

Diane a beautiful blonde with perfect curves was coming back from her job interview when she spotted five men trying to beat up a woman .'aish these people.' she muttered to herself.

"Hey you."

she said pointing at them.

"let the lady go".

"And who are you to say that?".

"Wish I've had enough today do I have to deal with these garbages even after going through so much interviews "

Diane said to herself .

"I said let the lady go"

The men looked at each other and started laughing.

" And what are you gonna do,huh?" One of them said as he moved closer to her, he raised his to slap her but she caught his hand midway and almost squeezed life out of it.

"Haaaaa" he groaned in pain as she pushed him aside.

" Boys,get her!"the which looks like the boss ordered.

The rest rushed at her,she hit the first one to come at her at the groin which made him fall on his knees.

She started chocking him that made the rest stop and shudder in fear.

" Come at me if you dare and you'll all end up worse than this I promise you."

She said and let go of the guy she was holding. 

"If you'll excuse me" she said making way to the woman.

"Are you okay?"she said offering her hand to help her up.

" That's it " she said handing the lady's bag over to her.

"T....thank you"

"The next time something like this happens you run, okay?" The woman nodded in response. 


Diane woke up late and had her bath and got dressed for the day.

She picked up her phone and saw an unread messages.

She opened it and saw she was given one of the jobs she interviewed for.

"Oh my gosh is this for real?" She said as she screamed and jumped happily all over the place.