



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 281 Orochimaru: Qian Yue Team, The Battlefield Needs You

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As a result, Kushina only played once in a while, but Tsunade, the big fat sheep, was fascinated again.

"Master Orochimaru, this is the information collected by Anbu. According to the information, the ninjas of Mist Ninja Village gathered in large numbers and built military facilities on small islands. It is obvious that we are using the small islands as a platform to attack Mist Ninja Village."

"Is there any new information from the direction of Kawano Country?"

Orochimaru stared at the map, weariness on his pale face.

From the preparations for the war to the mutual testing of the two sides, everything has exceeded his expectations.

Mist Ninja Village is a villain. To be precise, Yagura is a villain. He doesn't go head-to-head with Konoha at all. He just harasses and messes around.

Grasping the fatal injury of the country of fire and Konoha not having enough warships, they played sneak attacks with Konoha in various ways.

In order to prevent Konoha from using many islands in the sea as pedals to attack, even build military facilities on small islands, connecting the small islands into a chain.

As long as Konoha's people dare to use Kojima as a pedal, they will be immediately surrounded by the army of Mist Ninja Village.

What is even more uncomfortable is that with the advent of the war, the sea is always foggy, not to mention the limited range that the eyes can see, even Konoha's perception ninja has been greatly affected.

"not yet."

Nara Shikajiu never thought that the war would turn out like this.

Wunin Village is really too much of a thieves, the frontal war did not start, but many places were attacked by Wunin Village.

There are even traces of ninja activities in Mist Ninja Village in the direction of Kawano Country.

Wu Ninja Village, who has taken the initiative, makes Konoha disgusting.

It is necessary to find a way to destroy the warships in Mist Ninja Village, even if not all of them, at least part of them must be destroyed.

It is not enough to rely solely on the village to manufacture warships.

Calling a merchant ship is not a wise choice. Wu Ninja Village hopes that all of your Konoha ninjas will go to the sea to fight them.


If such a thing really happened, Wu Ninja Village would laugh out loud in its dreams.

It's not Orochimaru's style to be passively beaten all the time.

It is necessary to find a way to force Yagura to fight him head-on. Konoha is not afraid to fight head-on with Mist Ninja Village.

Even if the sea is the home field of Mist Ninja Village.

What Konoha is afraid of is that Wu Ninja Village will fight east and west, and the initiative is in the hands of Wu Ninja Village, which will make Konoha passive.

It is not difficult to force Wu Ninja Village to fight Konoha. Since Wu Ninja Village is hiding, Konoha can just push it up.

Or find a way to destroy some of the warships in Mist Ninja Village.

The warship was destroyed, and Wu Ninja Village couldn't build new ones to supplement it in a short period of time. In the end, it could only go head-to-head with Konoha.

"It seems that everything is beyond my expectations."

Suddenly, Orochimaru laughed inexplicably.


As an assistant, Nara Lujiu was a little confused, what exceeded expectations?

Orochimaru-sama, please stop talking to yourself like this, okay?

This will make it difficult for me as a subordinate!

Even if I have a high IQ, it is difficult to guess what you mean by talking to yourself.

Working with Orochimaru is really tiring.

"Lu Jiu."

"Master Orochimaru!"

Nara Lujiu straightened her waist and stepped forward in response.

"Send a message to the village to let the third batch of ninjas who came to support them set off as soon as possible. By the way, tell the old man to transfer Qian Yue's team here. I need their assistance."



Nara Shikahisa opened the blank scroll and began to write. While writing, Nara Shikahisa quietly observed from the corner of his eye.

He wondered if Orochimaru would choose to have the village bring Hatake over.

It is no exaggeration to say that against the ninjas of Mist Ninja Village, Hatake Sakumo is enough for Mist Ninja Village to drink a pot.

Unfortunately, Orochimaru had no intention of mobilizing Hatake.

He only needed Qian Yue's team to support him, plus the third batch of reinforcements sent by Konoha.

On Konoha's side, Orochimaru was getting annoyed, and Kirinin Village was not much better.

Since Third Mizukage declared war on Konoha on behalf of the village, many Mist Shinobi ninjas are ready to have a hard fight with Konoha.

As a result, Yagura was appointed as the frontline commander, and Yagura didn't want to confront Konoha head-on at all, and kept sending people to harass, sneak attack, and play roundabout tactics.

Slowly, more and more people in the village were dissatisfied with this, like the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Although Samehada was lost, Wu Ninja Village still selected new people to join its team of Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

"It's really cowardly enough."

Pipa Shizang leaned against the side of the boat and said intentionally:

"It seems that the enemy has been swayed by our commander, and will soon be defeated without a fight."


Pipa Shizang's words made the others burst into laughter.

Although Yagura was appointed as the commander, unfortunately, there are many people who dissatisfy him in Mist Ninja Village.

For example, the Ninja Sword Seven and Yagura are not in the same game.

In addition to the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, many people were amused.

"I know that you want to kill Konoha's Lori Qian Yue and get the big sword Samehada back. I also know that you are dissatisfied with me. You want to fight the enemy head-on, instead of being sent to various places by me to carry out sneak attacks."


Yagura didn't care about the ridicule of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, but said provocatively:

"Whether you like it or not, you have to hold back, because the commander appointed by Mizukage-sama and Yuanshi is me, not you."

"Cut, be proud of yourself, I will cut off your head sooner or later!"

Pipa Juzang curled his lips, and started flirting with Yagura in front of many people.

Yagura didn't care at all, folded his hands on his chest, and said coldly:

"Only the weak will choose to use vicious words to provoke others. To be honest, I am not optimistic about you Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Don't forget how the Xiguashan blowfish ghost died, he was killed with a knife, his heart was pierced, and there was no trace of struggle. "

"Perhaps you think that Lori Qian Yue is just a brat, and you think that I, Yagura, am a coward. When I bump into Lori Qian Yue, I don't even dare to fight each other."

"I hope you can still laugh when you meet Lori Qian Yue."

"at the same time"

boom! !

The powerful Chakra on Yagura erupted, and the Qi machine directly locked on the Seven Ninja Swordsmen:

"Don't think that you are important beings specially cultivated by the village, so you can come and provoke me.

If there is a next time, I don't mind holding your heads up and going back to the village to plead guilty to Genshi and Mizukage-sama. "

Yagura guy! !

The powerful Chakra broke out, and Yagura changed from a seemingly insignificant kid to a terrifying monster, and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen couldn't laugh anymore.

One by one stared at Yagura vigilantly, secretly on guard.

With the prolongation of the blood mist's rule, in today's Mist Ninja Village, it is not a big deal for a ninja to suddenly attack his companions.

There are too many ninjas doing this kind of thing.

When it comes to attacking their own people, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen remembered that Yagura was the one who attacked their own people the most.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 282 It Doesn't Have To Be So Obvious For Uchiha

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Although he was only ordered to hunt down.

Although they didn't want to admit it, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen did not continue to provoke Yagura.

Because Yagura is really stronger than them.

In case Yagura is cornered, it's no fun to attack them first.

Provocations are provocations, one's own life is still very important.

Even so, Pipa Shizang is still like a dead duck.

"You won't see this day appearing. When I meet Lori Qian Yue, I will personally chop off his head with a beheading knife, and let you Yagura see that the so-called genius is just a joke."

"I hope you will do what you say."

Yagura stared at Pipa Juzo with eyes like an idiot.

Even for Konoha, there are still many internal struggles.

As for Wunin Village, which kills its own people more ruthlessly than killing pigs, the internal fighting will only become more serious, and it is completely normal for some people to dissatisfy Yagura.

It would be weird if everyone obeyed Yagura.

Yagura also knows that many people dissatisfy him, but he doesn't care.

Because the power is in his hands.

As long as these people are not excessive, he will treat it as if he didn't see it.

The door of Hokage's office was pushed open, and Tsunade walked in yawning:

"Old man, what can I do for you? The logistics department is going crazy, don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

The logistics department is such a miraculous department when it is usually idle and panic, and it is busy during the war.

During the war, Tsunade had to watch over the movement of various supplies.

What's more, Qian Yue made her stick around, not giving Danzo the slightest chance to steal the house, which directly made Tsunade even busier.

"Thank you for your hard work, but Orochimaru sent information, hoping that Qian Yue's team can follow the third batch of reinforcements to the front line.

