
Modern Family: Rebirth

An aspiring basketball player without even a single match in his professional career got seriously injured and had to give up his career before it even began, what got him out of him that depression was a show named "Modern Family" after he died, he met a ROB, and when asked about his wishes to reincarnate in a new world, he perked up and then he said: I wish...... . . . . Read the story to find out... (A modern family fanfic with MC being Haley's twin brother and the story will follow his basketball career from an amateur to professional NBA player and will also cover all seasons of Modern Family.)

Luicfer_2807 · TV
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23 Chs

"The Pilot- 3"

(a/n: Part-3, when is it going to end, tell me in the comments if you are liking this and if you want me to write like this.)





I am helping my mom with the cake in the kitchen and suddenly a sound came from upstairs and it is Haley yelling at Alex most likely.



*3rd POV*

(Dunphy residence- Upstairs)

Haley: "Alex, get out! Mom! (closes the door)"

Claire: "Alex, leave your sister alone."

Alex: "(comes downstairs) I was just getting my book, gosh."

Claire: "I know, sweety, but you need to respect their privacy. By the way, what are they doing up there?

Alex: "Nothing. Lying on the bed watching a movie."

Nate: "What! after I warned that goofy haircut, still. (mutters)"

Claire: "…Okay. Okay. Um, we're making a cake for tonight. Do you wanna help us with the frosting?"

Alex: "Sure. So, you know, if Haley got pregnant, would you ever pretend she has mono for a few months, and then, like, tell everyone the baby is yours?"

Nate: "Mom, what is she saying?"

Claire: "…What?"

Alex: "The senior at school was out sick for, like, four months, but… then a week later, she was seen breastfeeding at a coin-up of a carwash."

Nate: "Alright! it is enough. I'm going upstairs to break his legs."

Claire: "No, Nate. Why don't you go outside? Your father is shooting Luke as discussed earlier."

Nate: "(frustratingly) Okay, but he(Dylan) and I going to have a serious talk afterward(went outside)."


Phil: "Buddy… what are you wearing?"

Luke: "(wearing multiple layers of clothing) Nothing."

Phil: "Uh uh. No jacket, one hat."

Nate: "How many pairs of underwear do you have on?"

Luke: "One… ugh, six."


Alex: "First of all, it would be really cool to see Haley that fat, and how awesome would it be to have a fake little brother who's really my nephew?"

Claire: "Haley is not going to get pregnant."

Alex: "Just saying if."

Claire: I know. And I know you like to make trouble for your sister, but it's not gonna work this time. Do you know why? 'Cause your sister is a good girl. I know; I was just like her when I was… (walks off)


Phil: "I want you to know: I'm not enjoying this, but this is an important lesson that you're learning, so soak it, keep it. (aims BB gun at Luke)"

Luke: "You're too close. It's gonna hurt."

Nate: "It's supposed to hurt."

Luke: "And why are you smiling?(looking at Phil)"

Phil: "I'm… what?"


Claire: (climbs stairs and stands outside Haley's room to listen to what is going on inside)


Phil: "Oh, forget it. I can't do this. The point is you're scared. I think you've learned your lesson- (BB gun goes off) Wow."

Luke: "Ow!"


Claire: "(enters Haley's room)"

Haley: "Mom? What are you doing?"

Claire: Oh, hey. I was just, um, dropping off some laundry. Is this a bad time?

Haley: "Yeah."

Claire: "Oh. Okay. (leaves)"

Haley: "Can you shut the door, please?"

Claire: "Actually, we're just gonna go ahead and leave that open."

Haley: "Why?"

Claire: "Because I have, uh, seen this little show before, lying on the bed with a tall senior. One moment you're just friends watching Falcon Crest, and the next you're lying under the air hockey table with your bra in your pocket."

Dylan: "Woah…"

Haley: "Mom!"


Luke: "You hit my bone!"

Phil: "It was an accident!"

Luke: "I thought you two were my friends!"

Nate: "Hey buddy! You know, I am your best friend and I would never shoot you with a BB gun(points to Phil). He is not your friend."

Phil: "I am your friend!"

Haley comes downstairs and comes outside on the porch to complain about Claire to Phil and Dylan follows.

Haley: "Dad! Dad! Dad, you have got to talk to mom. She's, like, completely freaking out and embarrassing me!"

Phil: "Well, honey, your mom isn't always as cool about things as I- (BB gun goes off)"

Dylan: "Ow!"

Phil: "What is with this thing?! (drops gun; gets shot in the leg) Ow!"

Nate: "I'll take that and uncock it(smiling because it hit Dylan before)."

After that Dylan went home and the whole family went to Mitch & Cameron's house. Haley and Claire were even arguing in the car.

(Pritchett-Tucker house)


Mitchell: "My dad… Uh, my dad still isn't completely comfortable with… this. Um, he still does this thing – it's been five years now – and he still does this thing where he announces himself before walking into any room we're in, just to make sure he doesn't ever have to see us kiss."

Cameron: "Wish my mother had that system. Remember?"

Mitchell: "Not now."

(Cut back to the scene)

Mitchell: "I still can't believe you did this to me. (referring to Cameron inviting the family for dinner)"

Cameron: "Would you get in the spirit of things? It's a celebration. (doorbell rings)"

Mitchell: "Oh god."

Cameron: "Okay. I'm gonna go get Lily ready. And I want you to just come straight out with it."

Mitchell: "Alright."

Cameron: "Okay? You can do this. (opens arms) Sports guy chest bump. Sports guy chest bump."

Mitchell: "No."

Cameron: "Sports guy chest bump."

Mitchell: "Cam."

Cameron: "(bumps Mitchell) Do it."

Mitchell: "Alright, okay."

