
The Dryads

Sacred Grove, the land of the dryads, located on the North Continent, isolated from the rest of civilization. It existed deep within a mystical forest that was protected by wildlife that kept foreigners outside of its confines.

The Dryads were known for their connection with nature, and animals. They were an exceptional race who normally worshiped Terra as their Goddess, unlike the other races who worshiped the Gods in the heavens.

The Dryads adored Fertility, Nourishment, Creativity, and evolution. All of those things stemmed from the Primordial Spirit, Terra. Like all Primordial Spirits, they embody a law that makes up the world. Helios embodies fire, thus, flames cannot exist unless Helios exists. Luna embodies emotions, thus, emotions cannot exist unless Luna exists.

The Primordial Spirits weren't created to just be planets and stars. They were formed to maintain order in their universe. It's nearly impossible to kill another Primordial Spirit unless you use Datasets; a conceptual force that they created together, which is different from Mana. Though, it has another name as well, such as Aether.

Sanctums of Terra existed everywhere in the Sacred Grove. The Dryads even worshiped and revered the Four Primordials of Terra, knowing that they originated from the Earth Mother herself.

It was common practice to worship and praise her name within this region, but there was one individual who disliked her. He was unique. A misfit if you will, compared to the other Dryads who existed here.

"Honestly. Worshiping a Primordial Spirit who doesn't even care about her own creation is foolish. I wouldn't bother giving her any praise." Christopher stood outside the temple of Terra, crossing his arms next to one of his dryad friends, who responded with, "Maybe it's because you're part human. I understand disliking Terra for her hatred against the humanoid race, it's kinda sad."

Christopher glanced at his friend, snickering, "If someone heard you say that, they would get angry. Our people are sacred to their traditions and race. If someone heard you say that I'm a hybrid, they'll only badmouth me and my mother."

"That's true… but you're the perfect example of unity, Christopher." The hybrid's friend moved in front of him, leaning into his face, "Why can't you see that?! Do you know how rare it is to find a mixture of an Abnormal race and a Humanoid race? It completely defies the social norm of the world!"

Christopher closed his eyes, huffing a sigh, "Yes, I know that much is true, Benevuyal, but it's an impossible task to unite Humanity and Dryads, merely because I'm a mix of both. Besides, we're only twelve years old, the world won't listen to us at such a young age."

"Then… let's wait until we're older." Said Benevuyal.

"Good grief, you're stubborn as ever." Christopher squinted his eyes, slightly annoyed, "But if it'll make you quiet, then yes. Let's do it when we're older."

"Haha! Alright, right on! We can do this together!" The Dryad lifted his hand for a high five.

"You'll be the death of me one of these days."

Christopher mockingly replied, slapping his friend's hand to seal the deal, "But then again, we've been friends for over six years now. I'm fine with trying something new, even though the chances are low."

"This is why I love you, Christopher! We can make history together."

Christopher suddenly blushed, and glanced to the side, "Don't say such embarrassing things like that…" Crossing his arms, he recollected his thoughts, "You shout things too eagerly. Keep your voice down."

"O-Oh… right, sorry." Benevuyal rubbed the back of his head in shame, "My bad…"

The sounds of bells tolled in the vast distances of the Sacred Grove, signaling the end of the ceremony. Dryads left their temples with hooded cloaks, as others wore robes.

Within the Sacred Grove, it was an honor to be one of the priests for Terra. They're said to have a spiritual connection with the Earth Mother herself and are believed to be blessed with everlasting life, and unlimited power.

By far, Terra adored the Dryads compared to every other race she created. At least that is what's assumed.

"It looks like the ceremony is over." Muttered Christopher, watching his mother leave the temple with a wide smile on her face.

"Christopher, what's the matter, dear? You didn't partake in the ceremony this week. Is something wrong?" His mother was a beautiful woman with long blonde hair, light blue eyes, and a motherly body. She wore a long white dress, which was normal for the dryad women within the Sacred Grove.

"There isn't any reason for me to follow the bandwagon, Mother. We dryads have always praised Terra for her goodness, and care for our well-being. While I respect her pity for most of us, she is still cruel."

"You have such an open mind to only be twelve years old, Christopher. Perhaps you get it from your father. After all, he gave you a human name…" The mother sighed, but still smiled nonetheless, "But let's not talk about those things in front of the temple. For my sake."

