
Mission System

Shino_Aburame_1751 · Livres et littérature
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Drops of rainwater slowly drip down in a bottomless pond in a dreary and depressingly dark cave. From the shadows two small green lights glow brightly like sparkling gems. Light pale skin, a concave nose that turns upwards, thin cracked lips, long eyebrows curved like a smile, high cheekbones and a hard jawline. This figure sits down on a hard cold rock looking at something invisible to any other being.


Name: Koshiro Sho

Age: 12

Sex: Male

Species: Human

SC: 0

Level: 1 (0/10)

HP: 10/10

MP: 10/10

Strength: 1

Speed: 1

Dexterity: 1

Constitution: 1


• Virtual Character (Max): A special skill that allows the user to regenerate from even a single point of hp. No permanent injury can be dealt to the player, limbs will regenerate, muscles will heal, bones will mend.

• Mana Control (Level 1): A technique that allows the user to control the mana inside themselves.


Despite the bright blue box floating in front of the boy no light illuminates the cave as if it didn't exist. A dirty finger scrapes past the hologram and Koshiro smiles with a small light of happiness in his two green orbs.


• Wizard (0/1): Learn a spell of any category from a skill book.

Reward: Magic Book, a magic book that decreases the casting rate by 50%.

• Clear The Dungeon (0/1): Clear the dungeon containing the Ork Chief Reykong.

Reward: 100 SC


The surroundings change completely from a dark and damp cave with no light to a green and sunny area with vegetation growing everywhere. Large thatch huts made of large tree branches, bamboo, cloth and other materials huddle around a poorly made stone road that is uneven at certain points and dips up and down.

At the center of the road is a larger hut than the other with a bloodstained banner at the top of the house swaying like a snake in the wind. Axes, swords, shields and weapons of all kinds are leaning against a rock structure with target practices built around it. Cattle of different species are trapped inside a farm with a strangely decorated barn, black, red and green colors in a mosaic pattern.

Koshiro quickly hides himself in the dense bushes with itchy leaves and sharp branches slightly wincing in pain before calming himself down. A few seconds later a green mess of muscles and red hair comes out of one of the thatch huts wearing a green and red robe with black trimmings. Dark red hair flows down from his head to his chest mangled and slightly dirty. Dark beady eyes with intense blood lust and down turned eyebrows that make the Ork always seem angry.

Standing at 7 feet tall with an incredibly muscular frame this Ork is incredibly strong, far more than the average person could ever possibly be. A giant blunt axe hangs from his rough green hands worn down from many uses. White face paint is drawn all over it's body in stripe patterns.

Koshiro grabs a small rock from the ground, it has a pointed edge and it's hard and rigid with many sharp angles along the side. Stretching his arm back Koshiro throws the rock with all of his strength and it hits the Ork dead on in the face with the sharp edge hitting it's eye and blinding it. The Ork clutches his face with both hands as red blood seeps through the cracks in it's fingers.

[User has created a new skill, Honed Accuracy.]

Koshiro quickly rushes out of the bush before the Ork can regain it's focus and grabs the fallen axe swinging it upwards towards the monster's neck. With adrenaline rushing through his body and the Ork still distracted from the rock stuck in it's eye Koshiro uses the dull of edge of the axe to wedge it deep into the neck of the monster. The Ork falls to it's knees from the intense pain clouding it's thoughts as Koshiro continues to push the axe deeper and deeper into it's neck with all of his strength.

After a few seconds of struggling the head of the Ork rolls off it's shoulders and blood gushes into Koshiro's hands. His hands grip tightly onto the bloody axe as he runs away as fast as possible from the decapitated Ork body that lays on the floor like a broken toy.

[User has created a new skill, Critical Hit.]

[User has gained 5 Exp.]

Instead of going back into the bush and vegetation to hide, Koshiro runs inside the large thatch hut that the Ork had came from and he closes the door. Inside the hut is a wood desk, some padding of soft brush on the floor serving as a bed, and a little stove that connects to the chimney of the hut. A large recurve bow with a wooden frame and a soft leather handle rests to the side of the makeshift bed. A leather quiver also hangs from a hook attached to the wall along with a large leather coat painted in white, green and red stripes similar to the banners outside.

Some loafs of bread are laid out on the table along with sharp utensils utensils. Strangely a small skull belonging to some type of pig like creature is also on the table serving as a decoration. The only light in the room comes from the candles placed on the floor as the hut is completely closed off with no windows.

The sound of heavy footsteps outside makes Koshiro grab the bow and quiver with his fingers pressed against the sharp arrowhead. Low rough voices seep through the walls as Koshiro regulates his breathing as quietly as possible.

"How did Uv die right in our village?"

"I don't know I just heard a sharp shout of pain and then the soft sound of his head falling on the ground a few seconds later."

"It must have been those damn Imps, those bastards are always trying to kill us."

"Most likely, only Imps are that fast to sneak kill one of us and run away quickly enough."

"Spread out across the forest and look for any Imps, it's been twenty years since our chief signed the B.A.P and they've already started to target us. As long as we can find their hideout it's over for them."

The sound of the few dozen Orks stomping away in different directions is heard through the thin mud wall and Koshiro finally let's down his guard and rests on the floor.