Cameron: "Go."

Mitchell: "Sorry. (takes a deep breath; answers door) Hey!"

Dunphy Family: "Hey!"

Mitchell: "How are you? (gets wine from Phil and gives a hug to Nate and then Claire) Thank you."

Claire: "Oh, don't thank us. Open it; dad is coming right behind. (doorbell rings again)"

Jay: "We're here! Coming in! Coming in!"

Mitchell: "Don't worry, dad. Nothing gay going on here. May I take your multi-colored coat and bejeweled cap?"

Jay: "Yeah."

Phil: "Hey, Jay."

Claire: "Gloria, hi. How are you? Hi dad."

Phil: "Hi Gloria. How are you? Oh, beautiful dress."

Gloria: "Oh, thank you. Feel(Phil)."

Phil: "Okay. (starts feeling Gloria)"

Nate: "Dad. That's not what she said, it's how she says "Phil". Not "feel". "Phil".

Phil: "Oh."

Jay: "So how was your trip? (questions Mitchell)"

Mitchell: "It was good. It was good, actually, but, um, about that… I… I have something that I need to tell you guys. Um… uh, we didn't just go to Vietnam for pleasure. We, uh… kinda have some big news."

Jay: "Oh god, if Cam comes out here with boobs, I'm leaving."

Claire: "Dad…"

Nate: "Grandpa!"

Haley: "I hope he didn't embarrass you, mom."

Nate: Oh, don't mind her. Haley had her first boy over today and… Dad shot him(smiling).

Haley: "Why are you smiling?"

Nate: "NO reason."

Mitchell: "…Anyway. Um… so about a year ago, Cam and I started feeling this longing, you know, for something more like, uh… maybe a baby?"

Jay: "Oooh, that's a bad idea."

Mitchell: "What do you mean "bad idea"?"

Jay: "Well, kids need a mother. I mean, if you two guys are bored, get a dog."

Mitchell: "We're not bored, dad."

Gloria: "I support you, Mitchell, even though you're not my son.""

Claire: "I-I-I think what dad is trying to say is that Mitchell, you're a little uptight, kids bring chaos and you don't handle it well."

Nate: "Oh, uh, that's not what Grandpa is saying mom; that's what you're saying and it's insulting in a whole different way. And it is not right"

Mitchell: "Thank you!"

Phil: "Okay people, let's all chillax."

Nate: "Hey, where's uncle Cameron?"

Mitchell: "Final- thank you. Thank you. Someone who's not insulting me and supports me notices he's not here."

Jay: "Aaah, so that's the big announcement, huh? You two broke up. Well, a baby wasn't gonna help that anyway. And you know, let me tell you: you're a lot better off because he was a bit of a drama queen."

Mitchell: "Okay, no, no, no, stop! You come into my house and you insult me and my boyfriend who, by the way, is not that dramatic and- ("Circle of Life" starts playing; lights dim) Oh god… (Cameron enters carrying Lily; holds her up as the spotlight shines on her) We adopted a baby. Her name is Lily."

Cameron: "Isn't it exciting?"

Mitchell: "Just turn it off."

Cameron: "I can't turn it off; it's who I am."

Mitchell: "The music."

Cameron: "Oh, yes, the music. (turns it off) Come say hi to Lily! (Family fawns over Lily; Nate was the first one; Jay stands from afar)"

Phil: "Lily. Isn't that gonna be hard for her to say?"

Jay: "Um, excuse me. Okay, I-I know that I said I thought this was a bad idea, but, uh… what do I know? I mean, it's not like I wrote the book on fatherhood. I've been trying all my life to get it right; I'm still screwing up. Right, Manny?"

Manny: "I wrote a song about it in the car."

Nate: "Of course you did."

Jay: "Uh… anyway, I'm happy for you and, uh, you should know that, uh, I'm not here to spit in your face; I'm here to blow at your back. (family's confused) It's supposed to sound better in Spanish."

Nate:"(repeats quote in Spanish) Voy a ser la brisa en tu esplada, no quien te escupa en la frente!"

Cameron: Ah, that's beautiful.

Jay: "Anyhow, Mitch…"

Mitchell: "No, dad, it's… (takes Lily) Do you wanna meet grandpa?"

Jay: "Are you kidding? She's one of us now. Let me see your little potsticker. Hey! You're a cutie, aren't you? Ah."

(Commentary- Nate and Jay)

Nate: "(reading Manny's poem) "We're from different worlds… yet we somehow fit together. Love is what binds us through fair and stormy weather. I stand before you now with only one agenda: to let you know my heart is yours, Feldman comma Brenda."

Jay: "(laughs) I mean, seriously!"

(Commentary- Phil)

Phil: "Luke so far, you know, hasn't beaten me in basketball. Nate did, but you know, he is good and I let him win."

(Cut to Phil and Luke playing basketball on the trampoline)

Phil: "It's 2-0. It's 2-0. (proceeds to score)"

Phil: "(after stopping Luke from scoring) Get that weak stuff out of my kitchen!"

Phil: "Do me a favor, just… (distracts Luke; scores) Boom! How's the weather down there?"

(Commentary - Phil & Nate)

Phil: "But, when the day comes that he does win – if, you know, if, when… he beats me – I'm just gonna be like, "Well done, well done." Just, like, let him, just support him and that kinda stuff. I mean, I'm probably gonna wanna go, like, two out of three and just see what happens there."

Nate: "(from afar, camera switching to him) And you didn't let me win, why don't we have another game? Come on!"

Phil:(looks into the camera horrifyingly which switches to him)



(a/n: Finally, it's done. Just give me the review and all the power stones. I don't want to increase the word count and also comment, if you like this or how to change it, if not.)


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