
Mob? More Like A Hidden Boss [Mobusekai/Armored Core]

Leos Klein was never a religious man. In his past life, he was an atheist and remained one up until the day of his death in Phobos. But he knew of faith, understood their significance to others and knew what they preached and represented. He knew of sins and virtues, of afterlives being dependent on how good or bad of a person you were in life. And he knew of reincarnation, of the soul transmigrating across time and space to be reborn as someone else. So when he said he hoped that death would bring him to a better place in his last moments, he hadn’t expected this. DISCLAIMER: I am not the author of this fanfic, I just found it on AO3 and wanted to share/repost it on this site. You can read this at either Questionable Questing or AO3 if you want, I will be posting new chapter here. The author is Slug_Sling Also; check out my own fanfic, Halo: Gravemind’s Guide to Survival in Warhammer 40K.

Kais_Imperium · Anime et bandes dessinées
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53 Chs

Chapter 14: Brief Reunion

//"I suppose this is a little out of the norm for nobles of the Holfort Kingdom?"//

Leon can't help but grumble as he watches his mother hug Lana Nielsen, a traveling mercenary, and thanks her profusely for bringing back her boy. Even his father had thanked her, offering to reward her for her 'good deed' with money despite her only wanting directions and a map to the nearest city where she could sell her services.

The only thing stopping the Bartford Family head from outright shoving that offer into the gynoid's hands was Zola's presence off to the side; alternating between glaring at Hustler One and looking covetously at the ship that it and Leon arrived on. A 70 meter long armed transport corvette that saw much use in the intervening period following the fall of Raven's Nest and the first forays into space. Leon remembers many prospective mercenaries making it their base, as he did a few times.

Sadly, age and disuse have damaged this ship's main engines and rendered it incapable of reaching escape velocity; necessitating it to be stripped out. But its secondary engines could still work, and were powerful enough to outpace all but the most advanced vessels in the Kingdom's fleet.

"I should've just taken an AC and flew here, goddamn it." Leon complains from his place at the sidelines. "None of this thanking crap and hugs–"

//"You only have yourself to blame for being unable to provide me directions to a decent-enough city where I can start my operations."// the A.I titters, clearly amused by his current mood. //"And as much as I may find meatbag interactions to be unnecessary, there is something refreshing in being praised."//

"Whatever. The comm station in place?"

//"Cloaked on the bottom side of the island."// the A.I reports. //"The construction drone is scurrying back as we speak."//

"Alright, you did what you came here for and a servant's coming with a map; now scram."

//"One more hug."//


"I thank you very much for the praise and well wishes my lord, but I shall not impose on you any longer." the gynoid that was Lana Nielsen gingerly pushes Luce away. "Really, you are wonderful people, both of you; but I really need to be on my way in search of work."

"We understand. Thank you again for bringing our son home–" Barcus shakes the gynoid's hand. "He must have been quite the handful for you to handle, let me apologize for him one more time. Leon!" his father barks. "Get over here and relay to this good mercenary your thanks!"

"Wha– I already did!" Leon protests. "I thanked her enough times on the ride home!"

"Well, thank her again for good measure!" the man huffs. "Honestly, going off and causing trouble for other people– even I wasn't such a troublemaker at your age."

"I'm not hobbling over there to say something I've already said!" Leon protests. "And besides, it's not like she minds it much!"

The gynoid tilts its head and a little wicked smile spreads across its face. Then, with sure and quick strides, it marches over to Leon and puts its hands on his shoulders.

"Don't you dare." Leon warns.

//"Relax, this has its own purpose."// the A.I says. //"I just need you to trust me."//

"Lord Bartford," the gynoid says aloud. "Do I have your permission to embrace your son?"

"By all means." Barcus nods. Permission given, the gynoid pulls Leon into its chest and holds him tight. "They grow up so fast."

"This better be more than just another attempt to piss me off." Leon tells the A.I.

