
Modern Magus Era

20 years into magic being introduced in everybody's daily lives, there are ever growing obvious signs of First Global Magus War along with several Civil Wars. In such chaotic times, Asnor has awakened as a Magus and he also strives to be a very powerful magus. >AUTHOR NOTE: ->I will definitely complete this novel. My first novel had problems in word building since I had just rushed it by transferring my imagined story into words. I will fix it later on as soon I finish writing this novel. ->The plot won't be dragged at all since like I said in first point, I would like to finish writing this story as soon as possible. ->The plot won't be rushed as long as I enjoy writing this novel. Currently, I enjoy writing the novel a lot. Or maybe the parts where I don't enjoy it, I just write them in as much fast pace possible. ->The plot won't be repetitive at all. That's kind of like my motto or policy when writing this novel since I don't enjoy writing repetitive parts. ->Writing is a hobby, not profession. So, the novel will have a lot of passion placed in it but there will be grammar problems since English ain't my native language. I would need the assistance of readers to correct my grammar problems.

fauxis · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Young Magus's Departure To Utopia

3 months later,

A door slid open followed by a light yellow coloured hair woman entering a luxurious room.

The woman smiled gently at the woman sitting behind a table and said, "Miss Elaine, it's been a long time since I have last seen you. For what reason did miss request of my presence?"

The woman sitting behind the table had dark red coloured hair, beautiful face, and luxurious outfit.

"Leona Scylla, it indeed has been a long time since we have met before. As for the reason?", Elaine let out a heavy sigh.

"Leona, you should have known how the current times are so chaotic, right?"

Leona put on serious expression and said, "Yes. Why wouldn't I know? I hope that Gremory Family will survive these chaotic times."

"I hope so. I worry for my son in such times. He is still so weak."

Leona couldn't help but widen her eyes. It's kind of impossible to get any news on Elaine's children yet Elaine had just revealed a news regarding a child of hers.

"I want you to train him for around 6 months. Even if a war does occur, it would take at least 1 year to begin. I am sure of that fact. In return, if something bad befalls Gremory Magus Mercenaries, I can guarantee your safety. Gremory Family does have a backup plan for itself to survive but not for Gremory Magus Mercenaries."

Leona was silent for a while but she eventually spoke, "What makes you think that Gremory Magus Mercenaries will fall? Gremory Magus Mercenaries and Gremory Family are independent. If the danger targeting Gremory Family is too great, Gremory Magus Mercenaries doesn't need to help out."

"You're right. But we, Gremory Family can be part of Gremory Magus Mercenaries. Surviving as Mercenaries is a good shot at survival attempt. Then, Gremory Family can slowly make a comeback. Other peoples knows this fact very well. If there is a chance, they would rather take down both together. If the magi in Gremory Magus Mercenaries decides to betray the Gremory Family, it would then become a organization that is destined to fall apart. The process will only get accelerated during such chaotic times."


Elaine continued, "Gremory Magus Mercenaries is definitely another backup plan of Gremory Family. We made sure of the fact that it would remain being a backup plan unless the leaders in your organization are stupid. I am giving you a chance to survive in case of worst case scenario. It's just 6 months. It's better to be completely prepared."

"How can I believe the fact you have another backup plan?"

"Because I said so. That's all. It's okay to put your trust in Gremory Family considering the history of Gremory Family. The Gremory Family is very very old. There is a reason why it has survived all the disasters it has encountered. It's because it is Gremory Family."

Leona thought, 'She's right! It's also best to have a backup plan. In fact the only reason Gremory Magus Mercenaries is very stable and powerful is because of how Gremory Family manages it.'

Leona then spoke, "All right! I will be his mentor. But why did you pick me?"

"He has very good sensory capabilities. I thought you would be perfect as his trainer."

"Interesting. If he's very good, I don't mind teaching him for a longer duration."

"He already has one. Right now, I have assigned him to be his instructor at the training center. Unfortunately, in order to hide his teacher student relationship with Asnor, he had to pretend to teach other students when his only true student was Asnor. This is where you come. 6 months, that's all I am asking of you."

"I see. Looks like your plan kind of backfired. All right. When will this start?"

Elaine smiled but she wasn't surprised at all at the fact that her plan was working.

"2 months later."

2 months later inside training center,

6 people could be seen standing in training ground, 5 on one side and 1 on another side facing opposite to each other respectively.

