
Enter the game (partē 3)

(8 Hours till the Start of the game)

Haru sat on the chair alongside other of his Gaming Studio in a simple manner and looked around the conference venue. Their Boss Ling Xue is going to do a Press conference. There were maybe over one thousand people...? The reporters filled up the conference room like bean sprouts. Despite this, Ling Xue wasn't nervous at all. She was accustomed to this kind of situation as the Experienced CEO.

The lucky person who got to speak first was a reporter from a national television station. She didn't have a positive or negative intention towards Ling Xue. Instead, she just showed her genuine passion as a reporter.

"I am Caroline from the CBC Cultural Department. First of all, Please tell us Why is a business Tycoon like you is opening Gaming Studio"

"Because the tycoon that you speak of, is not me, but my father, while this project is something that I myself am doing on my own"

"If you become successful here, the name of the Blue star will soar once again, how do you feel about that?"

"Very Nice"

"Did you expect to top the Ranking Board from the starting?"

"Of course, even if we are new in this field, I and My team is working with an extremely talented and elite group of people to make it a reality"

"Miss Ling Xue, Can you tell our Viewers how did you acquire, one of the 3 Godly Trainer, Rain in your team

"No comment"

"Rain is known as the Super ace, the Godly Trainer whose strategies are the best in this world, he refused the offers worth millions from the super Gaming Studios, Yet he is here, working with you, Miss Xue are you sure you don't wanna comment on how you got him?"

Ling smiled charmingly at that, "If I tell how I acquire one of the 3 Godly Trainers on the national television, won't everyone will be able to do the same too"

The Reporter smiled, "Are you willing to trade him"

Ling Xue smiled, "Everyone in my Studio is like my family, I will never let them go, till they don't wanna go themselves

The question was passed onto the next reporter. "Director Ling Shen said that you weren't given any preferential treatment. How did you acquire so much money, It's Not Just Rain; Micheal and Zara are superstar levels of Trainers as well, acquiring them requires lots of money right?"

"Yes, that's right. Well I can only say that, I was thinking of opening the Gaming Studio for a long time, and thus, I am saving what little money I could"

"Do you think This Gaming Studio will generate money? There is a very tough competition out there"

"Yes, of course, I am sure we will generate profit, besides, If I don't trust myself and my own people then who will"

Haru Smiled, she is so different from him, so Competent, so Capable, so strong, she is just on whole another league, they just don't belong to the same world.

As the conference just went on and on


(Night) (2 Hours till the game opens)


He was blowing his dry hair when there was a knock on the door...

He opened the door knowing very well who might it be...

And she was there, it was no surprise really, these few days, she comes daily and sleeps in his room like it's hers, she eats his food, the only thing that's remaining is shifting her things here...

First, he thought she likes him, he was ecstatic, but the problem is, she does not even look at him, she just goes straight to the room without even bothering him.

He asked her why she comes here every night, she just shrugged and never really answered the question...

Tonight it was different though, she is not drunk and...

Ling Xue, his boss, is here with the helmet?


"Uh... Boss?"

She went inside without even asking for his permission


'This is my home right?'

"Today is the first day we start the game, wanna have the dinner with me", she smiles sweetly

"Uh... But"

Her eyes went cold as she pouted, "I am only doing you a favor"


"Yea, aren't you nervous?

"Well, not really, I am prepared as I could be--

"Since you are one of only 2 students of the famous Rain, Micheal and Zara if you fall below top 3, they might leave in disappointment, and it's gonna be a disaster for our Gaming Studio"

"W-Well, if you talk like that, yea am a little nervous"

"Even if this mistake could cost your job?"


She giggled, "And I came here to especially eat with you, to decrease your nervousness, Aren't I a great boss?"

'You are the reason I am nervous in the first place'


She roams around the house while he prepares dinner

"Your mother seems beautiful", she said while holding a family photo, the last photo they ever took together

He smiled as he put the wares on the table, "Yea, and you know what, she was from the rich family before she married father"

"Really then why did she--

"Because they loved each other, Mother let go of her inheritance, before coming to father... wasn't she a great person?", he asked smiling

She smiled, "Yea she sure is great"

His whole face went red, as he forgets to even breath

Where is the cold and calculative CEO from the press conference

"You truly Blush too much, beware, being so red the entire time could lead to blood circulation probelems"

"Whose fault is it anyway?", he muttered



"Are you alright?"

"Y-Yea I am alright"

She sweetly smiled

Her smile that she showed him right now truly can topple the nations over

She is rich, She is competent even on her own, she is damn beautiful, and to top it off, she is the CEO of Blue Star, one of Best IT company out there, and she is just 23 just 2 years older than him, yet the difference between these two is like heaven and hell.... he is sure there must be many potential suitors for her.

He needs to become Competent on his own or things are gonna worse...

The difference between the two is so so great that it's hard to even be in the same league as her


He lied down in his sister's room since she is not here yet, as his room is occupied by his boss

HE put on the game helmet, and the system scanned his iris. After confirming his identity, HE was sent to the registration screen!

HE saw a large void, with a small fairy girl flying around in a circle, who then landed on a branch in front of him as she smiled, "Hello, I am Spirit of Grief's registration fairy. Welcome to the registration! Currently, you don't have a character. Would you like to make one now?"

He already made a character 2 months ago, HE Just typed into the character name: Made In China!

Just joking, I love this country!



"Sorry, that name has been taken."

"Night Exploration Brothel!"

"Sorry, that name has been taken."

"Pure Love Duckie!"

"Sorry, that name has been taken."

Fudge! They've all been taken!

HE calmed himself down, and thought of an interesting name!

HE quickly entered the name: The Most Handsome Bookworm!


"Sorry, that name has been taken."

Goddamit! HE'll try another one: Bookworm Is Not Eating Today!

"Sorry, that name has been taken."

In his frustration, HE gritted his teeth and entered in: Easily Angered Bookworm!

"Congratulations, your character has been created! The game will open in 21 minutes, please wait."

All HE could do was wait. Time had never passed so slowly before !!!

20 minutes later, a beautiful sound rang out. There were only 60 seconds until the game opened!!