
Mob Boss Wife

Lilith_Barbora · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Next day

I woke up, he was driving and I asked:

"Where are we going?"

"Right now we are going to the mansion. It will be a 2 hours drive and right now it is 11 pm and you can go to sleep while we get there,"

"Oh, I am not sleepy,"

"Okay. Do you want anything?"


"Okay then,"

I said I wasn't tired but as we got closer and closer to the house I felt more and more sleeper. I couldn't wait anymore and I asked:

"How much longer to wait till we get there?"

"Uhh, umm about 15 minutes, why are you asking?"

"I am sleepy and I guess I don't have time to sleep?"

"You can try to go to sleep but I don't know if you could," he laughed.

"Okay, will I be able to sleep when we get there?"

"Mhmm, I don't know if you could," he said in a very seductive voice.

As he drove to the house he from time to time looks at me and smirks. I felt strangely good.

When we got there it looked like my dream house, when he said a mansion I didn't think that it would be so big and looked like a full castle, I felt like a princess.

He welcomed me in and showed me the way to the kitchen, bathroom and almost showed me the whole huge house. I knew that something felt off and he didn't show me one room so I asked:

"Hey, I noticed the one black doored room you didn't show me,"

"Oh, you wanna see it now?"

"Yes, why not?"