"6 months! That's right. It's been 6 months since the training had started. I am glad that all of you had grown stronger during this time period. Like I said 6 days ago, all of you would team up today to fight against me. You can go all out. No need to worry about myself. I am not weak."

Kronos dashed towards Fauxis followed by Aramis.

Kronos had his fist enveloped in dark violet magic but he didn't attack. Instead it was Aramis enveloped in white coloured energy or magic that had made the first attack attempt by unleashing his sword attack towards Fauxis in a much faster manner compared to 6 months ago.

Fauxis's body got enveloped by slight light blue coloured magic. Fauxis then dodged the the attack. Fauxis counter attacked but this time Aramis dodged while Kronos stretched his fist which was enveloped in magic and a barrier was created.

Aramis then hid behind Kronos's barrier and attacked Fauxis in a very fast manner. It seems Aramis had learned to enhance his entire body with magic rather than only hands or legs. Fauxis moved back. Similarly, Kronos and Aramis also moved front.


Fauxis barely dodged two enchanted rifle shots and glanced at his most annoying student with magic enhanced eyes.

Asnor moved in a faster manner with a rifle on his one hand and an enchanted sword on another hand. Asnor arrived next to Fauxis and slashed his enchanted sword.

Fauxis dodged Asnor and punched at Asnor. Asnor blocked it with his enchanted sword.

Fauxis and Asnor kept attacking, defending and dodging from each other as they moved here and there in the training ground.

Aramis couldn't help but sigh, 'Even if I completely concentrated all the magic on my foot, I would still only be able to go as fast as him while it would also damage myself due to imbalanced concentration of magic on my body.'

Athena couldn't help but grit her teeth. She couldn't do anything to help the team against Fauxis. But she knew that was only the case because Fauxis is going easy on themselves. The only improvement she had was in fooling ordinary people in a not so busy street in believing that she was not there in that street. Athena didn't do anything to test her own improvement but the instructor helped in her own realization of her improvement.

Natsuko spectated excitedly the fight between Fauxis and Asnor since she had enchanted the rifle bullets and the sword.

It was at that moment, Fauxis spoke, "That's enough. Separate!"

Fauxis and Asnor then separated themselves.

"You've improved a lot. You started discovering this ability of loosening yourself from gravity and friction 5 months ago, right?"


"This would have been very hard to control ability if not for your perception. Show me the wall thing."

Asnor smirked and then dashed towards the wall. Just as Asnor arrived right next to a wall in training ground, he started climbing the wall while running.

'Even though gravity doesn't have much of an affect on me, it still does. So, I had to put extra effort in climbing the wall. If gravity truly had no influence on me, I would have been able to fly.'

Asnor started climbing the wall until he reached the edge. Asnor then crouched by turning his stance towards the ground. He glanced at other five people standing inside training ground. He found out that Fauxis stood next to Natsuko and Natsuko herself was looking super cautiously at her own instructor, Fauxis.

Fauxis then touched Natsuko's head. Natsuko flinched. Fauxis used his magic on Natsuko's forehead while staring at Asnor and Natsuko then fainted. Fauxis then held on to Natsuko. Everyone else was shocked at what Fauxis had done and then looked over at Asnor's sword and rifle that was strapped on his back. The sword still had Natsuko's magic enchanted on it. Fauxis then smirked.

Fauxis then applied his magic on Natsuko's forehead again. Natsuko then woke up and looked around. She then saw Fauxis who just released his hands from her.

"Instructor! What did you just do?"

"It seems that your enchantment works even when you're asleep. That wasn't the case before. I just found it out using my magic and wanted to test this fact. Good Job!"

"No thanks to you. It was Asnor who had advised me on what to do to grow stronger starting 5 months ago. You never helped me sincerely."

"He only did it because he knew he could depend on your enchantments."

"I know."

Fauxis then stared at Asnor and shouted, "SHOW ME! I WILL SAVE YOU IN CASE YOU MAKE A MISTAKE."

Asnor grinned while thinking, "I always love it when I do this."

Asnor then started releasing his grip slowly from the wall and fell down the wall. Asnor stretched himself completely while falling down.


Asnor fell down just like how an ordinary person would do so. He fell faster and faster.

'I feel like it's about time.' Asnor then concentrated and the speed at which he was falling down started decreasing at an alarming rate. Eventually, Asnor's falling down reached a speed in which he crouched in a superhero stance on ground, crouching down with one of his hands on the ground while the other hand had a sword and Asnor was also staring at Fauxis. Asnor then stood up with his sword hanging over his shoulder with it's flat side that's called fuller.