He needs Qian Yue's team as a sharp knife to tear through the chains surrounding Wunin Village and force Wunin Village to fight head-on. "

Third Hokage hands Tsunade the scroll sent by Orochimaru.

Tsunade opened the scroll and looked at it, and complained by the way:


"Aren't Orochimaru afraid that someone will take credit with him at this time?"


Third Hokage coughed as if he hadn't heard the words.

After reconciling with Tsunade, Third Hokage no longer interfered with Qian Yue's affairs, nor did he do anything against Qian Yue.

Even when Qian Yue did something, he always went to Tsunade instead of Qian Yue.

As for Orochimaru's petty thinking, Third Hokage also sees it through.

It's not surprising that Orochimaru wants to compete with Hokage!

Besides, Orochimaru is his disciple of Sarutobi Hiruzen, he is the Hokage department, what happened to the competition Hokage?

This is as it should be.

Third Hokage is also bullish on Orochimaru.

At least until Tsunade doesn't act, Orochimaru has a good chance.

It's a pity that Sarutobi Hiruzen has no intention of retiring in a short time.

"I see, I will go to them, that's it, I'm so busy, I'm so sleepy."

With a wave of his hand, Tsunade took the scroll and left Hokage's office.

"Hope everything goes well."

Looking in the direction of the coastline, Third Hokage sighed.

This war came too suddenly, but Konoha couldn't bow his head, so he could only fight with Mist Ninja Village.

If you want to hit me, I will accompany you!

Want Konoha to bow his head?

That is impossible.

Pushing open the door, you can smell the fragrance coming to your face. Tsunade, who was sleepy for a long time, was stunned and immediately resurrected on the spot with full blood.

"This is sent by Orochimaru. He needs Qian Yue's team to set off with the third batch of reinforcements and go to the front line to assist in the battle."

Seeing Qian Yue's bowl and chopsticks being taken away, Tsunade didn't dislike it, and started eating with big mouthfuls.

That posture, as if he hasn't eaten for several days.

This food directly scared Kushina, Minato, and Nawaki.

Carefully holding a piece of meat for my sister, Nawaki asked cautiously:

"Sister, have you not eaten for a few days?"


"Go aside."

Tsunade glared at Nawaki with a bulging face, and Nawaki trembled in fright, and quickly sat down beside Minato.

Don't dare to approach Tsunade again.

Tsunade didn't care, he hesitated and said:

"I've been so busy these days, I haven't eaten much since last night, and I haven't even slept.

I finally got some free time, and I was woken up when I fell asleep, and then I went to the Hokage office building. "

"No, I have to eat a good meal and sleep before I go to work, or I'll die of exhaustion."

You are the most leisurely in normal times, and you are the busiest in wartime!

The position of the head of the logistics department is really not easy to sit.

"A lot of people from Uchiha will go with the third batch of reinforcements, right?"

Qian Yue remembered that Tsunade had said this, in addition to a group of vanguard troops, many family ninjas were drawn from the second and third batches of reinforcements.

Especially in the third batch, a lot of people from the Uchiha family were transferred.

"Danzo said that there are many ninjas in the Uchiha clan, and the strength of Uchiha's ninjas is obvious to all, so they will recruit more."

Tsunade grabbed the gap between the vegetables and explained.


I knew Danzo was upset and kind.

There are indeed more ninjas in the Uchiha clan, and their individual strength is also relatively strong.

But the question is, is the Uchiha family good at Fire Style?

Go to the coastline, or even the sea, and fight with the ninjas in Mist Ninja Village?

That's easy!

Directly let Fire Style be abolished by more than half.

Danzo is such a f**king talent, this kind of excuse can be used, but Third Hokage approved it.

I'm afraid at this time, many people in Uchiha are scolding their mothers.

Uchiha has already supported a group of people, and now we need to transfer a second group. This is not targeting Uchiha, what is it?

Still fighting against Mist Ninja Village.

It's anyone's guess what it's like when a large number of Fire Style ninjas meet a large number of Water Style ninjas.

Water overcomes fire, it's not just a joke.


Although there are many Uchiha people, Chakra of the second attribute are all thunder attributes.

"Danzo is really uneasy and kind."

"He's not a good guy in the first place, and he still wants to monitor me all the time, and wants to control me in the root headquarters."

Kushina then accused Danzo of the crime.

For the whole Konoha, if she had to pick someone she hated the most, then it must be Danzo without a doubt.

Even Minato and Nawaki hate the existence of the old Danzo.

However, others have always stood in the high-level circle, and their positions are secure.

After hearing Kushina's accusation, Qian Yue encouraged her with a smile:

"Next time he wants to do this again, you just ask Kurama to throw the Tailed Beast Bomb towards the root headquarters. If you blow it up a few times, he still dares to hit you."

"That's a good idea."

Kushina was moved.

"By the way, where is the root headquarters?"

"Kurama can find it, trust it."

Others can't, Qian Yue believes that with Nine Tails' powerful perception ability, he can definitely find the location of the root headquarters.

Are you crazy to encourage Kushina to do such a thing!

Both Minato and Nawaki were speechless, but this proposal made people feel a little moved.

It will be interesting if the root headquarters is really bombed.

Danzo will probably be furious!

Maybe once the Tailed Beast Bomb goes down, even Danzo will be killed in one blow.

"It's enough for you, it's fine outside the village, how can you throw Tailed Beast Bomb in the village?"

Tsunade had black lines all over his head.

Is it really okay for you to encourage Kushina in front of me like this?

This girl Kushina is still excited! ! !

Tsunade was really afraid that she would be in a bad mood one day, so he bombed the root headquarters with Tailed Beast Bomb.

That was a lot of fun.

But at this time, Kushina can't control it if he wants to.

She got mad and let Nine Tails control her body directly, tsk tsk tsk, the picture will be wonderful then.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 283 If You Can't Control It, It's Better To Hand Over The Power

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Qian Yue laughed:

"So watch out for Danzo, don't let him mess around, he's always trying to control Kushina.

For this kind of person, you should be ruthless, and you can't give him a good face, otherwise he will definitely play cheap tricks on you the first time. "

"Cough cough!!!"

Minato interrupted with a wry smile:

"Stop talking about Qian Yue, I'm afraid the people from Anbu will treat us to tea."

"Go away, you're afraid of shit, your teacher is Jiraiya, Anbu won't provoke you casually."

"I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of?"

Wherever Kushina was in the past, Anbu's people were watching.

It's different now, Kushina is completely free, as long as she doesn't leave Konoha, everything is easy to talk about.

"I really want to go to the country of vortex with you."

Since coming to Konoha, Kushina has never left Konoha, and she really wants to go back to the ruins of the Uzumaki country.

It's a pity that the village won't allow her to leave.

With Kushina's strength, it is absolutely possible to force it out.

But the kind-hearted little girl doesn't want to cause trouble for Tsunade.

Rubbing Kushina's head, Qian Yue said with a smile:

"There will be a chance, maybe the chance will come soon."

"what chance?"

Putting down the chopsticks, both of Tsunade's ears perked up.

Not to mention her, even Minato and Nawaki looked over curiously, and Kushina was even more excited.

Facing the curious four, Qian Yue pretended to be mysterious:

"The heavenly secret must not be leaked!"

"Depend on!!"

Minato and Nawaki raised their middle fingers subconsciously.


Kushina and Tsunade rolled their eyes tacitly.

Isn't this just teasing us?

It's also a secret that cannot be leaked, and it's a godsend.

After a few years, Qian Yue's team will once again set foot on the battlefield in its entirety.

The three members of the team left Konoha with the third batch of troops supporting the front line.

To Qian Yue's surprise, Uchiha Mikoto was also in the support team.

"Why are you here?"

Although Uchiha Mikoto has the strength of Jōnin, Qian Yue doesn't think that Uchiha will be embarrassed enough to need civilians to participate in the war.

"Because you're going to the front line, so I made a special exchange with the clansmen, and it happened that I didn't go out for a few years."

Uchiha Mikoto smiled softly and opened the bento box he brought.

"I haven't eaten yet. Eat something casually. There may not be much rest time on the road."

"It's still Mikoto who is caring and knows that I haven't eaten."

"As long as you like it."

Uchiha Mikoto smiled sweetly.

Minato and Nawaki who are not far away feel that they are full before eating.

God, if I make a mistake, you can directly punish me with lightning strikes!

Instead of letting these two people stuff our single dogs with dog food!

This is almost exhausting.

"Minato, Nawaki, you guys come too, I'm doing your part."

