
The ID's

While Madison Dankworth and her brother Braylon Dankworth were busy copying the code and decoding it, she saw a very strange thing. She saw her brother Aidan Dankworth reading the files again!!

He hates reading. She thought. Why is he reading those files which were super boring in his standard?

This was one of the strangest things she saw because his brother was frowning and was super duper serious. It was like he found something.

If we have to go on a secret mission, we make a pretty good team. She was thinking. I am good at researching anything, Aidan's photographic memory, and his quick thinking and instincts when in danger could always be counted. Braylon, my baby brother, he is sooo good at analyzing stuff. He also spots the stuff we usually miss.

Soon Madison was drifting deeper and deeper in her secret mission thoughts until,

"Hey, Maddo! Do you think LS here is like a place or a human??" Said Aid. His eyes looked tired from reading and there was a pile of files around him and had an open file on his lap.

"I don't know. It could be anything. Like you know Lasagna Shop or Land Seamless." Replied Madison.

"Umm Maddo, I don't think there will be any secret mission in a Lassagnia Shop," said Bray looking unsure

"And in an Amusement Park," added Aid, laughing. "ANyway LS sounds familiar to me. It's as if I heard it or read it somewhere." continued Aid frowning.

"Did you decode the morse?" asked Madison to Bray

"Yeah listen up: 'JDs contact LS asap. No. 4 and No. 8's lives are counting. Be quick. Over and out.' It means LS is human. We need to reveal his identity." informed Bray

"Or her identity. We don't know whether LS is he or she," said Madison.

Aidan was sitting with his head in his hands. It was like his photographic memory was betraying him. And then he suddenly jumped as if a Scorpio bit him and ran towards the far end of the closet-room.

"I think I know who LS is," he said excitedly.

"Listen 'Lucas Samuel, age 34, Residence: House no. 43, Road X, Duke Avenue, Kingston, UK.

Recruited: 26/04/2008 (age then: 21), DOB: 15/7/1987 Status: Single, Education: Ph.D. in history,

Profession: Lecturer in a local university + a social activist. Parents: Joseph Samuel (father), Hilary Samuel (mother), Siblings: Nil' and then there is like a big list of his missions or achievements or whatever." said Aid.

"Do you know what this means?" asked Bray excitedly.

"We are going to pay a visit to LS.," said Aidan matching Bray's excitement.

"Guys! Great job! We figured out the code and stuff. But traveling without an adult..." She said shaking her head hopelessly.

"We could ask Lucy to accompany us," suggested Aidan hopefully.

"What will we explain to her? We don't even have any relatives in UK." replied Madison.

"Guys you should check this," said Braylon in an awed voice. He was standing in a corner holding a box that looked like it had been taken out of the wall. So basically it was like the rest of the wall to hide it.

"I guess I found a secret box in a secret closet which is filled with... You better come and check it." He side, still wide-eyed. Madison and Aidan ran toward Braylon. When they took a look in the box, they understood why Braylon was standing there wide-eyed.

The Dankworths stood there standing and staring in the box. Aidan was first to snap out.

" What do you think these passports and ID cards are doing here?" He asked "And if you both didn't notice this lady over here looks a lot like mom, except that her hair is black instead of brown and her eyes are like black." he continued.

"Yeah, I see that," replied Braylon. "But what is she doing in that look or whatever."

"Look her name is Sophia Winston," said Madison. She looked like she would pass out any second now. "Guys this is serious. We need to tell someone now."

"Are you CRAZY?? What will you tell?? We don't know anything and I don't want mom and dad in trouble either"Said Aidan

"Yeah! When the cops check this we might be counting bars in a prison cell despite being underage" Added Braylon.

"Listen Madison Dankworth!" said Aidan in a bossy-sort-of-voice. "We need to act now. We have to reach London asap. Then we will try to reach LS from there. Also, we need such a plan that Lucy won't freak out and report us missing." he continued.

"Are you out of your mind Aid??" She said. " How are we going to travel without an adult that is if we somehow convince Lucy which is almost impossible."

"C'mon Maddo you are the eldest! You can chaperone us. I promise we won't trouble you a lot." said Aidan.


"Well Maddo you look a lot like our mom you know," said Braylon, understanding Aidan's plan.

"Black wig and black lens are not very hard to find," Aidan added

"We can buy you a pair of glasses."Added Braylon

"Yeah, that's a good idea, Bray. In that way, you would look a bit more different." Agreed Aidan

"And there won't be a lot of suspicions."Concluded Braylon.

Madison looked like she would just fall apart if she spoke a single word. She stood there silently biting her lips.

"Let's check other contents of the box," suggested Braylon. They dumped the contents of the box on the floor.

There were five transparent folders, each containing a fake id for the Dankworths.

"This is crazy, dude I am telling you this is crazyy!" Said Madison.

"Well, Let's check if it can help us in travel Maddo!" replied Braylon

"No! No! We are not going anywhere! We stay here and be safe! NO ONE HEARD ANYTHING OR SAW ANYTHING! ACT NORMAL" She said in a tense voice.

"No Madison! We are going. It looks like Mom and Dad wanted us to go! Pleaseee We have to go!. There are two lives to be saved. Please, we should go." said Aidan in a desperate tone.

"Yeah! That is why we shouldn't go. Why did our parents never told us that we have a secret identity? Why didn't they mention any LS or Morse code?? Tell me??" snapped Madison

" Madison you are the eldest! Stop whining and start packing we have to go. If you are not coming then Braylon and I will leave."

"Yo Aid, I am with you. We should really check out this Lucas dude.

With this, they both left Madison in the closet with her thoughts...