

(Joel Garcia, an architecture student, 18 years old)

Aphrodite smiled awkwardly at me. Her gaze shifted to Adonis who uttered, "You have to go, right?" The lady panicked when my friend told him that. "Shit. I'll see you later." She grabbed her bag and bid goodbye to us and quickly went outside.

"... Care to share what happened?" I stared at Adonis who wouldn't dare to look and talk to me. Now, this was surprising. The leader of our fraternity who was the only person everyone's afraid of was looking like a puppy just now.

I know that he won't tell me a lie since I caught them with my own eyes at the mall - or at least that's what I think that he won't.

He breathed slowly and finally looked at me in the eyes, "This..... situation is nothing." I stared at him for a long time. I arched my brow.

He knew that I don't talk most of the time but when I do, I could be irritating.

He messed his hair and groaned, "Fine, fine. Remember their fight with our fans?" I nodded and he continued speaking, "Blaze told her that I was the one who called you guys for help, and to make the long story short, we had a deal and this was it. Though I don't think she knew about the other thing I - I mean, we rather, did for them. But it's fine. I don't want her to think that she owes me a bigger one." He scratched the back of his head, his eyes shaking. I didn't know that a lady, specifically Aphrodite, could make our leader this nervous.

Aphrodite didn't know that we're the ones who talked to their parents. They argued with Mrs. Jackford to meet Aphrodite and they were enraged because of what she did to their daughters. We talked with them but when their parents raised their voices to us, Adonis' mom got exasperated and told them that she'll kick their daughters out for violating the rules, for bullying students, and for posting stuff on social media about Aphrodite without her consent. So since then, their daughters didn't bother anyone again. It was the right thing to do though. Because all Aphrodite did was defended herself or else she would be too much injured.

"What are you gonna do with Blaze?" I chuckled when I saw his mixed reaction, nervous and frightened. "Don't worry, I'll try not to fall for Aphrodite, for Blaze..... But if I did - well then, holy f*ck." We both laughed after he muttered that. He'll surely be in trouble if he messes this up. Blaze is a good guy and I know that he's Adonis' best friend among us all and I know, too, that he'll never hurt him - not intentionally. I sighed. I have a bad feeling about this. And I had my negative thoughts running inside my head that I'm hoping it wouldn't happen because if it does, it'll break us apart. I know it will so I'm just hoping for the best.

"Don't make the same mistake, Ad." He glared at me after I told him that. I know that he doesn't want to talk about the past but I'm just reminding him, in case he forgot what happened - it almost break their friendship apart.

He pointed at me, ".....That's a different story."

I chuckled, "Different story, experience, and feeling... but the same person you'll hurt. And I know you know that it's never going to be the same again if something happens between you and Blaze." The worst part that would happen was it'll never be the same because it'll be over.

I remember what happened..... Their friendship was like at the end of the cliff that time, waiting for someone to save them from falling.

Adonis was in a relationship with Blaze's twin sister, Beatrice. The couple had a fight that leads to her death. She was driving around their subdivision with the motorcycle that Blaze gave to her as a gift for her birthday. She was driving very fast that she loses control of it and hit an electricity pole and she was thrown away so far that it breaks her bones. She was in a coma for a month and when she woke up, her last conversation was with Blaze, telling him that she and Adonis fought with each other. He told Blaze to tell Adonis that she forgives him for always being mad that caused them to fight almost every day. She said goodbye to his brother, kissed his cheek, and the last thing she said was, "I'm sorry, Blaze. I'm already tired and I think it's time for me to rest." And when Adonis got inside Beatrice's hospital room, Blaze didn't hesitate to beat Adonis up. They didn't talk to each other for more than a month and it was painful for us to see. Blaze told me everything. I served as his human diary. He cried every single night and I never stopped him every time he hugs me. I comforted him and drank with him every single time he wants to drink. I was there for him in his darkest time so I knew how much it hurts and I don't ever want to see that Blaze again. That Blaze lost his smile, lost his interest in his hobbies, and wanted to give up.

We were hurt but we know that it's nothing compared to what they were feeling so we waited. We let time to do its work and when they were both ready to see each other again, when they forgave each other and gained back their once lost smiles like nothing happened, I was relieved. I was happy to see that our squad is back. The energy's back.

I was just worried about the two of them. We're like brothers but their bond is different. And I don't want them to ruin their friendship just because of a girl. Aphrodite is a nice lady, however, if she's the one who will push these guys to the cliff that they already got away with again, then I'll surely get mad at her.

I won't meddle with their business but I'm hoping nothing will happen or else it's over.