
Sharing Is Caring

"So", Haley began, "What's the surprise?"

"Yeah", Alex added, her hands on her waist, "What's so important that you're having all of us get together at 8 in the morning?"

Instead of answering, Claire looked at the clock on the wall and grumbled, "Damn it. He isn't here yet".

"Who isn't here yet?", Luke asked.

"Someone", Phil answered, being secretive for once.

Just as Haley was about to complain, the doorbell was rung, interrupting her. "I'll go get that", Phil said, rushing out of the living room and quickly opening the door. A second later he returned, with Zephyr, who was yawning, in tow.

"Zephyr?", Alex asked, "Are you the person we're waiting for?".

"Yeah", Zephy answered, handing over a few papers in his hand to Phil.

"What's the paper for?", Haley asked, curious about the content.

Clapping her hands, Claire brought everyone's attention to her, "Now. Haley. Alex. After hearing your constant complaints about sharing a bedroom, we have decided to-"

"Move houses?!", Haley exclaimed, "Thank God".

"What?!", Alex and Luke exclaimed.

"No!", Claire shouted.

"Then what are you doing?", Haley asked.

"If you allowed us to finish", Claire muttered, "We've decided to-"

"We have decided to renovate the attic and make it into a room!", Phil interrupted.

"Yes!", Haley screamed, "Now I won't have to share with Alex".

"I won't have to share with you either", Alex retorted.

"Why is Zephyr here then?", Luke asked, looking at Zephyr.

"You see ...", Phil tried, not sure how to explain it.

"Urgh", Claire groaned, "He's the one who's leading the renovation".

"Huh?", Alex murmured, "What do you mean?".

Claire and Phil were lost for words. Seeing this, Zephyr decided to finally speak up. "Basically. After hearing you constantly complain about how annoying it is to share a bedroom with Haley", Zephyr said to Alex, "I got together with your Dad and suggested the idea of renovating your attic into a bedroom. I spent the last few days devising a plan and layout for the room and finally finished it this morning". At this stage, Phil showed them one of the papers with a large smile on his face. "That's the list of materials", Zephyr said, causing Phil's smile to falter. Quickly sorting the papers, Phil found the right paper and showed it to them.

"Woah", Luke muttered.

"That looks pretty good", Haley commented, seeing the aesthetic of the room.

"You did all this for me?", Alex asked, shocked by the lengths Zephyr went to.

"Yeah", Zephyr replied, yawning for a second, "With high school starting soon, I thought you might want your own room so you can revise in peace".

"Thank you so much", Alex muttered, rushing forward to hug Zephyr.

"I thought it was pointless since Haley is leaving for college in a year", Claire murmured, "But Phil thought it'd be a great idea".

"Hey", Phil complained, "It is a great idea. When Haley finishes college, she'll be an adult and so will Alex so giving them separate rooms now is a good idea. Besides, if Claire gets angry at me because I was right and she was wrong, I can sleep in the bedroom".

"You're right", Claire agreed, before realising what Phil said, "I'm sorry what"

"And besides", Phil continued, not wanting to restart the argument, "Zephyr's model is so good. You've looked at everything that's needed for a renovation". Turning to look at Zephyr, he said, "You know, you should consider becoming a remodeler".

"As fun as that sounds, I'm not too interested in real estate", Zephyr answered, politely declining Phil.

"Aww", Phil muttered, "You'd be really great though".

"I think I'll stick with what I'm best at", Zephyr stiffly replied. Coughing into the back of his hand, he turned to look at Claire and asked, "So who's going to take the new room?"

Seeing his expectant gaze and how much effort he had put into this for Alex, Claire sighed, "Alex. You can have the attic once the renovations are done".

"Yes!", Alex screamed in joy.

"What?!", Haley yelled, "That's not fair. I want the attic".

"Haley honey", Claire explained, "Zephyr's gone out of his way to organise all this because you and Alex can't get along. It'd be rude if we didn't let Alex have the room".

"Urgh", Haley grumbled, "Fine. She can have the stupid room".

"Good", Claire said, nodding her head in satisfaction. Turning to look at Phil, she asked, "When are you going to start the work on the attic?"

At this, Phil blushed in embarrassment, "Well ... You see ... I thought ... Uh"

Claire sighed seeing this, "They start today don't they?".

Looking away, Phil meekly admitted, "Yes".

"Seriously?", Claire complained. As she was about to continue, she was interrupted by the doorbell ringing.

"That'll be the workers", Zephyr said, looking at the clock in the room, "They're here a bit early". Seeing the look of apprehension on Claire's face, Zephyr placated her, "It'll only take 2 weeks, 3 at most".

"Whatever", Claire sighed. Turning to look at Zephyr, she asked, "How long will they be here for? We have to go to Mitchell's house later for some party".

"They'll be here until 5", Zephyr answered, reducing Claire's worries.

"That's fine then", Claire muttered, walking over to the door and opening it. In front of her, Claire was met with the sight of a group of men with construction helmets with a large pile of materials right behind them. Sighing, she stepped to the side and let them enter. As though already aware of where to go, the builders headed up the stairs and moments later entered the attic. As the last construction worker entered the house, Zephyr handed him a set of papers. After quickly looking over them, the man nodded and walked up.

