

What makes a labyrinth so special? where did they come from? how did the apocalypse started? just when did apocalypse started? The life of Daniel grace changed when he sets out to find the answer to these questions, his life changed when he explored the labyrinths

Gustywind · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Dreams

Danile can't dream or rather an absolute silence stares him from all directions in his dreams, this freaks him out, this was started after his parents died, Daniel never told this to anyone.

But tonight, tonight is something different, he wakes up inside in his dream, inside his dream there was a ancient looking library, it's shelves stretching endlessly into the sky, the library was big and neatly cleaned, like somebody taken a good care of it, suddenly from the corner of his eye he saw a old man with a blurry face, standing in the middle of the "library maze", reading something.

Who is this old man?, his face looks rather blurry, I can't even get a good look at him, Looks like he's reading something….

well it's a dream, so I should take this chance and try to explore and gain knowledge as much as possible Daniel mumbled inwardly.

Suddenly the old man notices Daniel and gently smiles at him, and in this instant there was a white tea cup and a table and two chairs there, appearing out of nowhere.

"Please come here" the old man said in a low and gentle voice.

I must stay on my guard, because this is already not right, now I can't sense the absolute silence staring at me, and this unknown old man calling me….

I shouldn't provoke him and go to him otherwise who knows what he will do to me, Daniel thought for some time.

" Don't worry, I will not harm you, I'm just an old man who wants to have a chat" said the old man while smiling.

Daniel walk towards the chair and sit on it,

"Who are you old man?" Daniel said with some suspicion.

"I'm just a bad dream, hehe, monster of nightmares, forget about it" the old man said

giving himself a self-deprecating laugh.

Without waiting for Daniel to speak the old man added "Well, what good a introduction will do and anyways it's not time for you to know me "yet", so let me get straight to the point, I will help you to become strong enough to survive in this world and labyrinths, in exchange for that you must do tasks that I told you without asking too much questions"

Daniel was stunned for a moment, he said after some thought "First of all I don't even know you, and second you're telling me to do what you say without asking too many questions? Isn't that basically me being your pawn?"

"And how can I trust you that you would help me, and what is this place?" he added.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you who I am or what this place is, but you aren't qualified yet, you will die only by hearing about me or this place" the old man said seriously.

A chill ran through Daniel spine, he felt horrified in what mess I just got myself into, damn!, let's calm down and think, yes, there is a chance for me to earn profit by helping him, he's not just anyone, he might be a high level existence, yes, I can pretend to help to help him, this way I can reap profit without doing anything dangerous, he thought.

Suddenly, the library trembled and Daniel looked at the place where the old man was, now it was empty.

Did something happened to the old man? Is it related to the tremors? Well, the old man can fix it, I don't want to get caught between those "ancient existence". Daniel thought as he began to wander around the library, looking for the way out of this Library.

He looked upon a shelf and picked up a book named "About monsters and humans" What a strange title, heh, looks like a child wrote this book.

He opens the book and flips the page, he saw something written in ancient text, some were blurry and some were erased, suddenly he founds something and reads it

"Humans started to evolve after the labyrinths appeared, they grew stronger, intelligent, and greedy after gaining the abilities, as humans began to take the monsters lightly and started living luxuriously in labyrinth, the monster invaded labyrinth and gained intelligence and they became more stronger and controlled the whole labyrinths by killing hundreds of thousands of humans, there are total of 5 ranks that are both monsters and humans divided into.













Daniel was puzzled, he can't read anything other that the first two ranks of both and he can't read anything about the ranks, well, I already knew about the humans rank, and even my team captain is ascendent, but the only thing I gain is monsters rank, I never thought that monster also have ranks….

From their names they sound mindless rather than intelligent.

"Pardon me for leaving without completing our talk, it was something important" the old man appeared behind Daniel out of thin air.

Daniel jumped in fright slightly, the book in his hands fell down.

The old man picks up the book and put it back into the shelf, he then says to Daniel

"Well, as I previously told you, you aren't qualified to read or know anything major, if you want to know truth then become and ascendent then you can read these book, well, some books"

His expression turned serious as he said "Look , my time is nearly up, you can think about my offer and give me a answer tomorrow, and as a token of my gratitude let me provide you something that will help you on a dangerous situation"

Without waiting for Daniel to say anything, the old man waves his hand in the air and a mist begins to swirl around his hand, he then thrust his hand into Daniel's right shoulder.

"Ahhhhh" Daniel screamed from the top of his lungs before looking confused at his shoulder. I didn't feel anything, no pain, nothing… Did that old man joking with me ?

Daniel looked up at his shoulder where the old man thrusted, there was now a glowing symbol, the symbol is blurry for most part, Daniel only gets a rough idea but he can't confirm what that symbol was. He looked up to the old man and said in a frustrated voice "hey old man what is this symbol? And how is it a token of gratitude and will help me in a dangerous situation?"

"It's a symbol that can help you enter certain parts inside the labyrinth, and gain powers, now… let me say farewell wanderer, give me your answer tomorrow " the old man said gently.

Before Daniel could say anything, he realized that he wasn't in the library anymore, he returned to his room, Sunlight shining through the window.

Was that a dream ?

He looked on his shoulder where the symbol was, sigh… the symbol is here, now I can say it's not a dream, hehe.

"Well, sometimes bad dreams can be good" Daniel muttered to himself.