"Hey~ come on!!"

What kind of single dog is left aside first, let's talk about it when we have a full stomach!

Dog food is very greasy, but it will make you hungry.

Two worthless guys.

Qian Yue looked at them with contempt.

Who was it just now that I couldn't bear the goosebumps all over my body?

It's all right now, when I heard that there is something delicious, Pidianpidian came up.


Nawaki is just a funny comparison, why even you Namikaze Minato are also funny comparisons?

Sure enough, the Bi attribute is contagious.

Because of the large number of people, it takes two days for a large army to start from Konoha and reach the front line of the Uzumaki country. If it is just a small team moving forward quickly, one day is enough.

"Qian Yue, can we chat?"

On the way, Uchiha Fugaku, who personally led the support team, approached Qian Yue.


Now Qian Yue no longer needs to avoid suspicion, and Uchiha is far away from him.

As long as he doesn't actually come back to Uchiha, Third Hokage will not continue to use this matter against him.

"I heard that your wife gave birth to a fat boy for you."


When mentioning this matter, Uchiha Fugaku's poker face rarely showed a warm smile:

"Itachi, his name is Uchiha Itachi."

Without Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Fugaku gets married much earlier than in the original book.

So children are born earlier.

Perhaps it was destined, the filial son still came to this world, still called Uchiha Itachi.

It's just that Uchiha Itachi is a bit older than the original.

Pretty much the same as Uchiha Shisui.

The two ignored the sight of the Anbu ninja in the team, left the team, and walked unhurriedly.

Uchiha Fugaku looked at the blue sky and let out a long sigh:

"I used to think that my father was too persistent and couldn't handle many things well, especially the relationship between the village and the family.

But now that I am sitting in this position, I realize that everything is far from being as simple as I imagined. "

One family, three factions, can it be simple?

Qian Yue himself admires Uchiha a bit.

However, if Uchiha is twisted into a rope and exerts strength together, and Uchiha Fugaku is no longer a character who is afraid of wolves before and tigers later, then the village dares to target Uchiha so high-profile?

I'm afraid that Third Hokage's heart will tremble even when he sleeps.

For example, during the war, if Uchiha jumped out and made a fuss twice, it would definitely be enough for the high-level executives to drink a pot.


During the war, a large number of powerful people left the village to fight outside, but when Uchiha broke out at this time, the village would never dare to deal with it in a high-profile manner.

Otherwise, if there is a big trouble, it is easy to cause a situation where both sides suffer.

That Konoha's enemies would wake up laughing from their dreams.

"There are more people fighting for power and profit."

Qian Yue bluntly stated Uchiha's problem:

"There are too many factions, there are hawks, doves, and stable factions, but there is also a patriarch who lacks courage."

Uchiha Fugaku: ""

Qian Yue's first two sentences made him excited, but after the last sentence came out, Uchiha Fugaku was dumbfounded.

The patriarch who lacks courage, is he the one you are talking about?

"You do not know me"

"Don't tell me that."

Qian Yue interrupted Uchiha Fugaku unceremoniously:

"As much as I hate some old guys in Uchiha, Uchiha is my mother's family after all, a few words of advice for you.

Blindly choosing to compromise will only make some people keep pushing forward.

Judging from Uchiha's current situation, if you don't have the courage to change, you might as well hand over power to those hawkish elders. "

"At least they can make the top feel threatened, and you"

Shaking his head, Qian Yue mercilessly said:

"I only see you Uchiha Fugaku's compromises and concessions, I don't see any toughness.

No, your toughness means being tough at home and compromising with others. "

"Wake up, you don't even have the determination and courage to rectify the family, what qualifications do you have to improve the relationship between Uchiha and the village?"

"The so-called bad relationship is just that the high-level is targeting Uchiha, not the whole Konoha.

Although the Uchiha family's handling of things is a bit problematic, and many villagers don't like it, it's just that they don't like it. "

"It's not just that the top management doesn't like you."

"I hope Uchiha doesn't disappear in your hands, and when the war is over, I will let Mikoto and Aunt move out of Uchiha.

You seek death yourself, don't implicate their mother and daughter. "

Abandoning Uchiha Fugaku who was completely stunned, Qian Yue returned to the team.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 284 Orochimaru: Talking Bad About Me To My Face?

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Abandoning Uchiha Fugaku who was completely stunned, Qian Yue returned to the team.

Throwing out all the words that she couldn't say before, Qian Yue felt a lot better in her heart.

As for Uchiha Fugaku, when Qian Yue watched Hokage in his previous life, he wanted to scold him.

Now the wish has finally come true.

Having the Uchiha Mikoto mother and daughter move out is no joke.

When the war is over, he will start to deal with these things.

Anbu's people quietly sent back to the village the news that Qian Yue and Uchiha Fugaku had left the team to talk, and Qian Yue didn't care about it at the moment.

After being scolded by Qian Yue, Uchiha Fugaku's face has never looked good, and he has a downcast face all the way.

Everyone in the Uchiha clan was puzzled by the two monks.

What exactly did Lori Qian Yue say to the patriarch?

He actually made the patriarch so angry.

During the period, someone approached Uchiha Mikoto in private, hoping that he could help to find Qian Yue and ask what Qian Yue and Uchiha Fugaku talked about.

Unfortunately, it was rejected by Uchiha Mikoto.

What Qian Yue talked about with Uchiha Fugaku Yue, she didn't care.

If Qian Yue didn't take the initiative to say it, she wouldn't ask about it.

The speed of the team was neither fast nor slow, which was about the same as the expected time.

Two days later, we arrived at Shoreline Camp.

With the arrival of the third batch of reinforcements, the number of Konoha ninjas on the coastline battlefield exceeded 2,500.

In the war with Mist Ninja Village, Konoha took the elite route and did not send a large number of cannon fodder to the battlefield to participate in the battle.

Fighting at sea is extremely unfriendly to cannon fodder ninjas.

On land, even Genin has a certain probability of surviving from the battlefield.


But in the sea, once the war is too fierce, it is completely difficult for ninjas who are not strong to survive.

Because the definition of the battlefield is vague, it may be fought on land, or at sea, or on a small island.

Therefore, Konoha's camp is divided into main camp and auxiliary camp.

The main camp is on the coastline, where Orochimaru sits, and all command starts from here.

The sub-camp is at the base of the country of the vortex, and Jiraiya sits in charge.

In addition, both Jiraiya and Orochimaru can use Summoning beasts to quickly deliver messages, even if the distance between the two camps is long, various messages can be delivered quickly.

The biggest fundamental reason for building two camps is that the initiative is in the hands of Mist Ninja Village.

Once Konoha puts the main camp at the garrison point of Uzumaki Country, the transportation of troops and supplies will be easily intercepted and attacked by Mist Ninja Village.

It is even possible to be surrounded by the army of Mist Ninja Village.

Orochimaru is no fuel-efficient lamp.

So he built the main camp and the auxiliary camp, and the main camp can give orders at any time in the rear.

The auxiliary camp is in front, ready to deal with the enemy's attack.

Besides, the person in charge of the sub-camp is Jiraiya, and Orochimaru handed over the sub-camp to him with confidence.

Although Jiraiya is unreliable in some aspects, Jiraiya is still someone she can rely on at critical times.

So the construction of the main camp and the auxiliary camp was decided in this way.

Facts have proved that Orochimaru's decision is correct. The main and auxiliary camps watch each other, even though the distance is a bit far, it is nothing to rely on the Summoning beast to deliver the news.

Several times of harassment and sneak attack in Mist Ninja Village failed.

"That's Lori Qian Yue, right?"

"It's him. I heard that not long ago, the team he led was on a mission at sea, killing the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and forcing back Yagura who came to investigate."

"He is carrying the big sword Samehada on his back. It is said that Wu Ninja Village still wants to take this weapon back through negotiations, but the village refused."

In the camp, some people who knew Qian Yue were discussing in low voices.

Nawaki approached Qian Yue and said in a low voice:

"I didn't expect you to be quite famous. Like me and Minato, not many people know us."

"So do you want to raise your profile?"


Rolling his eyes, Qian Yue asked.

"Think, who wouldn't want such a thing?"

In addition to satisfying the basic needs of survival and making oneself live a better life, isn't what people pursue is strength, ideals and fame?

Nawaki is no exception.

"That's easy, you curse, Yagura is a short man, I guarantee you will be famous immediately.