//"Oh it is."// the intelligence laughs. //"I've slipped a spy bug and their data storage hive in your pocket. Do you know what they do?"//

"They go out, gather intel, and scurry back to their data hive once their onboard memory is full to upload and store what information they have– I've used them before." Leon rolls his eyes. "I'm guessing it'll be a while before you can get the info they find?"

//"It'll be able to transfer the info to the satellite once it's up or through the comms network if it's in range, but both will take a while."// the A.I nods. //"So make sure you hide that data hive somewhere safe until then."//

"I'll figure something out." Leon promises. "Alright, you've been hugging me for long enough; get off before I cop a feel."

//"I am an A.I, Leon. I would not care if you did."//

Leon levels a look at the gynoid who meets his look with a challenging one, daring him to make a move.

Slowly, the yougn man surreptitiously reaches up and grabs two handfuls of the gynoid's breasts, his action kept out of sight due to the close proximity of his and Hustler One's embrace. He marvels at their softness and warmth, so lifelike despite him knowing otherwise. He even gets a little daring and pinches at its nipples, the little nubs pebbling under his ministrations. To his surprise, the gynoid's face even colors a little.

Huh. Just how lifelike were these things? If they could color up from just him groping, then…

He exhales and wills away the rising arousal in his trousers. Not today, damn it.

"Alright, get off." Leon grunts. The A.I titters but obliges him regardless, pulling away.

"I'll see you around, hm?" the gynoid says, fondly tapping his nose with a finger. "Maybe one day you'll get to rescue me out of a bind."

"Yeah, yeah…" Leon grunts, pulling away and playing up the part of the embarrassed teen– which isn't hard considering how embarrassed he actually is. "Thanks for the ride home and all that stuff."

"You're welcome." the gynoid giggles, and leans down to give him a peck on the cheek. "Toodles~"

"I hope you trip and face-first into a pile of manure."

//"Worth it."// Hustler One laughs. //"Have fun~"//

"Just get out of here already, damn it."

Leon is left grumbling as the ship pulls out of harbor and sails off, leaving the Bartfords with their returned son. He waits until the ship is out of view before turning to his approaching mother and embracing her. He keeps embracing her even as his father comes in and engulfs both of them with his long arms and strong form.

For a second, Leon allows himself to relax and luxuriate in the warmth and closeness of a true, loving family. Rarely has this feeling stuck with him, and the memory of it had faded from his past life as he grew older and more jaded with the truth of human nature. So he makes sure to savor this moment all the same and tucks it deep into his memory, as deep as it could go so he doesn't forget it any time soon if ever.

Then, right on cue, a clearing throat breaks the atmosphere and the embrace parts so Leon can behold the biggest pain in his ass at the moment.

Zola Fou Bartford stands with her two children flanking her; Luward on her left and Merce on her right. A little bit behind them is Zola exclusive servant; an Elf with effeminate features in a sharp suit. All of them level the same disdainful look at Leon that has makes the hollow of his chest tighten and seethe.

"You would do well to not damage yourself any more than you already have, boy." Zola says, imperious. "Had that mercenary not found you, it would have been your brother that would have taken your place."

Behind him, his mother stills.

"Then it's a good thing I'm home whole and hale, hm?" Leon says.

"Watch your tongue around mother, step-brother." Luward lashes out. "Do remember your place."

"Enough. I trust you enjoyed your little excursion, Leon; because you are to meet with your wife in several days time." Zola turns to Barcus. "I hope your ships are still functional and presentable enough to ferry him to Lady Marshwell for the ceremony."

Leon can't stop the snort that leaves him. Barely got back and he's already being shepherded into the wolves. How unsurprising.

"M-My Lady, please be considerate." his mother protests. "He just got back and is covered with injuries. C-Could you permit him to–"

"Silence, whore!" Zola snarls. "Your duty here is to satisfy my husband's brutish needs, not comment on matters beyond your commoner station! Or would you rather I throw you out of the household?"

