
Miya, sang bunga layu ( The flower's cry withers. )

Separated for 10 years due to an accident, and to make matters worse, she was separated from her only sibling due to an error in taking the patient. Even though it was just a memory of the dark past, she couldn't hide her sadness. Even though she now lives with her adoptive parents and lives the life of a university student, in reality she always gets bad behavior. Even worse, misfortune also attacked her while on the highway. So many misfortunes that she faced, and even she continued to hide her tears when her adoptive mother questioned her. But behind that, the man who had saved her from the accident incident always managed to repulse and even allowed her to always be with him. During college, she felt familiar, but she was very difficult to remember him. There is only a sense of calm and happiness because he is always protected. However, there's a reason that the man is hiding and doesn't want to be revealed while protecting her.. (This story is undergoing upgrades and changes during the change to English version. Hopefully this story can be of interest to readers wherever and whenever)

Scarlet_Wolf96 · Sports, voyage et activités
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21 Chs

another wound.

Arriving at Miya's house, the two of them were immediately greeted by Miya's adoptive mother.

Everyone looks like a normal family.

Until then..

"You want to go home. Even though I already prepared dinner you know. I even made it for you too."

Unfortunately, Jun still insists on going home because he feels that his cellphone has been vibrating.

Even when Miya's mother holds Jun's hand. Jun seemed to feel something in his hand, but quickly he acted normal and still insisted on going home.

When he was far enough from the house, at first he checked something in his hand.

And when it opens...

(You have to die miya.

This is the last time.

I will kidnap you.

Torture you.

Until slashing your neck and body until blood splashes on your grave. )

Again and again.

Jun crushed the letter into a ball of paper.

He immediately picked up the phone and took a deep breath.


the voice on the phone was familiar to him.

"Results?" Jun asked.

"The photo you sent earlier is a drug. Its effects cause addiction and lower-middle-level hallucinations. Even if it is added to the report on the drug data at the university you are currently attending, as well as the reports you have sent so far. It has been confirmed that all this has similarities with 10 years ago.

We have now obtained very strong evidence for forcibly pulling the main object from its lair... "

But not long after, he heard a loud sound and also a very loud scream for help. Jun knew the scream very well, he immediately ran and hoped it wasn't too late. Unfortunately when he arrived, he was too late. Miya's mother was injured by a stab in the stomach.

Blood continued to flow incessantly.

"What happened? "

Unfortunately, she has difficulty speaking, even her breathing looks so heavy.