
Mission infiltration

"Good morning,I'm Diane McDonald a new recruit"

Diane was nervous as she was looking around admiring the beauty of the building .

"Hello Miss Diane let me show you to the interview room"

"Thank you" she said as she followed the lady. They walk past the beautiful hallway and entered a large room.

"You wait here." There are only two recruits and you are the second so please wait for your turn"

"Alright thank you" she said slightly bowing with courtesy.

Diane waited patiently for her turn and was nervous at the same time.she hurriedly opened her bag,she brought out suppliments to give her a boost.

"Miss Diane".

"Yes" she answered immediately she heard her name.

" You're up"

"Ok thank you"

Diane said as she stood up and took a deep breathas she walked into the interview room.

"Good morning"

Diane said while standing. 

"Good morning , please sit" the lady that was going to interview her said.

"Thank you" Diane said as she sat.

"Miss Diane McDonald, right?"

"Yes ma'am"

"You see after taking a good look at your resume,we decided not to employ with your academic qualifications but with your experiences. In your resume it says you are a skilled fighter with a lot of learning experience and that is what we need from you."

"I'm sorry ma I don't seem to understand you"

Diane said in confusion.

" Well miss Diane what I'm saying is you will be working with us as a professional figher and you my leave as I am done with you."

Diane was so confused ,she didn't even know where to go until someone called her .

" Miss Diane" Diane turned to see a handsome black haired guy with a perfect physique.

" you are needed at the safe house now" he said as he jolted her from her reverie.

"Ok please where is that "

"Follow me"

He said as they both walked out of the building and got into a car .He started the engine and zoomed off .

"Excuse me , where are we going and who are you?"

"Sorry for the late introduction I'm Daniel Carter the most skilled hacker in 'shadowguard international' " he said looking at her

"Okay?" She replied unsatisfied with the information.

"And we're going to the safehouse and I'm not accommodating any more questions till we're there" 

Everywhere was silent throughout the journey,the car came to a halt infront of an average building .

They both highlighted from the car and walked into the building .

The inside was painted black all through as everyone was also wearing black . Daniel led the way into a room with a lady and two men in it.

"Hey you're back"

The lady said to Daniel.

"Hey guys this is Diane a new recruit that will be joining us on the mission."

"Wait, what!" One of the guys said 

"What do they expect us to do with someone that is new to this?" He continued.

"Guys at least introduce yourselves first."

"Hey I'm Joanne,Anne for short" the lady introduced.

"I'm Ken"

"I'm Leo an you can be casual with us" 

The guys also introduced.

"Let's have a meeting" Daniel said.

"Right now?" Anne asked.


"First Diane we are undercover agents and we go on missions and sometimes they are dangerous"Daniel explained.

"No problem,I do dangerous."she commented

"Nice, so guys we have a new mission"

"Another one we barely just came back from one"

"It is about the 'quantum disruptor core'.hmm"Daniel said 

"What about it?" Leo asked.

"It has been stolen by a drug lord Adrian blackthorn and we need to retrieve it as soon as possible"he announced.

" What is this quantum disruptor core." Leo asked.

"I also have no idea."Daniel replied.

"It is a device with potential to manipulate quantum state capable of both incredible advancement and catastrophic consequences if fallen into the wrong hands."Diane stated.

Everyone looked towards Diane surprised.

"How'd you know that?" Daniel asked.

"Just came about it once and I looked it up." Diane replied.

"What more do you know about it?" Anne asked.

"It is a weapon of mass destruction"

"If it is a weapon of mass destruction what does Adrian needs it for?" Ken asked.

"That's for us to find out. So guys we need to infiltrate into Adrian's business."

"Are u saying we are going undercover to find out what he needs the so called quantum whatever."

"Yes, and Diane is up for the task to get close to him, close enough for me to have easy access to hack into the CCTV and all the computer he uses including all his associate's"

"Wait why Diane."Anne asked 

"Besides she's just new to this."she continued.

"Well, she knows more about the quantum disruptor core and I'll put her through the rest cos we'll be going together. you guys will be on standby in case we need backup." Daniel stated.

"Now Diane for your safety, you need a new identity,all your missions must be kept secret to be sure you need to sign this agreement contract." Daniel said as he handed her the contract.

"Ok that's fine by me." She said as she collected the pen.

" You might want to go through the phrases." Daniel said before she signed

"No worries I'm sure they are nothing." She said and signed the contract .

"Miss Diane McDonald I officially welcome you to ' shadowguard international" Daniel said as he signaled to someone to come in .

A guy came in with something in his hand which he handed over to Daniel and left.

" This is your uniform." He said and handed it to her .

"Go and get changed." He continued.

"Thank you." She said smiling.

"Now go get changed." He said signaling to the changing room.

"Daniel what were you thinking when you said Diane was going to get close to Adrian,don't you get it? She's new we can't afford to fail this mission."Anne said.

"I know we can't afford to fail that's why I choose her."

Daniel replied.

"Ok then, so be it." 

The next morning, Diane entered into the building with all attention on her . She was dressed in black sleeveless crop top,black leather jacket , short black highwaist skirt and a knee length black boots.

She walked in and went straight to the planning room. Immediately she entered into the meeting room all attention was diverted towards her Daniel,Ken and Leo's jaw dropped. Anne was just blinking like she just saw a ghost.

"What guys is something wrong about it me?" Diane asked confused.

"Huh, absolutely not." Leo answered.

"Okay" Diane said and walked towards the empty seats beside Daniel.

" You look beautiful." Daniel mouthed at her .

"Thank you." She mouthed back.

"Ok ,we were just talking about how to go about the mission. Diane this is your new identity card so you'll be Elena Clary." Leo handed the card to her .

"Thank you." she said and slid it into her bag.

"So Diane we've decided you are going undercover as a bodyguard to Adrian. Luckily he's in need of one right now and I secured an appointment for your interview which is today because this mission must start ASAP." Daniel stated.

"Okay." Diane knodded in response.

"I've prepared a car for you so you can get going and I'll be right behind you."

Daniel said.


"Good morning sir." Adrian's secretary greeted.

" Sir, this are the list of people who filled out for the post of bodyguard.

"Let me see."Adrian said as he collected the resumes. He glanced through everything and brought out one .

"Employ this one."

He handed Elena Clary's resume to him.

"Ok sir."


"Miss Elena Clary you're employed "

"You got to be kidding is this how random he employs people?" Diane said to herself.

"Missed Diane please let me show you the way to the CEOs office."

"Ok." Diane said as she quietly followed him.

"Good morning sir, I'm Elena Clary your new bodyguard." Diane introduced.

"OMG he's handsome " Diane said to herself as she faced Adrian blackthorn a guy in his early thirties with silver hair and ocean blue eyes.