Fauxis then asked, "You did that superhero stuff intentionally, right?"

Asnor replied, "Yes"

Fauxis spoke, "Brutally honest as ever, that is, when you have nothing to hide about."

Asnor smiled in response.

Fauxis then spoke, "All right. That's enough sparring. I got a rough understanding about everyone's improvement. Go to your own room. I will meet you all at 12 in sitting room. Asnor, follow me."

A door slid open followed by Fauxis and Asnor entering Fauxis's instructor office room.

Asnor then noticed a woman sitting on Fauxis's seat in front of a table.

The woman also stared at Asnor and spoke, "You must be Asnor, right? I am Leona Scylla."

Asnor bowed in response as a sign of respect.

"That's right. I have been wanting to meet you ever since mother had informed me about yourself."

"Wait a second. Why do you treat her in such a manner? Elaine must have told you about myself too. Why don't you treat me in such a manner?"

"Why should I? There is no benefit in treating you respectfully. In fact, you would rather take advantage of me being respectful towards you."

Fauxis had an annoyed expression on his face and glared at Asnor.

Fauxis thought, 'Does he enjoy annoying me this much? Even Elaine doesn't treat me in such a manner.'

Leona spoke surprisingly, "Who would have thought that the greatest magus of Holy Empire would have such a childish argument with a 15 year old?"

Fauxis didn't like what Leona had said.

"If you were in my shoes, you would've understood."


"All this time I thought this kid was treating me with such disrespect because he didn't know me but since Miss Elaine told him about you, I am pretty sure she told him about me too. Yet look at his attitude! You will know when the time comes. He is mischievous yet very patient to reveal his mischievous side."

"Thanks for the tip."

Asnor then intervened, "So, where are we going?"

Leona grinned, "You are only getting this opportunity because of your mother. It's Gremory Family's magical land or utopia called Gremory Utopia. It seems that Ragnar will have to tag along for this training trip."

"Ragnar? I knew it. I had my suspicions since he had gone silent. Elaine must have brought him to Erlion State."

Leona then had a dumbfounded expression on her face and tilted her head.

Leona asked, "Asnor, doesn't he know?"

"It seems he doesn't. Mother must have forgotten and thought that he would have known about it in another way. As expected of mother. I am truly her child."

Leona laughed.

Fauxis glared venomously at Asnor.

"BASTARD! If not for the fact I can't just simply beat you up, I would have already done so. You are truly the personification of taking advantage of his own status."

"Because of my mother, right? I noticed it the first day with your pitiful body language act about the fact that you knew who I was."

Leona wanted to laugh again but unfortunately she didn't because she can't afford to get on Fauxis's bad side.

'In fact I wouldn't have laughed at all if I had not known of his easy going nature.'

Fauxis had a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"W-what did you just say?"

Fauxis stared at Asnor and thought, 'This guy... I feel like he is born to annoy me. I kind of regret agreeing to Miss Elaine's proposal. It's too late to regret anyway.'

Fauxis then stared at Leona and said, "Did you enjoy?"


Fauxis then glared at Asnor. He then released his aura to intimidate Asnor.

Leona was startled and Asnor just stared back at Fauxis.

A while later, Fauxis retracted his aura.

"As expected. I knew it wouldn't work on you but I still wanted to try it."

Leona just kept glancing between Fauxis and Asnor.

Fauxis then spoke, "Just take him away. I will vent on those other students."

Leona replied, "Oh. So shall we go, Asnor?

Asnor replied, "Why not?"

Leona then remembered something and spoke, "Oh yeah! We need Ragnar for this trip. He lives here as Asnor's personal attendant. Can you call him, Fauxis?"

Fauxis replied, "Him? I see. No wonder. Okay, I will call him."

Fauxis was now looking at his four students who are seated in the sitting room.

"Let's go."

Natsuko spoke, "Asnor isn't here yet. We need to wait for him."

Other students then looked at Fauxis, their lazy instructor.

"If a magus from Gremory Family shows good improvement during training, they get to have a special training session. So, he left without saying goodbye to any of you."

Fauxis couldn't help but feel joy in mocking Asnor when he's not around.

Everyone was dumbfounded upon hearing whereabouts of Asnor from Fauxis.

Natsuko couldn't help but feel abandoned for some reason. She thought inwardly, "TRAAITORR!!!"