
Modern Family: The boy who Reincarnated

Hello guys, this is my new fanfic about 'the modern family' show which I was watching some time ago and unknowingly I make a plot in my head and now here we are. This is an AU universe of Modern Family where our MC/OC is reincarnated by a ROB with some wishes and now those wishes won't be that big like Haki or Chakra but they would somethings that can exist in reality so you should also stay tuned for that.

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19 Chs

Chapter 16

Alex said to Logan," If you don't want to be serious then why do ask me such questions in the first place?"

Logan said," I am serious you know, what else could be more useful and not flashy than insurance."

Alex huffed and looked forward, Logan said with worry smile," Look every normal kid of our age wants flashy things which he can show off."

Alex looked at him and asked," So according to you, are both of us not normal?"

Logan said with a smirk," I don't know about you but I am not normal. looks like your home is here."

Logan stopped the car in front of her house. Alex and Logan get off the car and said," Ok I hope today skipping class was not a bad idea?"

Alex said," Oh yeah, it was nice for a change once in a while."

Logan nodded and said," See you tomorrow then, oh and do you know three siblings are transferring to our school tomorrow."

Alex frowned and asked," So what's so new about it."

Logan shook his head and said," Nothing, it's just that people call them prodigy and all of them have Fisc scores between 150-160 which is very impressive."

Alex smirked and said," Look who is talking, a boy who has IQ in millions."

Logan shrugged and said," Can't let the world know about that, otherwise God knows what they will do with my brain after my death."

Alex chuckled and nodded, Logan, said," so I think I should go now because if I don't then your mom will kill me with her glare."

Alex looked behind and saw Claire looking at them and sighed. She said," Yeah and I hope you don't mind her."

Logan smiled while nodding and said," Not at all."

He gets in the car and drove away while Alex went into her house with a tired look on her face ready to hear all the nagging Claire was going to give her.

Next day

Alex and Logan come into the classroom and sit down next to each other near a window and started talking about what should he give to Luke for his birthday Logan suggests that they should give a gift to luke together, like a couple but Alex immediately rejects him and Logan just made a gloomy face.

Soon the bell rang and the teacher come into the classroom followed by a girl and a boy, he said," Everyone today we have two new students with us and their names are Nicole and Brian, so please introduce yourselves."

Both of them introduced themselves as much as they could and all their introduction was about their name and their overly used intelligence.

Both Logan and Alex become uninterested in them from the second line of their introduction. fortunately, the teacher stopped them in the middle and unfortunately showed them the empty seats next to Alex and Logan.

Both of them sit next to Logan and didn't bother to say hii to him and Logan was glad because he didn't say hii either so it was equal.

The class started and both Alex and Logan took out their notebooks and started writing as soon as the teacher started speaking Nicole said to Brian," Look I told you that both of them are like those normal school kids who just keep studying all day and score perfect marks."

Brian replied," Well it's also good that they could at least remember the content of their books right?"

Nicole said," But I thought that it will be fun to attend school with a guy like Logan Willson who can at least give us some competition."

Brian shrugged his shoulder and Logan sighed and said," you know, both of you are pretty dumb for people with an IQ of 153 and 155."

Nicole and Brian looked at Logan with surprise and Logan said," Both of you didn't even look at what I was writing in the notebook and started judging both of us."

Brian was sceptical and said," W...wait did you just say that we are dumb?"

Logan nodded and Nicole said," No one has ever said that to us. do you even know what our IQ level is and how many languages I know?"

Logan shook his head and plugged in his earphones and started playing music. Brian and Nicole looked at him with shock and huffing in annoyance were all they could do.

Brian glanced at what Logan was writing and saw some complicated mathematics equations, which were about the transfer of high voltage of electricity.

Brian immediately become interested and keep staring at the notebook and Nicole on the side saw this and also tried to see what was it that make Brian so interested in it.

But she was very far away, Brian was not able to control his curiosity and tapped on Logan's shoulder. Logan removed his earphones and asked," What?"

Brian pointed toward the notebook and asked," What are these equations about."

Logan said," Oh these are nothing but an equation about how to transfer the huge amount of electricity through the cables as thin as hair in the shortest time possible."

Brian frowned and asked," and how much electricity are we talking about here?"

Logan smiled and said," 10 million volts per minute,"

Brian and Nicole were stunned and Nicole asked," Why do you need so much electricity and from where will you get it?"

Logan replied and said," Oh to power our factories and you don't have to worry that I will east US' electricity because we are working on building our own power plant which will be very powerful."

Nicole was surprised and said," Oh okay and how will you make it?"

Logan smirked and said," first it's none of your business and second it's none of your business."


Thanks for reading.😊