Maybe your intelligence information will be placed in front of Yagura immediately. "


I'll f**k you, what a bad idea you came up with.

Do you really think I'm easy to deceive?

Nawaki had a doggy expression on his face.


Minato smiled unkindly.

Before Qian Yue really mocked Yagura as a dwarf, but Yagura didn't make a move and chose to retreat wisely.

Even though he retreated, Minato still believed that Yagura must hate Qian Yue to death.

After all, people like Yagura must hate others poking their sore feet.

Size is always a pain in Yagura's family. The men are all short and look like children.

"Qian Yue, Senior Orochimaru asked you to go directly to the headquarters."

The long-awaited Nara Deer came up.

"Looks like Orochimaru can't wait."

Patting Nara Lujiu on the shoulder, Qian Yue joked:

"Stay with Orochimaru, he didn't say weird things to you or do weird things to you, did he?"

As he said that, Qian Yue walked around Nara for a long time, as if he wanted to help him determine if there were any missing parts on his body.


Several black lines floated from Nara's forehead.


Minato and Nawaki also pretended to help Nara check her body, and did not forget to scare each other.

"You have to be careful, Orochimaru-sensei likes to do some weird research, such as"


"So I'm so scary?"

Qian Yue and others were busy teasing Nara Shikaku, and didn't want to hear Orochimaru's funny laughter from the side.

Qian Yue and Minato are okay, Nawaki suddenly let go of Nara Shikaku's hand in embarrassment, looked back at Orochimaru not far away, and smiled:

"Teacher, when did you come here?"

As the commander-in-chief of the front line, if you don't stay at the headquarters, how can you just run out?

"It came out when you guys made fun of me."

Orochimaru was not angry either, with a smile on his face, he said deliberately:

"I didn't expect me to be so scary. Even my disciples were scared that something was missing."

Now you know how powerful it is, even your own teacher is joking.

Now it's Nara's turn to watch the fun.

Nawaki: ""

I didn't expect Mr. Orochimaru to appear suddenly, it's so embarrassing, what should I do!

I'm almost digging out three rooms and one living room with my toes.


Qian Yue and Minato couldn't straighten up laughing.

You two are still laughing! !

Nawaki's face turned red with anger, and he stared at the two of them viciously, but this vicious look couldn't scare anyone at all.

"Okay, you guys come with me."

Just kidding, Orochimaru will not let his disciples down.

Smiling, he turned and walked towards the headquarters.

Several people followed.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 285 One Day, We Can Also Enjoy Privileges

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Entering the headquarters, Orochimaru sat on the main seat, and Nara Shikahisa immediately entered the assistant state.

Standing obediently beside Orochimaru, he handed the materials prepared in advance to the three of them.

While the three of them were looking at the documents and information, Orochimaru even leisurely started making tea, apparently intending to have a couple of cups.

This battle is not easy to fight!

Looking at the information in the file, Minato frowned.

Wu Ninja Village is too cunning, it doesn't go head-to-head with Konoha at all, instead it plays sneak attacks everywhere.

Anyway, the initiative is in their hands, and Mist Ninja Village can fight as they want!

On the other hand, Konoha can only be beaten passively.

"Teacher, our Konoha is very passive."

Even Nawaki finds the war a little tricky.

Qian Yue watched quietly and didn't express any opinion.

After brewing the tea, Orochimaru poured the tea, and Nara Shijiu took the initiative to step forward and pushed the teacup in front of the three of them.

"Yes, we are very passive, because the country of water is a maritime country, but we are not.

This means that Konoha does not have enough warships, and we will be passive when the war comes. "

Orochimaru sipped his tea slowly, with a slight smile on his lips, you couldn't tell from his face that he was in a hurry.

Putting down the information in his hand, Qian Yue guessed Orochimaru's idea:

"Are you trying to break the chain of small islands in Mist Ninja Village?"

Wunin Village has built military facilities on many islands to prevent Konoha from using these small islands as a pedal to attack Wunin Village.

No matter which side has the initiative, if Konoha directly attacks Mist Ninja Village, Yagura must give up the initiative and return to help.

At that time, the initiative of Mist Ninja Village will be lost.

In addition to sneak attacks and disrupting the rear, the initiative is useless.


Instead, they need to worry about Konoha's strong attack.


Orochimaru nodded in acknowledgment:

"I need a troop that can become a sharp knife, tear off the chains of Mist Ninja Village, occupy some islands, and keep approaching Mist Ninja Village.

Force Mist Ninja Village to fight us head-on. "

"The strength of this army must be strong enough. If it is too weak or the strength is average, let alone whether it can tear the chain of the island of Wunin Village,

Even if it is torn apart, he will be in crisis, and he will not be able to force Wu Ninja Village to fight head-on. "

As expected of you, Orochimaru, either stay still or play big! !

Qian Yue even admired him a little.

Smiling, Orochimaru continued:

"Your Qian Yue team is the sharp knife of this force, I believe you can complete this task.

Of course, Jiraiya will cooperate with you. In addition to him, some Jōnin will also participate. The number is about 20 people. "

Since it is a sharp knife, it means that the strength of this team must be strong.

And there shouldn't be too many people.

The sharp knife is responsible for tearing the enemy's chains, and the army behind is responsible for pressing the formation to keep up, pressing harder and harder.

This is a very dangerous task for the sharp knife. If one is not careful, he will be surrounded or even be surrounded and wiped out.

So Orochimaru stayed put and didn't move until Qian Yue's team arrived.

He believed that Qian Yue would not disappoint him.

At the same time, he also wanted to know how strong Qian Yue was.

Years passed, and Orochimaru couldn't believe that Qian Yue had been standing still.

Although recently, I haven't seen Xiaobai come out for a stroll.


"It's a challenging task."

Qian Yue raised her eyebrows, feeling a little interested.

This task sounds very exciting, it must be very exciting.

The commander of Mist Ninja Village is Yagura, a short man. When the chain of the island is torn, Yagura will definitely jump in anger.

I just don't know if Wu Ninja Village will throw Three Tails out when the war reaches a stalemate.

"Go back and rest first, and head to the Uzumaki country camp early tomorrow morning, and those who participated in the mission will go there with you."

Orochimaru asked Nara Shijiu to arrange a place for the three of them to live in, and even thoughtfully prepared various ingredients, and there was still a lot of wood in the tent, which could be used for Qian Yue's cooking.

"I didn't expect that we would have a day of privilege."

Orochimaru has arranged everything, the three of them don't have to worry about anything, even the way Nara Shikaku looks at them is weird.

Konoha had close to 3,000 people participating in the battle, and if you count the people responsible for transporting supplies, it was more than 3,000. But so many people did not receive special treatment, and even Orochimaru himself was as simple as he could.

Only Qian Yue's team got this special treatment.


Qian Yue patted Minato on the shoulder:

"Don't you want this kind of treatment? Or do you want to squat in a tent alone, silently eating dry food, and eating a big pot of rice that doesn't know what it tastes like?"

"In other words, the two of you didn't eat enough when you were on the battlefield of Sichuan Kingdom."


The smile on Minato's face froze slightly, and he jumped up quickly:

"I'm going to light the fire and boil the water."

Minato doesn't want to experience that sad feeling again,

Although it's wrong to enjoy special treatment, who the hell wants to suffer under the premise of enjoying it?

Besides, I just started a small stove by myself, and I didn't do anything harmful.


When the meal was ready, Orochimaru appeared with Nara Shikaku.

It's obviously for dinner.

At the beginning, Nara Lujiu, who was still muttering, eats more deliciously than anyone else, but at a glance, he can tell that he is a blunt and unscrupulous guy.

Strange to say, most of the people in the Nara family have high IQs, but each of them has a worrying emotional intelligence in life.

In particular, it is easy to be beaten by his wife, which is simply inherited from the ancestors.

It seems that no matter how gentle and virtuous a woman is before marriage, as long as she marries into the Nara family after marriage, her character will become a hot pepper that is more terrifying than hot red pepper.

The fundamental reason why it became like this is probably forced out.

Qian Yue believes that no matter how good-natured a woman is, if she cooks a meal and waits for her family to come to eat, she will go berserk when she waits for hours without any movement.

It's okay to be delayed by something, the key is that the other party can delay for a few hours when they are free, which is more awesome.

As long as they enter the state of thinking, people of the Nara family can immediately become the tenth level of procrastination.

"I still have some things to do, so I won't disturb your rest, Lu Jiu, come back after you wash the dishes and chopsticks."