Christopher nodded his head and hugged his mom around the waist. "I'm sorry. I was just expressing my feelings and got too ahead of myself, mother."

The mom placed her hand against his head, rubbing their hair back and forth, "It's fine. I actually agree with some of your points, my dear son."

Her statement made Christopher widen his eyes, staring up at his mother in disbelief, "Oh? What's with the sudden change, mother?"

"Hahahaa… well, let's just say I had an encounter with your father. He's told me some things, and ever since then, it's been weighing on my mind."

"Ugh. That cryptic old man. What did he visit you for?" Asked the hybrid.

"Now now, I know you may have distasteful feelings towards him for leaving us, but he had no choice, Christopher. If he stayed with us dryads, then concealing his identity as a human would've been impossible."

Christopher backed away from his mom, crossing his arms, scowling, "Any man who abandons their family out of fear doesn't deserve to be called a father. There could've been another way."

"Oh dear…" the mom sighed and glanced towards the other dryad, "Hello, Benevuyal, apologies for not greeting you. How have things been at the house?"

"Oh, greetings Ms. Getholzu! Everything's been fine, I was just talking to Christopher about… stuff."

Getholzu walked closer, standing next to the boy, "Hoh? About what stuff? You don't mind telling me, do you?"

"Mom…" Muttered Christopher, slightly nervous.

"Uhm… it was about… Krukos."

"Krukos?" Asked the mother, confused, "So for three hours straight, you two were outside talking about Krukos this entire time?"

"Y-Yeah! Christopher was feeling hungry for some Krukos and he told me they're his favorite dish."

Getholzu glanced at Christopher, lifting her brow, "I thought you hated Krukos, Christopher. Mind explaining why you're craving for some all of a sudden?"

The hybrid scratched his head before clearing his throat, "Well… people change over time. I just had a sudden urge for them, I suppose."

"Oh. Well then, tonight we're having Krukos."

"Ah! I can't wait." Proclaimed Christopher, hiding his true feelings of disgust.

The mother walked away, heading back to the house, "Be inside before sunfall, Christopher. Don't make me have to come outside and find you again."

"Yes, mother." Said the hybrid before turning around to face his friend, "You couldn't have thought of any other lie, Benevuyal?!"

"S-Sorry, I didn't know you disliked… Krukos. It's weird because they're the dryad's signature dish."

Christopher, visibly annoyed, turned to the forest beside them, walking inside, "I get that a lot. I believe it's my human side that dislikes Krukos."

Krukos was the Dryad's signature dish, being created from Mushrooms, herbs, fairy dust, beef, and Dragon cheese, with the famous Dryad seasonings. All of the ingredients are wrapped inside of dough before being fried in cooking oil. It was like a dumpling, but the taste was otherworldly.

"But who cares? Now that the ceremony is over, we can go practice that spell of ours." Said the hybrid, turning around to smirk at his friend.

"What?! Now? Are you sure that's a good idea? Shouldn't we wait a little later after everyone goes inside?"

Christopher ignored his words and continued through the forest anyway, leaving their small section of the Sacred Grove.

Within the Sacred Grove, there were different sections that other Dryads lived in. The forest was as large as a country, thus, getting lost inside of it was common for other races, but not for the dryads themselves. They had a connection with nature that always guided them.

"Hey, wait up!" Benevuyal chased after his friend as the two of them ventured deep inside the forest.

They walked for some time, making their way towards an open spot away from their village, where nobody could see them, or even hear them.

"We've finally made it." Said the tired Benevuyal.

"Tired again?" Asked Christopher, teasingly.

"We've been hiking up a massive hill to get to this place! Your stamina is insane! I don't know how you do it."

"Well, that doesn't matter. I'm simply the strongest Dryad that this world will ever see, so doing trivial things like that won't affect someone like me."

"Man… I wish I were you sometimes."

Christopher chuckled and proceeded to gain distance from Benevuyal, "We've failed this spell in the past. It was hard to fabricate, even for someone like me. But this time, I'm certain we'll pull it off. Are you ready, Benevuyal?

The dryad stood up straight and clenched his fists, "I was born ready! Let's do this!"