
Miss Zombie: A K-pop Idol

They were surrendered by people attacking them as if they wanted to eat them all. They were their prey and they were just scared especially that one girl who was covered by bl**d all over her clothes, and face and was scared for their lives, that bl*od wasn’t hers but theirs who were coming to attack her and the people who were with her. She tried to look at the people who were standing beside her but couldn’t because her attention was on their hunters. She could tell that she was surrounded by muscular and handsome men, but does it matter if they are handsome or not at the point where she and they can die anytime? No. It was tense and very chaotic that she struggled to breathe and held something sharp for the attackers to protect themselves. A girl lazy girl who isn't doing anything for her future gets herself into a messed up situation, an apocalypse with none other than some K-pop idols, and American singers. But it is somewhere her fault that she is stuck with them. After all, it started with a kiss. But there's a secret she needs to keep from everyone else. Will she be able to come out of the mess? If she does then will her life be the same as before even when she made the popular people fall in love with her? Will she even meet them after she gets out of the apocalypse? She ends up being popular, Miss. Zombie. Filled with Love, Drama, Adventure, Comedy, Sweet romance, thriller, and horror.

Tesbie · Fantaisie
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44 Chs


'So, She decided to call me in the end.' Tiara smirked before picking up the call. "I am glad you aren't one of those zombies." Tiara said sarcastically in her mother tongue. "Hello to you too." Kaashi told from the other side of the call and Tiara could feel that she rolling her eyes. "But seriously, Are you okay?" Kaashi asked her worriedly and Tiara took a deep heavy breath. "Yeah, I am… for now." Tiara said in a usual way as much as possible. "You got out of here on time, right?" Tiara asked her. "Yeah… I was in a taxi when I noticed some unusual things but ignored them and when I reached the airport I got to know about the whole mess. I was freaking out, I tried to call you but you didn't pick up. I-I thought…" Kaashi struggled to continue her words.

"You thought I am one of them now." Tiara completed her sentence. "Yeah… So, I took the flight in a rush as they were in a rush themselves as well trying to protect themselves." Kaashi told her how she ended up taking the flight without her. "Yeah, I understand. I am glad you took the flight and safe now." Tiara cheered her up and said genuinely. "You will be out of there as well. I saw every news and every video posted by TR-X on their channel." Kaashi informed her. "I hope so…" Tiara sighed. "By the way, I told you about it, didn't I?" Tiara said sarcastically. "Yeah yeah… My fault I didn't believe it." Kaashi surrendered herself.

"You should have called me earlier. You don't know how much worried I was." Tiara scolded her. "Don't bark! Your phone was switched off!" Kaashi yelled back at her. "But I knew you are okay when I saw those videos online. I called your mom in the morning, she told me that she talked to you yesterday and told me to call you after 11. I know the reason why already." Kaashi told her and pointed out her lazy tactics. "Yeah yeah." Tiara rolled her eyes.

"Aren't you happy that you are popular now? Your hashtags are trending right now. #MissZombie #misssavior #kissgirl and whatnot!" Kaashi said excitedly. "No, I am not happy, It sounds disgusting." Tiara said making a straight face. "You are no fun!" Kaashi exclaimed.

"And you are WITH them like staying, eating, sleeping, and whatnot! Oh my god!" Kaashi joyfully said in a loud excited voice. "Why does it matter? I just want my comfy bed and food cooked by my mother. " She replied to her in a dull voice. "Ugh, Whatever. Can I video call you right now? I want to see them." Kaashi asked her. "Did you call me for me or them?" She raised her eyebrows, curious about the true intentions behind her call. "Of course, For you but they are a bonus." Kaashi answered her almost immediately. "Then forget your bonus. Bye!" Tiara said and pulled the phone away from her ears. "But why?" Kaasi asked her before she could cut the call. "Because it may mean I am spoiling their privacy." Tiara answered her before cutting the call. She sighed and turned around to look at the old fellows sitting on the floor only.

She finished the rest of the food and sat there for a while thinking about what should she do now. 'It's boring here. I can't even talk to any of them. Where are the others? Should I go and look for them outside? Will they think I am desperate to be around them all the time?' She wondered while her eyes shifted to old fellows one by one. 'Ahh, I don't care. I am getting bored here.' She sighed defeatly and stood up to go out to search for them.