After eating and drinking enough, Orochimaru got up and left.

Nara, who was about to follow, froze in place for a long time, looking at the tableware with a smile that was uglier than crying. Washing dishes was too troublesome.

Lord Orochimaru, why did you ask him to do this?

"How did you become friends with this guy?"

Putting his arms around Minato's shoulders, Nawaki looked at Nara Shikahisa who was working hard to wash the dishes, and said with a smile:

"I think people from the Nara family are very interesting."

"It's quite interesting."

Minato laughed, but the smile was a bit embarrassing.

How did he and Nara Shikaku become friends? Minato himself still hasn't figured it out, maybe it's because they have similar tastes?

Ah bah, sorry for each other.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 286 Lori Qian Yue, Do You Have A Misunderstanding Of Mediocrity?

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Early the next morning, after eating, Orochimaru dispatched a boat to send Qian Yue and others to the Uzumaki country camp.

Going together, there is also a part of Konoha's Jōnin.

It's really a mess.

The ninjas of Uchiha, Hyuga, Sarutobi, and Shimura Konoha families gathered together, even the future in-laws of Third Hokage were among them.


Seeing that the setting sun was really red, Minato and Nawaki stepped forward to say hello.

"Not bad, grown up."

Looking at Minato and Nawaki, Yuhi Makoto squeezed out a smile on his stiff face and praised them.


Qian Yue also stepped forward.

The relationship between the two parties can't be said to be good, at least they are closer than others.

After all, they cooperated during the Second Ninja War.

But at that time, Yuhi Zhenhong was not a Jōnin, but a special Jōnin.

Although Yuhi Zhenhong has a high status among Konoha Jōnin in the future, his strength is not outstanding among Konoha.

The time to become Jōnin is also relatively late.

As for the fundamental reason why she already has Jōnin strength but has been unable to be promoted to Jōnin, it is that Yuhi Zhenhong is a serious partial student.

It is more serious than the previous Nawaki.

To put it simply, body skills are average, sword skills are average, and ninjutsu is average, but illusion is powerful.

"In the past few years, you have been so low-key that you can't even see anyone."

Xiri Zhenhong knew that Qian Yue was not a narrow-minded person in some respects, so she joked directly:

"I originally wanted that kid Hong to worship you as a teacher, but I heard that you don't want to accept disciples, which is a pity."

"Come on."


Qian Yue himself laughed:

"It's better for the seniors to teach the children of the seniors themselves. My achievements in illusion are mediocre, and I can't teach others well.

If you let me be a teacher, you will definitely mislead your students. "


Minato and Nawaki couldn't help laughing, Yuhi blushed for sure.

The other Jōnin looked at Qian Yue in astonishment.

You, Lori Qian Yue, are you mediocre?

I don't know who was so young to use illusion to control Jōnin!

Even a strong man like Third Kazekage has been recruited, do you call this mediocre?

Not to mention others, even a few Jōnin in Uchiha dare not jump out and say that their illusion is better than Qian Yue.

If Qian Yue is mediocre, then what are they?


Smiling and shaking his head, Yuhi Zhenhong leaned against the side of the boat, crossing his arms:

"Speaking of it, I'm curious. Although I've heard of some, can you tell me why you don't want to accept disciples?"

"I heard that even Hatake Sakumo is very excited."

Hatake Sakumo is also a straightforward person, and he didn't conceal the fact that he wanted Kakashi to learn from Qian Yue.

Some things, there are no secrets in the upper circles, which led to things that happened only a few days ago, and even Yuhi Zhenhong knew about them.

Why are all these Eight Trigrams?

Seeing that other people also pricked up their ears to listen, Qian Yue laughed and said:

"It's not a secret, I believe the seniors should have heard of it, it's not that there is any resistance to the disciples.

It's just that ninja is a special and dangerous profession. There are too many cases of falling out because of the position. "

"Father and son, brother, partner, and even master and apprentice."


"If it was my brothers and partners who fell out with me because of their positions, I would be sad, but I can accept it.

We're all the same after all, and that's what ninjas do sometimes. "

"But disciples are different. I can't accept the disciples I cultivated by myself. Because of their positions or orders from some people, they will go against me, or even fall out."

"Don't think about the bad side of everything."

Xiri Zhenhong patted Qian Yue on the shoulder:

"You kid just think too much, open your mind and welcome the world is what you should do."

Father and son turned against each other, brothers became enemies, teachers killed their disciples for their own sake, and disciples killed their teachers because of tasks and orders, all in the world of Hokage.

That's the end of this unsuitable topic.

Yuhi Zhenhong looked at the misty sea and couldn't help cursing:

"These dogs in Mist Ninja Village are really disgusting, creating fog after fog.

Not to mention the low visibility, even the ability to perceive ninjas will be limited.

Next, I am afraid that there will be many fierce battles waiting for us. "

Boarding this ship means accepting the task of being a sharp knife to tear the chains of the island.

What will happen on the way to the mission, and how many unknown dangers are waiting for them, no one knows.

Even Jōnin is in danger of dying at any moment.

"You snatched the big sword Samehada from Mist Ninja Village. As long as you show up, Mist Ninja Village must try their best to snatch this weapon back."

Is it plausible to build an elite squad well, only to have a few years of arrogance after it was built, and a weapon was taken away?

You must know that the most important thing among Ninja Sword Seven is not people, people can be replaced at any time, what is important is weapons.

Once there is no weapon, the so-called Seven Ninja Swordsman is a joke.

At this moment, Samehada was in Qian Yue's hands, and Qian Yue was wandering around with Samehada on his back. This move was simply disgusting in Wu Ninja Village.

Smiling, Qian Yue said with full expectation:

"I'd love them to come to me and send me the other six knives.


It is said that Wu Ninja Village has spent a lot of effort in making these knives.

If these weapons are snatched and brought to the country of craftsman to forge other weapons, I don't know if Wu Ninja Village will vomit blood in anger. "


Qian Yue's words amused many people.

If someone snatched the other knives and used them as materials to cast them into other weapons, Wu Ninja Village would not be as simple as vomiting blood in anger.

The ship docked at the port of Uzumaki Island smoothly, and a group of people disembarked and boarded the island.

"Although I have been here a few times, every time I feel incredible that the Whirlpool Clan can actually build a country."

Nawaki admires the Uzumaki family, the feat of a family building a country.

Qian Yue glanced at him:

"So the whirlpool clan was exterminated, and now there are more than 20 people left in Konoha."


Nawaki choked on the spot.


You are right, I am speechless.

A family building a country looks awesome, but is it really awesome?

Unless your family has always been supported by strong people, otherwise you will be a fragrant bun in the eyes of others, a big fat meat.

It's okay if there is no use value, but the one with use value will die faster.

The Uzumaki family is the most typical example.

There is no strong man who can suppress everything, but it is still a big piece of fat, and everyone wants to come up and take a bite.

When Konoha chose to give up, he was immediately wiped out.

Not to mention the five great ninja villages, I am afraid that they are small villages that dare to attack the Uzumaki clan.

No matter how powerful it is, it is just a family, and there is no way to compare it with other countries and villages.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 287 No Initiative? Then Create The Initiative

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"In fact, during the Sengoku period, the relationship between the Uzumaki family and the Senju family was very strong, and they often helped the Senju family fight against Uchiha."

I don't know if it was for the sake of publicity, but Jōnin of the Hyuga clan purposely told these past events.

Not forgetting to cast a provocative glance at Jōnin of the Uchiha clan.

It's a pity that Jōnin of the Uchiha clan didn't like him at all, but folded his arms and sneered:

"The Uzumaki clan chose to build their own country because they were afraid of the Senju clan. Do you think they might join Konoha?"


What the hell am I! !

How come the Senju clan is involved again?

Qian Yue also admired the straightforwardness of this big brother Uchiha, can you be more tactful?

Nawaki is still here.

Even though the Senju clan has become a thing of the past, Nawaki is at least a direct descendant of Senju.

"Ahem, well, this is not what we should discuss, let's go to the camp."

The older Yuhi Mako gave the ninja of the Hyuga clan a sneaky look.

Don't make trouble during the war, know that you and Uchiha are not on the same page!

The people in Uchiha are very nervous, you don't know, why provoke them?

Well, let's get the Senju clan involved.

After receiving the cue from Yuhi Mako, the Hyuga clan calmed down.

