

Ce n’est pas mon livre ça appartient à l’auteur original Et voici le lien original du livre https://www.fimfiction.net/story/279271/new- A magical accident has a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn. Warning, Spoilers in comment section. Cover art by: Sipioc AN// All thanks to the people over at spacebattles.com for betaing. Sequel can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life

Supe3rman1234 · TV
Pas assez d’évaluations
52 Chs

Chapitre 34

Chapter 35

I gave the little cucumber thing in my magic a dubious look before I took a careful bite. Hmm. Actually pretty okay.

That's more than could be said for the rest of this... shindig.

Suppressing a sigh, I grabbed another cucumber thing and headed back to one of the trees in the castle garden.

Honestly, for a formal event I suppose it wasn't that bad. But after an hour of mingling, I was bone dead tired of it and I just wanted to go away.

All fake. All of it. Every smile, every word, every laugh in this place.

Well, likely not all, but it all felt too... plastic.

The place was stock full with primarily nobles and rich ponies from Canterlot. I was the poorest pony here by a large margin other than the staff.

At least I looked the part in this suit.

Eating the second treat, I glanced up across the wall at the other end of the garden where Luna's tower was.

I would rather be there, just laying on the couch, reading a book as Luna worked on somewhat or the other.

...Now when I considered it though, I rather have spent the night in the dungeons. At least there I could have gotten some sleep. Maybe I should be thankful these ponies had way to much tact to not mention that accursed rumor if they have heard it in the first place.

I wonder what she is up to anyway? She didn't mention anything important happening today, so there is likely just the normal things to sign and then some more reading up on the thousand or so years she was missing.

Even so, she did say she intends to reopen Night Court a couple of days a week for the first time in a thousand years to allow petitioners.

Celestia already did that. Well, during the day that is, a few days a week.

Oh, most things were filtered through the ranks of bureaucrats and nobles. Running a country, even as... okay, let's call it was it is, a Benevolent Dictator... did take a lot of effort and you really needed to know how to delegate.

But a couple of days a week, anypony could make a appointment and make their voice heard.

Now Luna was going to start doing the same thing, effectively doubling the time... assuming they didn't mind it being in the middle of the night.

...Speaking of which, I wonder if Luna would mind teaching me that 'silence bubble' she said she uses over her bed when sleeping during the day? I have to remember to ask her. While my neighbors were usually quiet... they were not 'that' quiet, especially in the morning and as I didn't have a normal job, I wanted to sleep in. Especially after spending most of the night with Luna.

While considering if it would be too early to leave politely yet, I looked around before blinking in surprise. Was that Rarity?

It was! She was talking with Fancy Pants. As far as I understood, he was a rich...and I'm not entirely sure why. Old money was my best guess, he had a lot of hanger-ons.

I frowned slightly in thought as I watched Rarity move on to talk to Fleur Dis Lee who as far as I understood, was some kind of model. She reminded me a bit of Luna in looks. Well, in body shape at least, even if her colors were completely different.

Not sure why I was surprised to see Rarity here really. She did seem to be the sort that enjoyed these things.

Rarity gave a small start as she spotted me before she made her way over, "Blank Page, how good to see you again." she said with a smile.

I nodded, "You as well, Lady Rarity." I greeted her, "I have to thank you again for this suit. It really is great."

She smiled happily, "Oh, I can do better with a bit more time. How are you finding this little get together?"

I couldn't help but smile slightly as well, "Honestly? I find it dreadfully boring."

"Oh? But darling, this is one of the most important parties of the year!"

I shook my head, "Not my kind of thing, I'm afraid. Not a party pony. I'm here because my publicist insisted on it, she said it would look good and get the right people talking."

"Well, she is certainly correct!"

I shrugged, "I suppose."

"So how is Princess Luna doing?" Rarity asked after a moment to glance over her shoulder.

"Very well, as far as I am aware..." I answered before I gave her a wary look, "Why?"

Rarity smiled, "Oh, just curious. You two seemed to be rather close."

"...We are. Close friends, that is."

"Well I think it's marvelous." Rarity said with a smile before she looked back, "...Excuse me for a moment, I just saw somepony I just 'have' to talk to."

"Of course." I nodded, watching the white mare rush off.

Tapping my hoof against the grass, I considered what to do now. Stay or...


Nope, fuck this. I'm out of here. A couple of extra books sold is not worth this tedium, I doubt this help much anyway. I have been here, I have been seen, I have talked to quite a bit of ponies.

Starting towards the exit I paused for half a second and then changed course. Perhaps just a couple more of those cucumber things first.

They were rather good after all.