
Modern: Midas

Adam was a boy born in the streets of Denmark, His family was just like everyone else's until everything fell apart, Continued being beaten by his father every single day both his mother and he suffered. Countless running attempts failed until one day after finding that his mother had died Adam snapped killing his father and also found a Blessing. Midas a king who lived in Greek mythology, was a man who was cursed with the power that everything he touched turned into gold, Adam also got the same power because his abilities were far greater than Midas. This is the story of Adam the Modern Day Midas the El Dorado or the Gold King.

Aiden_Tales · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

End of Japan


The men feared as in their eyes how a normal human survived such a fall...but even before their minds comprehended it their bodies were Pearce not by gold but by bare hands impaling through their bodies and the massacre began.

Screams of men losing their legs, hands, and lives trying to fight back they couldn't it was their Doom. Corpses No... Butchered Corpses of men as, their eyes were taken out, bodies broken, cut, pierced apart, and once a street filled with people now was filled with Red Water(Blood)


While one hand was being cut the other hand didn't have a single clue, It was just waiting since according to it the war hadn't even started.

On the opposite side of the road,

Tons of men standing with weapons waiting for the order in front was a full-bearded man with short black hair and a giant boy, he was different from the others name was Shin Yamazaki(the right-hand man of Yamazaki Head) who was on a phone call with Inoue.

Inoue: I can't get in contact with Minsuke, He isn't picking up.

Shin: should we start...it's already time if the cops come it will be hard to get away.

Inoue: [sighs] sure...I guess just be careful...moreover, you will meet Minsuke soon...so

Shin: ok then....

As Shin cuts the call he gives the signal to Start, as the March starts they walk and walk but then they are stopped by a pile created with cars and bikes stacked together it wasn't only also with this a vile stench of something was also coming.

Shin: These guys...why did they not...the way it piled up it can't be done with machinery does that mean this was already here done by that Midas?

Looking at the empty corners Shin indicated to his men to approach from there.

Shin: BE READY....

As they cleared, what they saw was nothing but horror a path covered in blood, a mountain created with butchered Corpses, the environment itself was nothing but terror. From the top of the mountain bright yellow eyes watching and waiting to start the hunt.

Shin: No wa...y

Even before Shin finished a hand was holding his head.

Next day,

NJW News,

Anchor: last night in Shibuya an earthquake of 6.0 was measured behind me you can see the destruction that it left...though no massive casualty was recorded two independent news anchors have been pronounced dead further information is yet to be revealed.

No news, No investigation, No body was found except the two...none of them not even the residents have any idea of what happened, even though their voices reached the officers saying how the Bastards of Yakuza came but no one found a single trace.

Tokyo, Yamazaki residency,

An old Japanese house filled with men walking around as guards, inside the house the colliders woman shivering holding a tray with a single empty glass eavesdropping.

Inside, it was dark with no light except a candle running emitting its light. 4 old heads were sitting as Midas who was also sitting there talked.

Midas: As I said before you will get monthly payments of around 600,000$ each which should be enough all I need is for you to protect and save what I send.... Understood.

In unison, they nodded with fear lurking in their eyes.

Midas:[smirked] If I see anyone being ungrateful I will kill you all...

Standing up Midas leaves as reaches the entrance and bumps into Inoue.

Inoue: I am sorry...Sir Midas

Midas: Hey Inoue...see I told you na...

Midas said as he stared with his terrifying eyes right into Inoue's soul....

To be continued-