Qian Yue and Minato's stomach hurt from laughing, but Nawaki was depressed:

"Aren't Senju and Uzumaki distant relatives? Such a good relationship, why would Uzumaki hide from Senju?"

This was different from the version he had heard since he was a child.

Hearing this, Qian Yue looked at Nawaki sympathetically:

"Now you have to ask what good thing your second grandfather did."


"Second grandfather?"

Nawaki was stunned for a moment, Second Grandpa seemed to have no grievances with the Whirlpool Clan.

Moreover, the Uzumaki family has long since moved to the Uzumaki Island.

After the establishment of Konoha, they established their own country here.

At that time, Konoha was in charge of Senju Hashirama, so Senju Tobirama should not be involved.

"What does this have to do with my second grandfather?"

"Your second grandfather is so ruthless that he doesn't even spare his own people, let alone the Uzumaki family."

"Besides, your Senju clan is staring at other girls from the Uzumaki clan, and I don't see you marrying a few of them. After a long time, the Uzumaki clan will definitely be turned into a bachelor clan."

"Puff haha"

Minato burst out laughing.

Nawaki wants to cut people.

This kid really dares to say anything, even dare to make fun of Second Generation, but is it true?

Subconsciously, Yuhi Mako couldn't help but look at Uchiha's upright brother.

The other party seemed to understand in seconds, and said subconsciously:

"I once heard the old patriarch say that the Senju clan did marry many girls from the Uzumaki clan, and the two clans married each other."

Knowing that reinforcements are coming, Jiraiya runs from the command post.

Chong Xiri Zhenhong and the others waved their hands, and walked towards Qian Yue and the three of them. Hearing the laughter of Qian Yue and Minato, they moved closer together:

"What's so funny, it makes me happy to say it."

"Happy ass!!"

Nawaki wanted to scold her.

He was about to accuse Qian Yue of nonsense to Jiraiya, but when he saw Jiraiya's smiling face, Nawaki rolled his eyes:

"When we went to the island just now, we saw someone swimming in the sea. I said it was a woman. They didn't believe me!"

"Skin is so white, it must be a woman!!"

You kid is uneasy and kind.

Qian Yue held back a smile, coughed and said:


"Does white skin mean a woman? Then what should Minato do?"


Minato laughed angrily:

"I'll go to your uncle, why don't you talk about yourself?"

White skin is a girl?

What kind of fallacies.

Someone is swimming, has very fair skin, looks like a girl?

Zi Laiyue seemed to automatically filter the following words, and his eyes had already started to float:

"Okay, stop arguing, go to the headquarters and wait for me, Minato, entertain the other seniors first, I'll go get something, I'll be back soon."

Teacher, Nawaki is lying to you! !

Minato wanted to cover his face and walk aside, pretending he didn't know Jiraiya.

How horny you are, hearing someone taking a shower, who looks like a girl, you can't control the prehistoric power in your body.

As for what.

Not wanting to see the teacher being so embarrassing, Minato quickly gave the teacher a look, but the cautious Jiraiya didn't notice it at all.

After instructing Minato, he disappeared in a flash and ran towards the port at an extremely fast speed.

Because there was a little distance, Yuhi Mako and others did not hear what Nawaki said.

Seeing Jiraiya running towards the port, he couldn't help but asked in doubt:

"Master Jiraiya, what are you doing?"

Qian Yue's serious answer:

"He heard from Nawaki that there was a person with fair skin taking a bath at the port, who looked like a girl, so he was anxious to see if it was a girl."


Yuhi Zhenhong feels that her IQ has been insulted, but such an outrageous thing, Jiraiya really believes it.

Really headed for the port.

"Nawaki, you liar!!"

Two minutes later, Jiraiya came running back in a huff.


"That's clearly a boy!!"

Nawaki blinked and said doubtfully:

"Really? Maybe I misread it, isn't his skin very fair!"

"Of course very"

Most afraid of the sudden quietness of the air, the headquarters is quiet, and everyone stares at Jiraiya dumbfounded.

You don't even want to peek at boys taking a bath, do you?

pervert! !

"What's white? I'm here to get information for you!!"

Jiraiya snorted and set about saving her reputation.

Not to mention, he really took out a stack of documents and information from his arms and threw them on the table, disappointing Nawaki who was waiting to watch the show.

"This is the information I collected from my infiltration into the surrounding islands recently, please take a look."

Coughing, Jiraiya's face was serious, and he couldn't tell that he had a lewd face just now, and he was the one who wanted to peek at the girl taking a bath.

This acting has improved, Qian Yue thinks that if Jiraiya joins the show business, she will definitely win an Oscar.

Although it is not serious in many cases, Jiraiya is indeed a reliable person at critical moments.

Qian Yue carefully looked at the information in his hand.

Needless to say, Jiraiya's intelligence-gathering ability does have a lot to offer.

After everyone watched it, Jiraiya spoke:

"Everyone came to the camp of the country of vortex, sitting here, I believe that you already understand what mission you have on your shoulders.

Next, our mission may lead us into danger, but I am confident that we can accomplish this mission. "

Mist Ninja Village has been engaging in sneak attacks and tossing around, but they are unwilling to fight head-on. Orochimaru is anxious, and Jiraiya is also anxious.

It's a pity that it's useless to worry about this kind of thing, because the initiative is in the hands of the enemy.

Since you don't have the initiative in your hands, then create it.

As long as Konoha breaks through the island chains of Mist Ninja Village, Mist Ninja Village is believed to be the one who is in a hurry. At that time, they will have no choice but to fight Konoha head-on.

As Jiraiya began to talk about the mission, the faces of people in the command center became serious.

Even Nawaki, who is usually joking, became serious.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 288 Can You Enter Mount MyōBoku's Sage Mode?

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Twenty Jōnin, still led by Jiraiya, with this kind of power, can easily sweep away those small villages except Rain Shinobi Village that have half-gods and half-zombies.

But such a powerful force also carries high risks in carrying out this task.

As long as they are close to the island controlled by Mist Ninja Village, they will be surrounded by Mist Ninja Village's army at any time.

Not to mention that they need to destroy the military facilities on the island under the siege of the enemy.

It is also necessary to occupy the island and wait for reinforcements from the rear to arrive.

Before the reinforcements arrived, let alone Jōnin, even Elite Jōnin like Jiraiya felt a lot of pressure.

Among the crowd, the only one who was more relaxed was Qian Yue.

Although there are too many ants, they can kill elephants, refer to Third Hokage who was dragged to death by tens of thousands of Rock Shinobi ninjas in the original book.

But if an ant wants to kill an elephant, it also needs to see what kind of elephant it is biting.

Pygmy elephants, Asian elephants, African elephants, and even mammoths.

Third Raikage was surrounded by tens of thousands of troops and was exhausted to death. Qian Yue was confident that such a thing would not happen to him.

Taking a step back, even if Wunin Village is given a chance, does Wunin Village have so many people?

Rock Shinobi Village can mobilize tens of thousands of ninjas to surround Third Raikage, exhausting each other to death, but can Wu Ninja Village do it?

It's not that Qian Yue looks down on Wu Ninja Village, but that the development of Wu Ninja Village's military strength is really declining year by year.

Sand Shinobi Village and Sand Shinobi Village can be called sufferers, Sand Shinobi Village is weak, at least others are weakened because of the ninja war, what about Wu Ninja Village?

It was completely spoiled by one's own people.

It is still unknown whether the Wunin Village in this period can call out tens of thousands of ninjas who can fight.

It's not easy even for Konoha to mobilize so many ninjas, let alone Mist Ninja Village?


"Everyone can go back to rest and study the intelligence data. I will make people prepare for everything. We will land on the warship tomorrow and start the mission. I hope everyone can be mentally prepared."

Jiraiya can't say too provocative words, and he doesn't have the habit of talking too much.

Every meeting, when Third Hokage talks for hours at a stretch, he is one of the most painful people.

Jiraiya doesn't want to be like this.

So the meetings are crisp and concise.

What needs to be said is said, and the information that should be given is also given, and then the meeting is adjourned.

Everyone should rest, rest, study intelligence data when it is time to study intelligence data, there is no need to sit in the headquarters and listen to him talking nonsense.

"Qian Yue, you stay here."

Qian Yue, who had just stood up and was about to leave, had no choice but to sit back.

After making gestures to Minato and Nawaki, the two nodded and left with everyone.

After everyone else has left.

