
Modern Family: Reborn

A loner who wants nothing more than to escape his dull, monotonous life is given another chance to live, along with a few bonuses because who wouldn't want to make their life easier? Only the Mc family characters' belong to me the rest belong to Modern Family.

hazza_67 · TV
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10 Chs

Death Before Life?

(Mc's POV)

Grey. Thats how my life always felt. Always a dull moment with no excitement coming my way. I wonder if that was my curse, never being truly positive just neutral and negative. A great day was having a a cup of coffee. A good day was never thinking to jump off a ledge. 

But what is this feeling within me right now as I wait for what comes next in this lonely void. is this fear? joy? hope? Maybe its all of them. At least if I am to be judged I hope I get a decent score. I never did anything truly bad maybe steal a pencil when I was 3 was the worst thing I did. Even being born in orphanage and growing up in several foster homes , enduring school and menial jobs, I never caused anyone suffering, just went on with my life, never wanted to burn the world down. An average guy with no aspirations, no love and no success.

[Welcome to the Afterlife Central]

[Would you like to continue?]

At this moment on I didn't care for what i was feeling, if this was trap or what killed me. I just wanted something more exiting so naturally...


[Calculating life Values]


[Positive value.... 227,500,700]

[Negative value.... 500,000]

"How have I got so much positive?"

[By donating to the orphanage that you lived in you helped a few kids have a better chance to success which they did]

[2 wishes and a character creation according to world parameters are granted]

[What world do you want?]

"What types are we talking about?"

[Magic, Martial Arts, Cultivation, Sitcom, Comic, Movie, Tv show etc..]

"What is the safest option?" I may desire excitement but that doesn't mean i want something overly dangerous like Marvel or Naruto. I wish for peaceful like world where no world ending threats but exiting events to happen.

[Sitcom world is Recommended]

"Then a sitcom world please"

[Random world chosen] 

[Planet *257593578 or Modern Family with other sitcoms]



[Confirming.. Accepted]

[What are your 2 wishes? Remember only to choose according to world parameters]

Wishes huh? Its a sitcom world so I cant choose to be superman or magic. I know what I need is to have absolute freedom and to be prepared for anything that may come may way. I need to be smart about how I word this.

"I wish for the template of the Batman, Bruce Wayne. Which include all of his fields of expertise, indomitable will, knowledge, body conditioning, skills, memory, IQ, wisdom and lastly, his luck but with no downsides like his aversion to guns or emotional attachments"

"For my Second wish, I wish for me to have as much good luck as possible in my life and those I care for."

[Analysing wishes... wishes verified but a price must be paid do you accept?]

When as anything been free in life?


[Wishes Granted]

[1 bonus may be selected what do you want?]

"Is there an option for a healthy body were I don't get sick or contract any diseases, get hidden injuries and more?"

[Perfect body: The user will never contract any sicknesses, always be in perfect condition regardless of treatment unless of removed body part, no deformities, higher senses, IQ slight increase due to upgraded memory.]

"Perfect body then please"

[bonus perfect body granted]

[please create your required character]

Ooo interesting... well I need black wavey hair with a bright green eye colour, a muscular frame with a sharp jawline. and of course.... some length down there. I look like those manhwa characters who are absorbedly handsome. 

[Character creation completed] 

[What will be your new Name?]

"Atlas San Venna"

[Good luck on your new life]