
Mistress of sin

Falling in love wasn't part of the package. Revenge was more important. Zafira, a sexy down to earth succubus who has a nick for sinners has a revenge scheme on her mind but would need the help of a human, an innocent one. Cole comes home one day to find his pregnant wife stabbed and raped. His entire world crushing down. He has to find out who had the audacity to do this. Zafira and Cole joins hands together in this amazing sequel. #General warning# Mature content 18+

Cindy_Bubbles · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Holy father sinner!

Fatigued and restless, Cole's frustration reached its limit. He had been up all night, trying desperately to find some clue he had overlooked in Maria's murder.

"There has to be something I missed, damn it!"

He had gone over all the documents and photos a million times. This time, however, he had more incentive than ever to crack the case. If he could somehow figure out who might have killed his wife Maria, and do so before midnight, he could simply decline Zafira's offer, and she would go away. Rather, he hoped she would stick to her word and disappear. He looked at the clock: 3:46 p.m. There wasn't much time before midnight.

The sudden knock on his apartment door startled Cole.Who could that be? Hopefully not Zafira, though she had already proved to be the type not to knock.

Looking through the peephole, Cole saw someone he didn't recognize. A man about his age with a goatee and dark hair, wearing a black suit, waited patiently. The reversed collar and prayer beads dangling from his neck hinted at his calling. A priest maybe?

Cole cautiously opened the door just a few inches. "Yes? Can I help you?"

"Good day, sir. I'm looking for Cole Harvey. Is he around?"

"Who wants to know?" Cole asked suspiciously.

"I'm sorry, where are my manners? My name is Father Gabriel Korvenus. I am with the Congregation of the Holy Cross."

"Sorry, but I'm not looking to find God today," Cole said coldly as he started to shut the door.

"Wait! Please, Detective Harvey! I think I have some information about the recent night club murder."

Curious, Cole opened the door and invited the man inside. Gabriel looked around and beheld a motley mess of police documents and gruesome crime scene photos. He fingered his prayer beads and mumbled something under his breath. The gruesome nature of the photos would unnerve anyone -- anyone except Cole, who had unintentionally made it his home decor.

Gabriel looked at a picture hanging on the wall of Cole and Maria on their wedding day. "Is she the one in the other photos?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but yes," Cole said sternly. "I thought you had information for me?"

The priest shifted his focus back to Cole. "Right. The news reports claimed you saw a woman in the room with the victim. Did you notice anything odd about her? For instance, did she have tattoos of large bat wings on her shoulders?"

Those were not tattoos of bat wings. Those were actual bat wings, and a long tail. However, the similarities were entirely too coincidental. Did this man know about Zafira, and what she actually was?

"Sorry, but I didn't see any tattoos. Why do you ask?"

Gabriel turned to Cole. "The day of the murder, a young girl of great physical beauty came into my church for confession. She mentioned that she was about to do something horrible but never said what exactly. As she left, I noticed she had bat wing tattoos on her shoulders that covered most of her back. I thought maybe there was some kind of connection."....

All those years as a detective had refined Cole's ability to detect bullshit down to a fine art. This man was hiding something, and he wasn't a very good liar. He seen tattoos on her shoulders? That would mean she would have to have worn an open back dress or something else equally revealing. Who would show up in church like that? Not to mention, who would confess to something before actually doing it? It seemed too far-fetched for Cole's taste.

Cole's suspicions were further heightened by a small cross-shaped scar on the side of Gabriel's neck. He wouldn't have noticed it if Gabriel's collar hadn't shifted while looking around the room. No kind of accident leaves such a mark on one's skin. It had to have been done on purpose.

Nonetheless, this priest must know something about Zafira. Was he one of the 'entities' that she mentioned she was trying to avoid? Cole thought for a brief moment about disclosing what really happened. But then he also thought about what Zafira said before she left. She would kill him if he said anything, and with her ability to read minds, there would be no hiding it. Best to play safe for now.

"Doesn't sound like a connection to me. She could have been about to cheat on her husband for all you know. Sorry, but I think you've wasted your time."

Gabriel exhaled a deep sigh. "Perhaps. But God sent me to you this day, so it isn't a total loss. I know a great burden must weigh heavy on your heart, Mr. Harvey. Such burdens tend to lead men to do things they wouldn't normally do. The path to Hell is paved with good intentions, and desperation leads to the first step."

It was as if Gabriel could see right through Cole's facade. Maybe Cole wasn't the only one with a bullshit detector.

"I appreciate you coming by, Father, but I have work to finish down at the precinct. If you find out anything else, don't hesitate to stop by."

"Sorry I couldn't have been more helpful." Gabriel reached into his pocket and fished out a business card. "If you are ever in need of my services, you can reach me here."

Gabriel handed Cole the card and walked out the door. Before Cole shut the door, Gabriel turned back toward him. "Remember my words, Mr. Harvey. They may save your soul someday."

Cole twitched a quick nod and closed the door. He looked at the clock again: 4:27 p.m. Time passed much faster than he liked.


In his desperation, Cole went back to the precinct to find Frank, the detective assigned to Maria's case. He knew Frank wasn't taking Maria's murder seriously, but maybe by some miracle he had something he could use.

He was greeted by Penny, the very young and attractive blonde office assistant who worked behind the front desk.

"Detective Harvey! I didn't expect to see you this late in the day. Weren't you on leave for a while?"

"Yeah, I am. Just stopping by for something real quick. Have you seen Frank leave yet?"

"No, I haven't. He should still be upstairs."

"Great, thanks."

Cole quickly turned towards the elevator. "I'll miss you while you're gone, detective. Have a great day!" Cole heard over his shoulder....

Penny was a sweet girl and somewhat flirty towards him -- which made him wonder if she had a crush on him. Not that he would act on it, of course.

Cole got off the elevator and made his way to Frank's untidy desk. Frank was idly chatting with the other detectives.

"Hey, Cole! What the hell are you doing here? Do you even know how to take a break?"

"I need to ask you something. In private," Cole said.

"Sure thing." Frank pushed up from his chair.

They walked to a coffee maker in a secluded corner. Frank poured two cups of evil-smelling brew.

"So what's up?" Frank asked, handing Cole a chipped cup.

"Listen, it's been a while since we talked about Maria's case. Any new developments?"

Frank shook his head and put a hand on Cole's shoulder. "I can't imagine what it is like to lose someone like that. I'm doing everything I can to make sure we catch the son-of-a-bitch."

Everything he can indeed, Cole thought. When he's not wasting paper, he's chatting with everyone else about his golf game the previous weekend, or some girl he met at a bar. Cole's anger got worse with each passing second.

"I asked if there were any new developments." Cole raised his voice. "It has been two years Frank, and I'm tired of everyone telling me how fucking sorry they are!"

"Calm down, Cole. You know just as well as anyone that these things take time."

Time was a luxury Cole no longer had. He looked at the clock: 5:57 p.m.

"Yeah, time. Time that you are spending sitting on your fucking ass!" Cole's yell drew the attention of everyone in the room. They all stared at him -- perhaps hoping a fist fight was about to start.

Cole may have lost his temper, and he may have wanted to punch Frank in the face, but he wasn't stupid enough to lose his job over it. He stifled his anger.

What a fucking waste of time. He backed away from Frank and turned toward the exit. Better to leave now before Captain Finnegan learned he was here making a fuss. Cole hurried from the station.