Jiraiya let out a breath and rubbed her face vigorously:

"You said tomorrow's task, can we successfully complete it?"

You are the team leader, you ask me?

Qian Yue directly gave him a supercilious look:

"I don't know, it depends on how determined Mist Ninja Village is. If we fail, even if we occupy the island and tear the chain of the island, we will be surrounded by the army of Mist Ninja Village. It is always the best to do a fierce battle." Just fine."

This can be a bit difficult.

Scratching her head, Jiraiya asked:

"Tomorrow's mission requires Summoning Ten Thousand Snakes, are you okay?

By the way, Xiaobai, I haven't seen it for a long time. "

Wan Snake is just incidental, Xiao Bai is the main force.


When it really came to a last resort, Jiraiya would rather hand over and give all the credit to Qian Yue, and ask Qian Yue to let Xiaobai out to fight.

He doesn't care about military achievements, what he cares about is whether the mission can be successfully completed.

Also, can Konoha's elite die less?

Orochimaru suddenly became interested in Hokage, and he Jiraiya is still the same.

Why fight for Hokage when you can lie down?

I knew you would hit Xiaobai's idea, and so did Orochimaru.

They greatly underestimated Qian Yue's own strength, and their eyes were still on Xiao Bai.

It's a pity they will be disappointed.

Qian Yue spread out his hands:

"Xiaobai has entered a special period. He is currently sleeping. I don't know exactly when he will wake up. For this mission, Xiaobai can't participate in the battle. You have to be mentally prepared."

have to!

Xiaobai fell into a deep sleep, and he didn't know when he would wake up. The difficulty of this mission has been raised several levels.

"I hope everything goes well. Fortunately, I also have some cards."

Not knowing what to think, Jiraiya suddenly laughed narcissistically, and Qian Yue looked at him like he was looking at a psychopath.

That's right, neurosis.

One second he was worried, the next second he looked like a fool, what is it if it is not crazy?

"In short, I will do my best to lead you to complete the task, and I will also do my best to bring you back."


This is very unjiraiya.

Although Jiraiya often has the habit of showing off, but showing off also depends on the object.

Showing off in front of him, Lori Qian Yue, and being proud, it means that Jiraiya's strength has really improved.


And across a large kind.

Among Sannin, Jiraiya belongs to the type of driving low and going high. In the later stage, it once left Tsunade and Orochimaru far away.

His strides are basically based on Mount Myōboku Sage Mode.

Although Jiraiya's Sage Mode is very hip, at least it is better than people like Orochimaru and Tsunade who can't even master Sage Mode.

Slightly squinting his eyes to look at Jiraiya, Qian Yue suddenly broke the news:

"Can you enter Sage Mode on Mount Myōboku?"

"That is"

Jiraiya's eyeballs were wide open, almost falling out, and his chin was long, and he said in surprise:

"How do you know? Could it be Tsunade? No, I never said it."

Jiraiya felt like she saw a ghost, how did Qian Yue know this.


Shrugging his shoulders, Qian Yue got up and walked outside.

"Wait, how do you know this?"

Jiraiya was stunned for a while and raised her hand and shouted.

Qian Yue waved his hands, without any intention of stopping:

"I saw some information at Tsunade, and she also told me something about the Three Holy Lands. Don't forget that I can also Summon Ten Thousand Snakes. Do you know that these are strange?"

"It's really lucky that you didn't turn into a stone. The next time you show off, you have to find the right person, or you won't be able to step down."

Jiraiya: ""

How stupid am I! !

Tsunade will not hide any secrets from Qian Yue at all, and with the presence of thousands of snakes, Qian Yue will not know these things?

Mount Myōboku, wet bone forest, Ryūchi Cave is the Holy Land of the Third Generation, and ten thousand snakes come from Ryūchi Cave.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 289 Even If I Have A Son, He Will Only Be Named Namikaze Naruto

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It seems that Jiraiya has been able to enter Sage Mode with the help of that old toad.

No wonder you can be so embarrassing!

Entering Sage Mode, the strength has indeed improved a lot.

Too bad Jiraiya is half-baked.

Not to mention the need for external assistance to enter Sage Mode, the whole face has become as ugly as a toad.

Sage Mode is still very limited.

By the way, I can recommend Minato to learn.

As Jiraiya's disciple, Minato went to Mount Myōboku to learn senjutsu, isn't that what it should be?

Mount Myōboku Sage Mode paired with Flying Thunder God, plus Minato's still-working Rasengan...

This configuration, just think about it!

Except for the name Lahip, Minato is pretty good in everything else, especially his talent.

If it is Nawaki, Qian Yue definitely does not recommend it, but Minato can give it a try.

After asking, they found the tent assigned by Qian Yue's team.

Qian Yue walked into the tent, looking at the charcoal fire, boiling water, and cleaned pots and bowls in the tent, his eyelids couldn't help jumping a few times.

Good guy!

What a good guy, he knows how to do it himself.

Everything is ready, just waiting for me, the chef, to cook, right?

"What did Mr. Jiraiya talk to you about? I cut the meat for you."

The kitchen knife was flipped a few times in Minato's hand, and it was inserted firmly on the cutting board.

"Your teacher has mastered the magic of Mount Myōboku, and left me here to show off."


Qian Yue sold Jiraiya directly.

"Immortal art?"

Minato and Nawaki came alive, their ears pricked up.

"Yes, that's what he said. I don't know much about the others. In short, it's right that his strength has improved a lot."

Deliberately selling off, Qian Yue started cooking,

Minato and Nawaki felt as if a kitten was scratching their paws in their hearts, and they felt uncomfortable all over.

You just keep talking.

Suspend our appetite and keep silent?

The two hurried around in the tent, and Minato almost went straight to the command post to find Jiraiya.

Seeing that it was almost done, Qian Yue told them what he knew.

"Mount Myōboku, Ryūchi Cave, and Shibone Forest are all three sacred places where you can learn fairy arts. Nawaki's grandfather, First Hokage, seems to have learned fairy arts from Shibone Forest.

And Jiraiya is studying at Mount Myōboku, Minato, if you are interested, you can ask Jiraiya, as for Nawaki"

Qian Yue recommended Minato to try because Minato has this talent, but what does Nawaki say.

Forget it, let Tsunade take care of his problems

Wetbone Forest is not the same as Mount Myōboku. Whether Nawaki can learn it is still a question.

"When the war is over, ask your sister when you go back. Remember, don't think about Ryūchi Cave. Ryūchi Cave is very dangerous."

Qian Yue remembered that Tsunade once tried to learn the magic of the wet bone forest, but unfortunately failed.

Specifically, Tsunade didn't say anything, but Tsunade is fine.

There is no problem at all, which means that the slugs in the wet bone forest can guarantee that if they make mistakes in their practice, nothing will happen.

Ryūchi Cave is different, it is full of snakes that eat people without spitting bones.

Immortal White Snake is not an easy existence to get along with either.


"I won't mess around."

Nawaki raised his hand to assure that with the Summoning beast of Ryūchi Cave, Nawaki naturally knew the danger of Ryūchi Cave and would not take his own life as a joke.

Wetbone Forest is different. Tsunade is very familiar with it, and he can ask someone if there is anything he doesn't understand.

It seems that in the fourth ninja war in the original book, Minato in the Impure World Reincarnation state said that he was not good at fairy arts, but after the fight, he entered the Sage Mode state instantly like Senju Hashirama, which shocked many people's jaws.

So, the little sun with thick eyebrows and big eyes likes to play inconsistent tricks. While saying "I don't know how, I don't care", he immediately backhanded your jaw off.

This is something Minato is good at.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Qian Yue looking at herself with weird eyes, Minato blinked, is there something dirty on my face?

The corner of Qian Yue's mouth twitched:

"No, I just want to suggest to you again that your son's name can really be called Uzumaki Naruto in the future."


Minato's face darkened:

"Even if I have a son, it will only be called Namikaze Naruto, bah, not Naruto!!"

He doesn't like the name very much because it reminds him of certain books written by Jiraiya.

Besides, why should my son of Namikaze Minato be called Naruto?

Could it be that my family's surname is not even eligible to be passed on?

"Qian Yue, listen to his nonsense, this little sun is a thief, he always likes to go for a walk in the vortex land, what do you think he goes for a walk?"

Nawaki decisively exposed some old backgrounds of Minato.


Qian Yue deliberately elongated her voice.

Minato's handsome face turned red, he held back for a few seconds, and complained:


"It's better than being rejected for your confession."

