
We're friends

(Drake Mendoza, an engineering student, 19 years old)

Funny how a nerd could change my life, I mean, our lives rather. Believe me or not, she made things from impossible to possible.

Adonis never listens to anyone, even us, his friends for a long time. But when Aphrodite complained about his smoking habit, he stopped even though the lady never mentioned to him to stop it. He just did. Well, of course, he would! He secretly likes Aphrodite. He didn't tell us but we knew already. That guy's freaking obvious. But seriously, favoritism, wasn't it?

We thought that only a miracle could make Blaze make his homework, projects, and answer his tests seriously. I never knew Aphrodite's middle name was miracle. Pft. He changed real quick because he wanted to impress the young lady. He even made our unfinished school works.

The same goes for our quiet friend, Joel. He was always with his headphones on and seldomly talk. He'll nod but he'll never speak unless it's necessary. After the nerd once talked to him nonstop, he never wore his headphones anymore, well okay, sometimes. He became really really talkative that it started to get annoying, however, we never bother to tell him because we like the new Joel. Now, whenever we ask for his thoughts, he'll say it confidently. He became more open that I thought would never happen.

Whilst for my annoying younger brother, Blake, he's the most war freak in our group. He likes telling other people that he's a part of a fraternity since he thought that he's scary, but actually, he's not. Except for Aphrodite. He never told the young lady that we're one big fraternity, not just a group of guys who likes to hang out. One time, he was annoyed over some small thing that when a guy bumped into him and unintentionally thrown his juice at my brother's uniform, he was fuming mad and ready to punch the poor guy when Aphrodite went in between that made Blake stop. Not only because she's a lady but also, he knew that the guys, which were us, would beat his ass. In the end, Blake was the one to say sorry, not the other way around.


"That's my seat, get up," I said to the guy who was sitting on my seat. He looked up to me so I raised my eyebrows, waiting patiently. He continued eating like he didn't hear what I said so I slammed my hand on the table to get his attention, "I said get up!" I yelled as I'm getting annoyed, growing impatient. A lady went beside him, grabbed his arm, and whispered something. The guy stood up, glared at me, maybe thinking I was afraid of him and left with his food.

I sighed deeply, trying to calm myself. There's a lot of people in here, I could possibly calm myself down - that's what I think. I saw my friends at the entrance, turning their heads everywhere, probably looking out for me. Before they could even see where I was, I stood up and went somewhere peaceful.

I breathe heavily and stared at the flowers and plants that were around me. I could smell their fragrant smell. It somehow helped me to calm down. Then our memories popped in my head and I couldn't contain it anymore.

"..... Hey, Drake." I wiped the single tear that fell and turned my head around to greet Aphrodite with a smile.

"You don't need to fake your smile. It's okay if you feel shit right now." She made me stand up and quickly hugged me tight which made me let my tears fell that I was trying to prevent from falling earlier. She caressed my back and pat my head, "Cry all you want, Drake. It's okay, it's okay."

As the memories flashed in my head, I couldn't stop myself anymore but to cry even harder. I felt a pain in my chest. I tried to wipe away the tears that were falling but it was just unstoppable. My heart was like breaking into pieces. How I wish my grandmother was still here beside me so I won't cry like a baby.

It was unexpected. Her birthday was yesterday and we talked like we always do. I even fell asleep on her lap. I woke up and she's still strong - or so I thought. She told me that I shouldn't get mad at my parents for being strict sometimes for they're only trying their best to raise me up correctly. She told me she loves me so much and that I should always remember that. Little did I know, that was the last time I'll hear her say that. She never neglected me. She was there whilst I was busy growing up. She told me stories as I couldn't sleep properly. And then earlier this morning, I received a text from my dad telling me that grandma's dead. I didn't believe what dad said so I rushed to the hospital which I regretted for I only saw my grandmother, laying on the hospital bed with her eyes closed, and heart beating no more.

Minutes had passed and I finally calmed myself down. I stayed my head at Aphrodite's head for a while. I don't want to talk to her face to face as I'll be embarrassed for crying like I'm not a man.

".....Thank you, Aphrodite," I muttered. She pats my head and said that it was all good.

"I'm sorry for crying like a baby. You shouldn't have seen this." She chuckled which made me hugged her tightly. I felt the heat on my body rising up to my face. Geez, this is embarrassing.

"It's fine, I swear. You don't have to be sorry for letting your feelings out. You're a man, Drake. And men can cry anytime they want." I felt my eyes being watery again.

"I know. But this is embarrassing." My voice cracked. God, I wanted to just disappear. I couldn't believe I let someone see this crybaby side of me.

Aphrodite sighed and tried to lift my head. We were facing each other, I couldn't look into her eyes. "Hey, look at me." Her voice was soft. I looked at her and I could see the concern and her sincerity in her eyes. "You're like a brother to me, Drake, so never feel shy to me, and to any of us, your friends. I'm here. We're here for you."