
Not your typical isekai

​ I am Isabel aka Elisa. Today is the most memorable day in my life. I died today. Yes, three years ago on this day I died.

In my previous life I was an ordinary girl with an ordinary life. There is something about me that nobody knows yet and that's my secret. I was an Idol. I was very beautiful and had a gifted voice. One day I fell in love.... Blah blah blah

Nope you can't get such an introduction from me. You can't expect anything typical like that from me.

For starters.... My life was .... Let's start with my introduction. I'm Isabel. I am an overachiever. Yea yea..... It's quite normal... Let's start.

I was smart infact a genius you could say. I was not so pretty and average looking but I had a fit body. I was interested in learning new things which are mostly stupid looking. So as of to how I died....I wanted to test the electric voltage of a thunder and went to the place where the next the thunder was expected. I hid myself in a building which was just a kilometer away after I have done the preparation to measure the thunder volt. Unexpectedly the lightning striked on the building where I was hiding and I died. I don't remember how I felt when I died but if you ask me to be clear how it feels to be dying I'd say that it's like falling off the cliff or falling deep into the ocean where swimming back won't help. I was falling down deep. I tried to get back and swim back to up but I couldn't. When I reached the bottom of the ocean I was still trying to get back but I went inside. It pulled me in. I was scared. I didn't want to die. I have so many things that I have left unexplored in that world.

P.. Pl.. Please give me a second chance.

And when I opened my eyes I was held by a woman who was trembling with fear. She was leaning against a tall and large tree.

That tree is unusual. I mean there are no such huge trees currently in our world and something just struck me.... I wasn't able to walk on my own. I felt that my body was small and weak and frail. Hell no! My body is supposed to be the toughest thing in the world. The woman held me even more tight and cried.

" You must continue to live on. ", she said.

I then observed her carefully and WTF she had this beautiful silky and shiny white hair with those green eyes to top it off. She was literally so beautiful. I took my time to gaze at her. She held me tight and ran and yeah I realised that I am just an infant who has been reincarnated. It was hella freaking. Before I could even get myself together this woman died. She was probably hit by an arrow from afar. I don't really understand the situation but I was really sad and started to cry and just then I saw three foxes approach me. They are not foxes but hounds! Oh no I just died and started a fresh new life I don't want to die yet


I cried so loud that even the dead woman could wake up. The hound then jumped onto this woman's body and was immediately shot by an arrow. What's different was that this arrow was not the same one as the one that hit this woman.

I heard a distinct chatter which I couldn't understand. There was giant person standing in front of me now and he looked like a hulk. Wait am I gonna be saved.

Thank you AVENGERS!!! I cried in happiness. A woman who had red hair and green eyes took me in her hands and walked away with some other people.

Why are there so many colours of hairs and eyes can't they have brunette and blonde?

Let's cut to the chase. There was a hulk of a man and a four eyes person who didn't look amiable and was in fact scary and an elf and red hair girl and a pretty normal looking guy whom I was very satisfied to see.

Yup there's an elf! Elves are real beauties. But it was a guy. Can't I have a female elf? His ears was super pointy and long. I tried to extend my hand and touch them out of curiosity and he let me touch his ears. They felt normal but so soft.

The red haired woman had bad temper but was very kind. Together they decided to take me in.

I don't know what they talked because I was busy brainstorming. First why am I reincarnated in another not so normal world like an isekai? No answer to that. Who are these people? No answer. Why was that woman killed? No answer. Did I die or is this just an illusion? Nope it's not an illusion. And nothing made sense. So, I started to stick to observing things now.

I've now seen monsters and hulk and elves and all that's left is magic.

Yes magic is the most important thing in the isekai. Without magic I would definitely be disappointed. Let's see if I can get myself to learn some magic. Isn't it normal to have magic in an isekai?

I can't believe that i can now get to start a new life. I wonder if I can get a boyfriend in this life. In my previous life I did have a boyfriend but we were mostly talking about research all the time so, I never knew how it really felt to have a boyfriend.