
Dawn of Victory    



Xin and Rever shouted in unison.


Rever gritted his teeth, his eyes narrowing at the Hags. "You'll regret that!"


The Hags only laughed. 


Xin's heart pounded in his chest as he witnessed the horrifying sight. 


Yuzuro had succumbed to the Hag's dreaded spell with a single touch. The [Nightmare Haunting] was really a deadly spell. 


Fortunately, the Hag could only cast it one time a day. 


However, Yuzuro was gone. Her form was reduced to mere particles, her soul captured by the Hag.


Despite the shock, Xin couldn't afford to succumb to being rattled. He tightened his grip on his gun, his knuckles turning white as he steeled himself for what lay ahead.