
Miya, sang bunga layu ( The flower's cry withers. )

Separated for 10 years due to an accident, and to make matters worse, she was separated from her only sibling due to an error in taking the patient. Even though it was just a memory of the dark past, she couldn't hide her sadness. Even though she now lives with her adoptive parents and lives the life of a university student, in reality she always gets bad behavior. Even worse, misfortune also attacked her while on the highway. So many misfortunes that she faced, and even she continued to hide her tears when her adoptive mother questioned her. But behind that, the man who had saved her from the accident incident always managed to repulse and even allowed her to always be with him. During college, she felt familiar, but she was very difficult to remember him. There is only a sense of calm and happiness because he is always protected. However, there's a reason that the man is hiding and doesn't want to be revealed while protecting her.. (This story is undergoing upgrades and changes during the change to English version. Hopefully this story can be of interest to readers wherever and whenever)

Scarlet_Wolf96 · Sports, voyage et activités
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21 Chs

grab a fragile flower.

"Why are you even laughing, huh?" he snapped.

Even though jun was tortured many times, but the time he thought about had been successful.

Because what he's after is a room that can be used by colleagues who are directly commanded by his superiors.

And then..










The door was broken open and a group of special forces began to surround.

"What the... What's really going on here.. " he shouted.

Since the person looked panicked, Jun was easily able to break free.

"Do not ask me. Just ask my friends in here.

They will not hesitate to shoot you." said Jun, smiling.

"Damn it!"

Worse yet, when he tried to call, it was a shame that the call was cut off.

Then one of his superiors appeared among them.

"It's a shame that your plan now goes awry. We have paralyzed all of your men, Mr. Adhi. Or I should call you, chief drug dealer."

"Who the hell are you?" He shouted.

"You may be confused about why we are able to surround you now. Let me explain briefly and clearly to you. A fatal accident incident and also coincided with a fire incident at the hospital that occurred about 10 years ago.

Both of them connect 1 thing. Sabotage!"

Suddenly he was surprised.


"You may not believe what I'm saying. It's only natural because you may have difficulty remembering, due to falling from the 2nd floor of the hospital, when you finished helping sabotage electricity, causing a fire.

It's probably because you helped your friend steal all the equipment, medicines and also stole the various blood stocks there.

It was very clear in every way about the four girls who both smelled the smell of drugs that were suspected to be a mixture to make drugs. "

The longer the person explained to Adhi, the more depressed he became. Even though..

"Moreover, you probably meant to use the 4 girls to torture and bully as well. Even though that girl was in a car accident that caused amnesia, she was still being bullied. That was, a terrible way to persuade her to commit suicide. Am I wrong? "

Feeling annoyed because what he said was all true..

"What are you all waiting for. Attack them all!!!" he shouted.

Immediately several people ran out and immediately attacked all the troops.

The fight can't be avoided, because most of them use machetes or sticks, some even use knives.

Even though they had been knocked out with rifles, the others just stepped forward and attacked.


" Becareful! I can't see our main target! " said Nico

( oh no! )

Hearing that, Jun immediately stood up and tried to break through the enemy, even though he kept getting injured again and again.

And sure enough, Jun saw that Adhi was almost approaching Miya.

" die.. rotten girl! "

"MIYA!!" shouted Jun..

He immediately attacked with a machete.

But quickly, Jun managed to block the swing of the machete right at the hand that had previously been hit by a machete from the previous fight.






Until the end..





Like a paper torn in half...

It seemed so slow to Jun.

His vision slowly faded, his breathing slowly became heavy, his body seemed to lose its strength, and darkness began to envelop his body.

He didn't remember anything, other than the red splatter he saw.