She got out of the room and started to wander around the mall while holding the rod in her hand still scared and not believing her luck. She checked the ground floor first, then the 1st floor, the 2nd floor, and then the 3rd floor but couldn't find them anywhere. 'Ughhh, Where are they!? I am getting bored now!' She was getting impatient and knitted her eyebrows before thinking where they could be. 'They can't go out of the mall for sure but I have checked everywhere already. Where can they be?' She scratched her head while guessing their location. 'Only place in this mall left is…' She pressured her brain. 'Terrace!' She clapped once when she figured it out and walked toward the stairs to go to the terrace.

She saw the gate to the terrace was open and peeked a little before going there. The boys were looking down and talking to each other about something. She slowly walked to them and stood beside Joy who was standing at the corner. No one realized her presence until Joy turned his head toward her direction. "Ahh!!" He screamed after founding her beside him.

"Am I that scary?" Tiara asked and crack up in laughter showing all her teeth while everyone else laughed at Joy's stupidity. "Yo-Your teeth!" Joy noticed her sharpened 4 teeth like vampire's fangs and pointed his index finger toward her mouth. Tiara bit her lower lips to hide her teeth from them which made everyone stop laughing and look at her in confusion. "So, what? My teeth are like this and don't have perfect teeth like yours! Is it a crime?" Tiara barked at them stopping them to stare at her like that.

"You have bunny teeth." Ezra said while coming closer to her. "What's wrong with bunny teeth? They are cute." Ezra stood near her and reassured her thinking Joy was talking about her front cute bunny teeth which he noticed just now. "No no… Vampire teeth." Joy told them and showed his teeth while pointing at the exact spot where he saw Tiara's human fangs making everyone even more confused and curious. "Yeah… I have teeth like that… so what?" Tiara protested stuttering. "Can you show me?" Jose pushed Joy behind him standing in front of her instead of Joy. Tiara's heartbeats fastened, and she blinked for quite some time trying to figure out what should she do and processing what he asked her.

"Eeee" Jose stretched his lips wider to show his all teeth and gestured for Tiara to do the same cutely. Tiara started to blush instead of following him, she was trying to hold back her sheepish smile stopping the butterflies forming in her stomach which she just filled with food just 20 minutes ago but it still felt empty enough to feel the butterflies inside there. Her cheeks started to heat turning red which never turned red before in any situation even under the hot sun's rays. "Come on!" Jose grabbed her shoulders and shook her to take her into reality. "Do you have a fever?" Ezra asked her looking at her flustered face. "Huh?" She tilted her head a little in confusion. "Your face turned red." Ian informed her. "Huh?" She was processing what he meant by that. Her eyes widened when she realized her state and shoved Jose's hands away from her shoulders grabbing her flustered red cheek to hide them. "Maybe it's because of the sun's rays. I-It's hot here." She lied.

"And about my teeth… They are like this… since my baby teeth broke and new ones came." Tiara told them and turned her head to look down at the walking undead on the front road. She turned her head to look at everyone again after she cooled herself down. "Lots of people have this kind of teeth in the world." She shrugged after looking that they were still looking at her. "Look." She stretched her lips wider and showed them almost all her teeth. "Woah, You have 4 sharp teeth like vampires. 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom." Nolan analyzed her teeth and she closed her mouth and give him a slight smile. "Like a devil." KR added and corrected Nolan. "Why not a vampire?" Ian asked. "Because Vampires have only two fangs at the top but devils or demons have 4 sharp teeth at each corner," KR explained what he read in some fantasy novels. Everyone nodded their head at his explanation while Tiara gave him a sad broken smile. 'That's because I am a devil.' She thought while pity could be spot in her eyes.

She turned around to look at the undead again trying to hide her broken self, pity for herself, and tears which were brimming in her eyes. "What were you doing before I came?" She asked them without even sparing them a glance. "We were just talking about zombies on the road." KR answered her while everyone else settled on their previous places again. "Hmm" Tiara hmmed and started analyzing their behavior which was quiet and peaceful as they didn't have any prey out there.

"Uhm.. Don't you think they are walking slower than before?" Tiara asked and told them about what she analyzed. "I think so…" Ezra said and started to notice the difference. "Maybe, Or they are just strolling because there's no prey for them yet." Jose said his point of view. "Maybe." Tiara said. They stood there for another few minutes looking at the undead walking on the road without any destination.

Suddenly, Everyone heard a loud gasp and moved their gazes on JJ who was looking at his phone's screen. "What happened?" Vin and Sam asked him together in Korean. JJ didn't say anything and passed his phone to Vin while Sam and KR peeked at the screen as well. "What the-" Vin stopped himself to curse and stared at the phone. Joy snatched the phone from Vin because they weren't telling anyone what it was and Tiara peeked into it as well as Joy was standing beside her.