"Zola!" Barcus barks, and Leon grounds his teeth.

"Hmph, typical man; so quick to forget the duties he has to his wife and would sooner play favorites with his concubine." Zola huffs, rolling her eyes with the sort of self-entitlement that makes bile rise in his throat and fury simmer in his chest. "Do take note of this behavior Luward– make sure not to fall to such base instincts that would make you no better than an animal. As a member of Holfort nobility, you have a duty to live up to your title. You as well Merce, I will not tolerate anything less than perfection from either of you when the time comes for you to replace me."

"Yes, mother." Luward nods.

"I understand, mother." Merce supports.

"Regardless, I have already sent a messenger to the Marshwell residence. Pack up your things and prepare to leave, boy." Zola tells Leon. "You are a man, are you not? Suck up the pain and forge ahead as you and your kind are wont."

Leon wants so badly to go to her and feed his fist into her wrinkled face and make up-heavy face. And then feed that same fist to that twat Luward and that bitch Merce. It would be easy and quick and so satisfying that he was willing to risk imprisonment or whatever wrath the law would send his way. But then it would also come for his parents, who were innocent.

So he stays his hand and counts the days before he can get back to this bitch and make her suffer.

"Yes, ma'am." Leon forces out, nodding.

"Hmph. Barcus, I shall be going to my quarters." Zola huffs, spinning around and walking away. "I am not to be disturbed barring an emergency, is that understood?"

"Yes, dear." the older man sighs, and together they watch Zola go. "Come on son, let's get you rested. The Marshwell Barony is a long trip from here and you only have a few days left here before you have to leave."

"My boy…" Luce sniffles. "My wonderful baby boy… you're not even an adult yet, why…"

It's all Leon can do to hold his mother as his father ushers them into the Bartford manse.


Leon only has a paltry 4 days to savor his reunion with his family before he's shipped out to meet his 'betrothed'.

Charlotte Fou Marshwell. Large of stature and girth, overcompensating for her looks with copious amounts of make-up, and attended to by a small harem of exclusive servants. She doesn't even deign to meet with Leon when he arrives, instead sending her servants to fetch him from the Marshwell docks and all but forcing him to dress appropriately for the 'wedding'; a simple signing of documents before a jaded official who looks like he's seen this play out so many times in the past that he's all but desensitized to it.

From there, Leon is all but thrown into a spare room in the servant's quarters and told to wait there until a vessel comes to pick him up– it would take him to a military outpost where he was meant to report for basic training.

The young man can't help but laugh in the situation. He isn't even allowed to leave the room to explore the Marshwell premises, with guards stationed at his room's door to make sure stays inside. Even the windows are barred with enchanted steel, presumably to prevent him from simply reinforcing his body to tear them off and make a break for freedom.

"Like a bird in a cage." he chuckles. "No way for a Raven to live…"

Still, he takes solace in that this would have a worthwhile pay-off in the end. So he finds the data hive Hustler One provided him and thumbs the activation button.

The gadget is about as big as his hand and twice as thick, 7 inches long. It activates with a silly little jingle and starts flashing red– and Leon knows from his past life that it needs a solid surface to adhere to so it can start releasing its drones. Leon sticks it under his bed, attaching it to the underside of a horizontal section of the bedframe.

The gadget stops flashing red and turns invisible. A moment later, a stream of insects start scurrying out– mainly household spiders. Leon takes one into his hand and marvels at the lifelike details on the little robot; even so close it was hard to see the seams and joints that marked it as a non-living being. It bites him and scurries off, leaving a little aching mark on his hand.

Leon lets himself relax on the floor as his mind races. There are plans, ideas and plots, but ultimately all of it lead to three unshakeable truths.

He will survive.

He will change Holfort.

And he will see humanity returned to the path of greatness.

It will not be tomorrow, a month from now, or even a year from now; but he will accomplish those plans. No matter how long it takes. No matter what it takes.