouldn't hang up on any of the knight squadrons, but she would me. Only me." His voice taking a slight chill as it was directed to Gamon who couldn't help but shiver.

"I-err what do you mean?"

He stared directly into Gamon's eyes as the chief engineer witnessed the most serious attitude he'd seen his captain wear since they met back from their deployment to the Rift.

"No sex."

Silence. Only the muted sounds of the hangar outside remained to remind them of where they still were.

Continuing on, Brenton stood up, emphasising every word as each step he walked behind Gamon held deep purpose. Slowly gripping the dwarves shoulders, tightening his grip around them.

"So I'm going to need you to get in touch with those contacts, okay? Chief engineer Gamon?"

Gamon unsure of what to do looked to Nicholas for help but all he saw was the man struggling not to laugh and shaking his head about their on going antics; delaying his own input to the discussion.

"Being married myself, all I'll say is this Gamon. Our positions within the military are one of envy. We've all served at the Rift and we've all seen the nightmare that's outside those walls. What it is we're fighting against. And now we're here, in a peaceful city, behind the wall and enjoying each day as it goes by. We even have the luxury to take leave and visit our families here."

His response held a slight melancholy to it as Nicholas then switched his sight from Gamon to his captain. A look of understanding.

"If I were to one day return home and not be able to feel the warmth of the person I love most… I'd be pissed off, to say the least."

Having said that, he rose from his chair and gave a salute though more casual without the stiffness.

"I'll get in touch with my old friends. See if we can sort something out."

Brenton nodded in affirmation to his lieutenant. Releasing Gamon, he walked over to his lieutenant's side patting him on the shoulder. Turning, they both focused in on Gamon with expectant eyes. "And what says our chief engineer?"

He could only grumble in his defeat. "Aye. Whatever. I'll get in touch with some o' the lads who're still stationed there. Engineers tend to keep an eye out for one another when you make yourself known among them. They'll help." He too pushed himself out of his chair, though decided to head towards the door, planning to get back to his original task before being told to join these two for this chit chat.

"Thank you Gamon."

Grousing, he pushed the door forward leaving the room, heading back towards his previous station aiming to get an update from Sanderson on how the new blood were doing.

As the door closed, the other two remained in the room for a moment until Brenton noticed Nicholas looking at him rather troubled over something. Knowing his old friend sometimes struggled to voice personal troubles, Brenton would normally initiate the matter and force his friends hand into revealing whatever problems he was struggling with.

"Clearly you've something to say otherwise you wouldn't be looking at me like that, there's no need to hesitate among friends. So just say it and correct yourself afterwards if you feel the need to."

Nicholas let out a frustrated groan and simply sounded a little troubled about what he was about to say. "It's Liarra… Well, I think she's spoiling Felicia a little too much recently and it's getting me worried. She doesn't let her interact with the children around the city at all, even when they're being supervised by their families."

Brenton was stumped, family related topics weren't ever his strong point but he wouldn't abandon his friend since he came looking for help. "Ahh, family matters. I'm sorry friend, you must truly be desperate if you're coming to me for advice. But that doesn't mean I won't hear you out." Brenton patted his friend on the shoulder again and directed him back to the table so the two could properly discuss this.

A sigh escaped Nicholas again as he sat down only this time he sounded defeated. "It's like this, I think she's being over protective of Felicia because of her own experiences back when she grew up in the beastkin duchy of Wodun. Pure bloods and half bloods were becoming a major topic of discourse back then. And she and her family were one of the many that had been attacked because of it and I don't just mean politically."

Brenton nodded his head in understanding. "Yes, I've heard the stories, some people even ended up getting attacked in the streets because of it all. That escalated to riots within some of the cities from half bloods due to fear of their safety when the duke wasn't doing much on the matter."

"Yeah, he was swiftly removed however, once the Royal Family got wind of it. They immediately deposed the guy and removed his family's status claiming it was weakening not just the duchy but all of the Rosinthall Kingdom."

Brenton couldn't help but chuckle. "Now I remember. Then the guy tried to put up a fight for his position. Citing it was his right to be the duke of the duchy just as his forbearers had been before him. Though he shut up the second both the third and fifth army generals came knocking on his door with their armies following suit. The Royal Family sent a strong message with that move and Wodun fell in line soon after that."

Nicholas nodded, carrying on where Brenton had left off. "Thus the new Duke of Wodun came from the Lionnell family. Restoring the support of the people but also advocating for the mixed bloods rights, stating they were just as much a part of the beastkin heritage as full bloods. That their paths still walked along that of the Great Fenris." Brenton couldn't help but detect the small hint of resentment in his lieutenant's tone.

"But by the time the royal family intervened and the new duke was established the damage had already been done. Too many people felt betrayed and unwanted within their own homes so they left the duchy, seeking their own happiness elsewhere in the kingdom. Liarra too. The abuse and suffering she and her family had to endure back then is enough to make my own blood boil."

This was a first that Nicholas had appeared so openly emotional to Brenton, he often kept his thoughts locked tight and his attention on task. Relating himself to Nicholas' frustration regarding his own struggles with his and Ailene's relationship back in the early days.

Brenton connected the dots upon realizing how his now lieutenant came into his squadron. "And so that's when you decided to file for a transfer to any side of the wall away from Wodun… But we're getting off topic now. So tell me how this correlates to Liarra and your daughter."

Sitting up straight the lieutenant answered his captains question, "I want Felicia to have friends. To experience interactions with children her own age but I don't know how to get through to Liarra about the matter when she's finding it hard to trust people. So I thought who better for her to trust than you and your family… sir."

Realization hit Brenton immediately and he took a few seconds to contemplate his lieutenants intention. He knew his son needed to keep a low profile. But Felicia wouldn't have a clue about mana sensitivity because she wouldn't have awoken yet. In addition, having actual encounters with other people outside of his family might prove to be a good cover for not raising suspicion to Leonard's awakening. Though Liarra might notice… but she'd be focusing on her daughter and could even be distracted if Ailene was present. Then the idea of just sticking Illiana in a room with the woman and winning her over within minutes popped up – putting a smile on his face.


Brenton cleared his throat breaking his chain of thought. "I'll ask Ailene first. Personally I don't see the harm in it but like I said earlier, higher ups."

A final sigh was released though this one was of relief. "Thank you captain, I'll convince Liarra to allow this, even she can't deny that she's been coddling Felicia too much of late."

Knowing he'd need some time to prepare for this Brenton decided to push the meeting back a little."Well, here's hoping she agrees but I will say this isn't something we should let happen straight away. Honestly, Leonard's only just recovered from being sick and has only just started his academic studies with his home tutor. I'd like for him to get into a comfortable rhythm before we make plans on expanding his own horizons if you understand."

"I do. Again, thank you captain."

Having finished the subject matter Nicholas decided it was time he headed off. His knight frame was also a part of today's test on the engineers and he needed to pilot it and double over the checks to ensure the rookies had done sufficiently well enough to pass. With that thought Nicholas rose from his chair and gave another half serious salute to his captain and headed out the door leaving Brenton in his seat only to begin slouching in his chair and looking up at the ceiling.

Wondering aloud he murmured,"Now I need to think about how to break this to Ailene…" Releasing a sigh of his own.