It was a news page with the most recent news. 'TR-X K-souls were going to save their idols but couldn't protect themselves.' She read the news and then looked at the pictures given down maybe screenshots of a video because they weren't appropriately clicked. "Are they fools?" Tiara knitted her eyebrows and said in a low irritated voice. "What is it?" Ezra asked. "Some stupid people were thinking that they can come here in a car and protect their idols out of here." Tiara said in an annoying and sarcastic way while Joy clicked on JJ's social media and started to find something.

He found lots of edited reels on the Explore page of the incident that happened to their fans who were coming here for them. There were 4 girls who were sitting in a car and informed that they were in Aglos to save their idols out of here when the video started, everything was calm for some minutes but then they stopped their car all the sudden and the camera turned toward the zombies outside of the car who was hitting the car with all the powers. Soon, a window of the car broke down and a hunter shoved his upper body inside the car. He grabbed a girl's wrist who was nearby and eat her hand's flesh while she screamed out of pain. Whoever was recording the video dropped the phone and only the screams could be heard through the video.

"Stupid girls." Tiara mumbled to herself. "They were our fans." Joy gave her deadly glares after he heard what she said about his fans. Everyone's face turned pale and worries could be shown on their faces and Tiara could understand what was going on in their head. 'They are blaming themselves for this, aren't they?' Tiara thought and gulped before parting her lips to say something. "Hey, It was their choice. Everything happens for a reason in this world and we can't change what happened already." Tiara tried to cheer them up their faces remained the same. 'She don't don't know how to comfort someone, Does she?' Ian shook his head and thought.

"I think we should go down and help everyone else for lunch." Ezra said while coming near her and circling her shoulders with his arm. "B-but…" Tiara was about to protest but Jose came near her and snaked his arm around her waist. "Don't. Let's go." He whispered near her ears sending goosebumps all over her body. Both of them started to drag her away from TR-X while Ian and Nolan followed them and she didn't protest anymore as if she gave up as soon as Jose touched her.

TR-X took a deep breath and cleared their mind before discussing the matter in their hands. "I think we should make it clear to Souls not to come here and risk their lives for us." Vin suggested in Korean and broke the silence between them. "Yes, We have to stop this from happening again." KR agreed with him. "Will they listen to us?" Joy asked them. "Hopefully." Sam sighed knowing his stubborn fans. "We should try at least." Vin said. "What do you think, Jisu." KR asked JJ as he noticed he wasn't listening to their conversation. "What?" JJ asked him what were they talking about.

"Nevermind" KR sighed after realizing that JJ zoned out again. "We should go live and tell everyone to spread our words to others." Joy suggested. "Yeah…" Sam exclaimed and sighed. "But my phone is on charge. So, Any of you need to turn on the live." Joy said sheepishly after he checked his both pockets and remembered he put his phone on charge. "Okay, I am turning on the live stream then." Vin said while he pulled his phone out of his pants. JJ's face was turning red as he was holding himself from crying, Joy's face was sad and worried, Vin's face was normal but worriedness could be spotted, KR and Sam's faces were showing rage, a pure rage that was a result of the worries for their fans who were doing stupid things and getting themselves in danger.

On the other hand, Tiara was helping with cooking still in the process to accept that Jose's arm was wrapped around her tiny waist but she was worried about what was going on at the rooftop as well. 'I shouldn't think about them. They can handle it on their own, why do I care?' Tiara thought and shoved their thought out of her brain.

On the rooftop, They started the live stream and were glaring at the phone's screen with rage and sadness. KR was the first one who broke the silence between them and their fans. "We heard about the news just a minute ago." He sighed and stopped to control himself from screaming at his fans and closed his eyes tightly. "I know you are worried about us but we are okay here now." Joy reassured their fans and tried to smile but failed. "We don't want anyone to get in danger because of us!" Sam scolded their fans like a mother.

"Don't you have a brain to use? Don't you have family who wishes for your good health? What are you trying to prove by coming here after us?" Sam kept saying without taking any break until he broke into tears soaking all his face. Joy hugged him to comfort him while Sam buried his face in the crook of his neck for comfort.

"Do you want us to blame ourselves our whole life if something happens to you?" Vin asked softly to his fans who were watching the live stream. "Don't even think to come here or near Aglos's border." JJ requested their fans. "How can we forgive ourselves now!" Joy said while crying still holding Sam. "Huh, What do you mean by you are on your way here?" Vin asked after he read some of the comments on the live stream's comments grabbing the rest of the member's attention.