Dear Diary;
Shikadai is made at me now, and I will tell you the reason. SO remember yesterday ow I said Chocho was ripe to impregnate, so it turns out even thought men can't get pregnant they have a ripe time as well. So, yesterday I was talking to the boys about it and they each gave me 15 dollars to tell when their lover is ripe since I can sense it in both chakra and smell. So with the help of Orochimaru and Kabuto I went to Inojin and said, "hey, just a little heads up. Shikadai is ripe and he will be ending by approximately tomorrow afternoon." Inojin payed attention to everything i said about how ripness is the most pleasurable and horniest a person can get. And who told me to tell Inojin that. After Inojin and SHikadai's mission, tell me why I see them just disappear for the rest of the day. Only for a text to come in just a while ago saying how right I was. Inojin said and I quote with a damn picture (which I am not sending because the only time these pics come out is to who it is sent to, we each know we get each other's pics but not all of us for some people. I am the one that gets most of them just because they are teaching me how to be human) but he said and I quote
Inojin to Mitsuki: Guess who beat and guess who still riding =), Mitsuki thank you so much for tell me the information today, like seriously it is hard for me to get Shikadai in the mood and it was so easier today, like is it like a man's before period reaction or something? But anyway, I'm good thank you very much. And I won't show you much cause he's mine, =). Thank you again and I will pay you to tell me next time, I will enjoy his ripe season with all my being cause he gets so begging and cute. Anyways, bye he getting jealous of the phone. ~Seen 8:19 pm
Bish I got my Chocho to love not Shikadai. But at least that couple is having fun with each other. While I am still crying over mine, I can't force my Chocho to do anything with her body not that I want to. I just want her body to hurry and age thats I can experience a sexual relationship with her. 3 more years Mitsuki =').
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