Come on, hurt each other, I'm afraid you won't succeed, weak chicken!

It's better for me to be sneaky than for you to be rejected, and better than for you to come with the wrong guy.

Girls of the Hyuga family, you are all thinking about it, and you are making fun of your own lifelong happiness.

"What's going on with them?"

When Jiraiya came to eat, he found his good disciple Minato was staring at Nawaki.

"It's okay, it's just normal communication, it'll be fine after a while."

Regarding this, Qian Yue expressed his composure.

The way you young people get along is really getting more and more complicated.

Could it be that my Toad Sage is getting old and out of date?

Forget it, why think about these things, eat more while they are not free.

Orochimaru would choose Cengfan, let alone Jiraiya.

It's also thanks to Qian Yue's early preparations, otherwise Jiraiya's appetite would definitely make Minato and Nawaki lick the plate.

A group of people filed in, boarded the warship, and sailed into the sea in the dark.

The atmosphere on the ship was a bit dignified, Jiraiya stood on the deck and said solemnly:

"Everyone, our mission is very dangerous and very important. Mist Ninja Village holds the initiative and sends people to harass everywhere. They are unwilling to fight us from the front and continue to waste our energy and patience."

"Our task is not only to break the enemy's blockade, but also to force the enemy to fight us from the front."

"This mission is under my command. I hope that everyone will follow my command during the execution of the mission. Don't be greedy for merit and don't make rash advances. Otherwise, you and everyone will be in crisis."

"Yes, Master Jiraiya!!"

Those who can be selected to carry out this task know that Jiraiya has the absolute right to speak.

No one would jump out and challenge him at this time, unless he had some brain problems.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning











Chapter 290 Master, Can I Eat This Disrespectful Toad?

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After everyone responded, Jiraiya nodded in satisfaction and clapped her hands:

"As long as we break through the enemy's chains and stabilize the situation, reinforcements from the village will arrive soon to support us."

"Master Jiraiya, are we going to pass like this?"

Hyuga-maki raised his hand, indicating that he had doubts.

you say.

Jiraiya nodded slightly.

Hyugamaki looked at the pitch-black sea and said:

"Although I am ready to dedicate myself to the village at any time, I would like to ask, how should we land on the small island and go there on a warship like this, I am afraid that we will be discovered by the enemy after we leave the waters of the Uzumaki Kingdom."

Be aware of death in battle, but it doesn't mean that some people want to die on the battlefield.

Can live, few people would want to die.

The question of Hyuga volume 1 is something that many people are concerned about, but Hyuga volume 1 is the first to ask it.

"Of course it can't just go like this."

Jiraiya smiled and explained:

"I have already landed on the warship and left the Uzumaki country camp, so I don't need to hide it from everyone."

He bit his finger, made seals, and slapped his palm on the deck. After a touch, a toad appeared on the deck.

Those who can be promoted to Jōnin are not stupid. When they saw Jiraiya Summoning the toad, they understood how they would land on the island controlled by Mist Ninja Village.

Jiraiya wants the toad to swallow them up, and then the toad swims directly to the island to avoid being spotted by the enemy.

It is equivalent to that they can easily sneak into the enemy's eyes and launch an attack.

Immediately, many people showed joy, although being swallowed by a toad must not be a wonderful thing.


But at least being swallowed by a toad is better than going directly on a warship.


Full of disgust.

Looking at the toad on the deck that raised its head proudly, Qian Yue wanted to trample it to death.

Although there is no fear of toad phobia, Qian Yue doesn't like toads at all.

Not to mention being swallowed by a toad.


Seemingly aware of something, the toad that was summoned by Jiraiya was not proud for a while before it shuddered and turned back subconsciously.

He saw Qian Yue staring at him expressionlessly, his eyes full of disgust.

It seems that Qian Yue doesn't like the feeling of being swallowed into the toad's stomach.

Jiraiya understood at a glance.

"Then everyone, I'm going to wrong you for being in the toad's belly for a while, whoever comes first."

Many toads on Mount Myōboku have the strange ability to swallow people in their stomachs and use themselves as a means of transportation, which is not a big deal.

Jiraiya often does this kind of thing, hiding in the body of the toad and sneaking into certain dangerous areas to collect information.

Of course, Orochimaru also likes to do this kind of thing, the difference is that Orochimaru is swallowed by a snake.

Instead of toad.

"I'll come first."

Yuhi Zhenhong walked out with a smile.

It's just being swallowed into the toad's stomach. There must be a special space in the toad's stomach, and they are not really swallowed into the stomach.

Otherwise, these people, let alone relying on the toad to lurk, would be suffocated to death before they reached their destination.

"Then gourd toad, I'll leave the rest to you."


Facing outsiders, Gourd Toad still upholds the arrogance of the Holy Land of the Third Generation.


Although Qian Yue was inexplicably turned off by him, it didn't affect Toad's mood.

It knows what to do and what not to do.

Not everyone likes toad, and it's normal to be disliked.

Since you dislike me, don't enter my stomach later.

Gourd Toad thought in his heart, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed Xihi Zhenhong.

There is a special space in its stomach, which can swallow a living person, and then sneak in quietly.

The special ability of Gourd Toad, let alone ordinary ninjas, in the original book, even Six Paths Payne who owns Rinnegan can't see the problem.

Yuhi Zhenhong took the lead, and each Jōnin was swallowed by the gourd toad and entered its stomach. Soon it was Minato's turn.

Minato smiled slightly:

"Then thank you for your hard work."

As a disciple of Jiraiya, he has a Summoning contract with the toad of Mount Myōboku, and Minato has a good relationship with the toad of Mount Myōboku.

Swallowing Minato in one gulp, Toad looked at Nawaki.

Nawaki had a bitter face, he didn't like the feeling of being swallowed by a toad, but did he have a choice?

how do you say?

Nawaki remembered that Qian Yue didn't like toads very much.

Unfortunately, Qian Yue ignored him.

Obediently go into the belly of the toad.

The bitter Nawaki also entered the toad's stomach, and Jiraiya folded his hands and laughed:

"Qian Yue, just one click, and you're in, can you be wronged for a while?"

"Jiraiya, this brat doesn't seem to like me very much, and neither do I"

I was disgusted by myself, and I sneaked in with the other party?

The gourd toad didn't want to be a spineless toad, so he complained on the spot.

It's just that in the middle of complaining, I found that I was stared at by a huge black shadow, and the black shadow's two vertical pupils were particularly conspicuous in the dark night.


Danger! ! !

Gourd Toad was taken aback, Jiraiya slapped his forehead and smiled to ease the atmosphere:

"Wan Snake, long time no see, you have become stronger again."

Wan Snake didn't respond to Jiraiya, and his bucket-like thick tongue moved a few times in the air, looking at the gourd toad on the deck, as if looking at its prey.

"Master, can I eat this disrespectful toad?"

Of the three holy sites, Shibbones is neutral, while Mount Myōboku and Ryūchi Cave are hostile.

The snakes of Ryūchi Cave often attack Mount Myōboku and prey on the toads of Mount Myōboku.

To snakes, toads are a delicacy.

Especially the toad from Mount Myōboku, which is a great tonic and has many benefits to eat.

When the gourd toad swallowed Minato, Qian Yue had already summoned the ten thousand snakes.

It's just that Wan Snake didn't appear on the boat.

It was too big, it would overturn the warship directly, so it appeared in the sea.

"What good is a toad?"

Qian Yue jumped on Wan Snake's head and said to Jiraiya, "Let the toad lead the way, and I will follow behind."

Squatting on Wan Snake's head, Qian Yue pressed his palm on Wan Snake's head, and Chakra came out.

Wan Snake didn't dare to resist, and obediently kept still, even the rough sea couldn't make Wan Snake's body shake half a bit.

Soon, the terrifying aura of Ten Thousand Snakes just disappeared. If it wasn't for Ten Thousand Snakes right in front of her eyes, Jiraiya would even think she was dazzled.

envious! !

This kind of method of hiding the breath is simply heaven-defying.

It's a pity that I can't learn it by myself.

Shaking his head, Jiraiya let the calabash toad swallow him.

Swallowing Jiraiya, Gourd Toad's goosebumps trembled under the gaze of Ten Thousand Snakes, and quickly jumped into the sea, swimming towards the island blocked by Mist Ninja Village.

Wan Snake followed without Qian Yue's orders.



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