
Homeless - ¤》HIStory Era《◇

Y/N - Your name

Y/N has been homeless since she was 16. Her parents disowned and abused her younger brother and her for years and had soon decided to kick them out of their home. She had gained custody of her younger brother luckily and was happy to leave her abusive home. There was nothing left for Y/N to do so she collected all of her and her little brother's things and set out on her own to be a grown adult. She did continue highschool and college while looking for a place to stay for the both of them. She even got a well paying job to help pay for their rented apartment while she was still in college.

Everything was going fine for her and her brother, she would drop him off at his middle school and let him attend his after school club for her to have enough time to finish work before picking him up after school. She would manage this along with school and her job, which would stress her out alot but she was always happy to see her baby brother everyday.

This was her daily routine until 6 years later when she turned 22, something in universe decided to fuck with her. After graduating college during the beginning of summer, she had gone to her job like always but found out that she had gotten fired for late arrivals, she had been doing late night studies for her final exams in order to get out of college on a high note. She was upset but soon decided to look for another job, which she was then rejected for several times. Soon she was losing enough money to pay for rent and was evicted from her home soon looking for the places to stay only for the same to occur. 

Her brother had to drop out of highschool to help despite Y/N telling him not to. She knows that he can be too kind for his own good. Y/M and her brother soon decided to wander the streets looking for homeless shelters, he had wanted to get a job early in his life to help with findi

but found them too packed up with other homeless people and just decided to stay in an abandoned alleyway where they set up a little sleeping area and made a roof out of trash and cardboard to protect them from the rain and, soon to be, snow. 

It's now December and the months are cold. The trees are barren and the grass is covered in snow. Y/N is walking down the road with a container of food. She managed to get enough money from kind senators to buy food that was enough for them to eat. She holds the food happily and walks near her alleyway. She makes a turn and heads to her little area where her brother is.

"Hey, baby bro. I finally got food." She says happily and hands a fork to him. He smiles softly and takes the fork. The two of them started eating happily but were startled by the sound of crunching footsteps in the snow. 

They huddled up together in the coldness and tried not to take at who could be walking. It usually could just be someone walking to work or home, so it didn't bother them. They left out an empty can for people to donate. The footsteps stopped for a moment but continued on. 

Later at night, they were sleeping when they heard a car park near them. Y/N wakes up and sees the car. It was a long black limo that stopped near a neighboring art gala. She noticed that the car was unlocked and got an idea. 

What if we stayed in there for a little bit just to get warm? She seemed to like the idea and awoke her younger brother. He stirred and awoke as Y/N poked his shoulder several times. 

"What is it, sis?" He asks whilst shivering 

"That limo is unlocked. We could sneak into it to stay warm instead of possibly dying of hypothermia." She says. 

Her brother thinks about it. "Okay, but I'll keep looking out." He says as they slowly creep into the limo with their stuff.

It was surprisingly warm and comfy. They both hoped that their clothes won't fully soak the nice leather seats. They soon fell asleep again in the car. 

2 hours later.....

A handsome man was walking back from the art gala. He was lucky that since it was cold, none of the paparazzi would follow him. He had to leave the art gala early and go through the back door just to avoid his fans that were swarming it.

He walks to his limo and notices two pairs of footsteps that lead from the alleyway to the limo. He opens the door and sees two young homeless people huddled up together in his limo. 

He smiles softly and gently shakes the two to wake them up. The young girl wakes up first and gently wakes up the boy while startled. They both give him apologetic looks. 

"W-We are so sorry, sir. My name is Y/N and my brother and I just wanted a place to-" She starts but the nice man cuts her off. 

"My name is Michael and it's fine, dear. I noticed your clothes and knew that you two were homeless. You two aren't in trouble but you both can at least stay with me." He suggests happily. 

The two look at each other and nod in agreement. Y/N looks at her brother and whispers. "We finally have a good place to stay, lil bro!" 

"Yeah! We can finally leave that alleyway." He responds. 

Michael smiles softly and tells his limo driver about the two. The limo driver looks at the two homeless people and nods. He gets to the driver seat and drives. Michael smiles softly and sits across the two. 

"So, how did you two end up in that alleyway anyway." He says as they drive. 

The two tell their story to Michael during the long car ride.

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~

The limo turns into a driveway of a grand hotel. It was golden and beautiful with a fountain at the front, even though the fountain was now turned off and frozen over. 

"So, is this where you are staying?" Y/N asks

"Only for the next 2 weeks. I have a tour that is wrapping up soon." He says, sounding a little tired. "I luckily have the whole hotel to myself since my fans love to crowd around it to see me." He says as he gets out the limo with the two. 

He leads them to the upstairs floors and to his own floor. He smiles as he takes them to separate rooms. 

"I called the hotel staff to set up nice rooms for you two. During the car ride, I even got comfortable clothes for you two." He says this opens the doors for us. 

Y/N's little brother runs into his room happily and shuts the door behind him after thanking Michael. He screams happily and plops onto the bed. 

Y/N smiles and goes into the bathroom to bathe. When she comes out she sees a pair of comfy pajamas. 

Y/N puts them on happily and goes to bed, sleeping peacefully for the first time in years.