"They're so professional", Phil muttered, seeing their uniformity.

"They're well ... prepared", Zephyr answered, yawning halfway through. "If you'll excuse me", Zephyr said, "I have some much-needed sleep to catch up on". After receiving a nod from Phil and Claire, he exited the house with Claire shutting the door.

"Ugh", Haley groaned, "That's so not fair".

"I thought we already told you honey", Claire muttered, "The room is going to be Alex's".

"It's not that!", Haley complained, "How come Alex gets everything? Zephyr is hot, athletic, smart, rich, caring and more. Everything you'd want in a boyfriend and yet I've never met someone like that".

"Oh honey", Claire sighed, knowing the reason for Haley's outburst. Hugging Haley, she whispered into her ear, "I know you're upset about Dylan leaving but it's going to be alright".

Haley mumbled, "But it still hurts".

"I know honey", Claire murmured, gently stroking Haley's hair, "It's painful right now but things will get better".

Seeing this, the trio of Alex, Luke and Phil stood awkwardly on the side, unsure of what to do or say. Looking at each other, they nodded and slowly crept out of the room, leaving mother and daughter alone.

[Time Skip]

"Where's Lily?", Gloria asked, taking note of Lily's absence.

"She's getting dressed", Cam answered.

"All by herself?", Gloria questioned.

"Cam is encouraging her to be more independent", Mitchell said, passing Gloria a glass of wine. "And there she is!", Mitchell exclaimed, seeing Lily enter.

"Ahh", Gloria winced.

"Doesn't she look beautiful?", Mitchell asked, with no one capable of formulating a response.

"She looks like she was dipped in glue and dragged through a flea market", Cam whispered as walked over to Mitchell.

"Hey!", Phil greeted as he walked into the house.

"Hey guys", Claire said, walking right behind Phil with Alex, Haley and Luke in tow.

"How's it going?", Phil asked, as he settled down on a couch.

"Things could've been better", Mitchell answered, handing Phil and Claire a glass of wine each.

"What's wrong?", Claire questioned, taking a sip of her wine.

"Lily's gotten really clingy to Cam", Mitchell explained, "So we're trying to give her more independence, but it's been really hard on Cam and Lily".

"She's only three", Phil said, "It's fine at her age".

"Yeah", Claire added, "Luke wouldn't leave my sight until he was 5".

"That would explain some things", Alex muttered under her breath.

"Really?", Cam asked.

"Because we've been considering adopting another baby and ...", Mitchell stopped midway, realising what he had done.

"You're adopting another baby?", Phil asked.

"So this is the news", Gloria exclaimed.

As everyone began clapping, Cam quickly pushed past Mitchell and began blasting music from the speakers, unfurling a banner with the words 'It's a boy' and got some sparklers which he was struggling to light up.

"Is that from Footloose?", Phil asked, listening to the song.

"Why are you upset?", Gloria asked, seeing the look on Cam's face.

"We're a little on edge", Mitchell clarified, "Lily's been acting out recently like she doesn't want another sibling".

"Look. I can see what the problem is", Jay interrupted, "No kid wants a sibling. Look at Claire. She hated you so much that she stuck you in a dryer when you were two".

"You put me in the dryer?!", Mitchell exclaimed.

"I did", Claire agreed, "But it wasn't because I hated you. My friend Marcy said that it wouldn't run with a kid inside of it and I knew it would. I was right".

"Good God!", Phil exclaimed in horror, "It started from when you were five?".

"Oh no!", Claire muttered, "You're right. What could possibly make me have that need?"

"How long was I in that dryer?", Mitchell asked, "Because ... I-I Is this why I'm scared of tumbling. I quit gymnastics because of you Claire!".

"A childhood without tumbling?!", Phil uttered, standing up and looking at Jay who was calmly sipping on his scotch, "You knew this and just stood by and did nothing?!".

"Okay. Okay. What's done is done. All you can do is learn from your mistakes", Jay said, cutting Phil off. Walking towards Manny, he raised his glass, "And in that spirit, I would like to propose a toast to Manny. This week he did something he wasn't supposed to do, like we all do-".

"Like we all do!", Gloria interrupted, raising her glass, "Salud to Manny!".

"Not yet", Jay interrupted, "But Manny stood up like a man. He was honest, admitted he was wrong and took his licks. And for that, I'm damn proud of him".

"And now we clink", Gloria exclaimed, seeing Manny beginning to crumble.

"No", Jay stopped her, "We clink when I say we clink. So Manny made a mistake, but he didn't take the easy way out. He's got guts. He's got integrity. And as far as I'm concerned, he's the best-".

"Stop! Stop! Stop!", Manny interrupted, getting up from his seat, "I didn't do any of that! Mom broke into the locker and threw the necklace inside and then we ran away like cowards! I'm sorry Jay! I'm sorry".

"I knew it", Jay exclaimed, "I was right! I was right!"

"Ohhh", everyone collectively muttered, pointing at Jay.

"So that's where you got it from", Phil said to Claire.