

(Adonis Jackford, a business management student, 18 years old)

My phone vibrated so I took it out of my pocket. I checked the caller's id and quickly answered it when I saw my mom's name.

"Yes, mom?" I answered politely.

"Hey, Ad. Can you please stay here in my office and look out for my files? We have an emergency meeting so I had to leave." She replied. Ugh, I just got here and now I'm leaving again?

I sighed. As if I can say no to my mom.

"Don't worry, I already told your next subject teachers that you're excused." Pft, she got it all ready so I had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, I'm on my way."

"Great! Thanks, Ad." She hung up the phone after that and I stood up from my comfortable seat. I put my phone on the table and got something for myself first. I ate a sandwich and took a drink with me. I was about to go out of our hangout place when Joel questioned me where I am going. I simply replied, "office." And went out already.


As I got inside mom's office, I slumped at the small sofa near the CCTV footage. I reached out for my pocket then I realized that I forgot my phone in our hangout place. Stupid Adonis!

I groaned out of frustration. I stared at the ceiling, wondering what to do. Then my feet started to drag me in front of mom's files. These are our files, not the school's files. That's why she wanted me to look for it. These are very important that if these got into someone's hand, it may ruin somebody's image, reputation, or worse, their life. But the funny thing is, we don't know who we're protecting or destroying.

I shook my head. I don't want to stress things out that I know nothing about. It'll fill up my head and I'll never get over it, not until I got the answer.

I got bored while staring at these boring papers so I walked away and tried to entertain myself. My feet dragged me again, but this time, it was in front of the CCTV footage.

A group of girls got my attention. Not because they're pretty, but I got a bad feeling about it. They were heading in front of the comfort room. Few inches away from them were Precious and Aphrodite.

I looked at the CCTV footage between the boys' and girls' comfort room. The school staff wanted to check what the students were doing so they installed a camera between each comfort room. We don't want to hear reports again about students making out inside the room.

The ladies went inside the comfort room. I watched them closely, still thinking about the bad feeling I felt earlier. Was I overthinking things again? Ugh, never mind. I looked away, trying to stop myself from meddling with their business. Minutes had passed when I checked them again, and now they're face to face. I can't hear what they're talking about but it looks like they're arguing. God, I'm right about that bad feeling! I went to my mom's table to look for a phone and Blaze's file. When I got mom's office phone and Blaze's number, I checked their situation again and for fuck's sake, they're hitting each other! I dialed Blaze's number and immediately called him. I didn't think and just called him right away. They may think that I care about them after doing this but they needed help so whatever happens, I'll just think of a way out.

Not that I'm glad while watching them fight, but I'm amazed by how good they are physically, especially that nerd. She knows how to fight and she's not easy to bully, not like others. What I heard about her was true.

I'm slightly panicking right now as Blaze wasn't answering my damn calls! One last time, if he won't pick this up, I'll help them by myself.

Finally, after a few more rings, he picked it up.

"Hello?" He replied with a bit of irritation heard in his tone.

"This is Ad." I simply replied.

"Oh, geez. I'm sorry, I thought it's just a prank call. Anyway, why did you call?" He asked whilst he was busy munching.

"Second floor, girls' comfort room. Precious and Aphrodite need your help. Bring the others," Then I hung up.


Blaze and my other friends went to the said area and that's when I felt relieved. I sighed and went back to my seat. I glanced at the clock. It's nearly dismissal. For sure, all the students can go home early today because the teachers have a meeting.

I waited patiently for the bell to ring, and when it did, I quickly stood up, went to our classroom to pick up my bag. I also went to our hangout place and got my phone.

I'm walking towards my car when I heard my name being called so I automatically stop.

I don't need to turn around, I knew it was her.

But of course, I turned around and faked my expression like I was shocked to see her, only to see the tiredness in her face. However, I was startled when she smiled sweetly.

I cleared my throat, "What?" I asked coldly.

She scoffed and pouted when she heard my response. But it was instantly replaced by her sincere smile.

"I'm here to say thank you." Even though she's out of energy, she made sure that I can see the sincerity in her by smiling brightly.

"Thank you for what?" I asked like I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Blaze said that you told them that we needed help. So, thank you." Then she smiled again. How can she smile like that when she's in pain? Geez.

"Oh, okay. No problem." I smiled a bit.

I turned around to face my car and was about to go inside when I heard her whisper.


It happened so fast.

She fainted and now we're inside my damn condo. I never brought a lady here before not until today. I did so much for this sleeping lady right here and she owes me a lot.

I called our private doctor and he immediately got here within 10 minutes. When he got inside my room, he stared at me like I did a crime. Dude, I helped this lady and now it looks like I did something bad? I rolled my eyes and the doctor just laughed softly.

He checked Aphrodite and treated her wounds. After that, he said that she needs to rest and eat when she wakes up.

I was about to go out and make something for her when I heard her deep breath. She got up whilst her hand was placed above her head. I went in front of her and laid her down again.

"Tsk, the doctor said that you should rest," I said in a calm voice.

She rubbed her eyes, "Where am I? What happened?" I told her what happened and she slowly nodded her head.

"I'm sorry if I disturbed you." She stood up and was ready to go out when I held her wrist to stop her. "I told you to rest. Now, lay down and sleep again." I rolled my eyes out of irritation.

She looked so guilty for disturbing me so I said something that I regretted afterward.

"Let's make a deal." Her mood finally lit up. Maybe because she wanted to pay me for the good things I did to her today.

"Sure! Anything!" She agreed without knowing the deal that I'm talking about.

I smirked.